Academic Titles
2001 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
1992 - 1995 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
Managerial Experience
2000 - 2020 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
2016 - 2019 Faculty Academic Council Member
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
2000 - 2019 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Ortaöğretim Fen Ve Matematik Alanlar Eğitimi Bölümü
Non Academic Experience
2001 - Continues Profesör
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
Advising Theses
Analyzing Cambridge lower secondary science learning objectives by PISA 2018 science framework
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
İ.ÖZAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
The mediating effect of teacher self-efficacy on teaching practice and job satisfaction by using the results of TALIS 2018
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
C.YILDIZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Implementation of the peer-led team learning (PLTL) model to Turkish context: its effect on undergraduate engineering students’ academic performances and anxiety in general chemistry course
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Exploring of STEM readiness of a faculty of education in turkey
Examination of pre-service chemistry teachers’ competency in the field of environmental education and sustainable development
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of context based instruction on 10th grade students’ understanding of fossil fuels and clean energy resources topics and their attitudes toward environment
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The Effects of argument-driven inquiry instructional model on 10th grade students’ understanding of gases concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effects of argument-driven inquiry instructional model on 10th grade students' understanding of gases concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
N.DEMİRCİ(Student), Doctorate, 2015 -
The effect of case based learning instruction on 11th grade students' understanding of acids and bases concepts and their motivation to learn chemistry
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
D.YILDIRAN(Student), Doctorate, 2015 -
The effect of 5E learning cycle and multiple intelligence approach on 9th grade students’ achievement on unit of chemical properties, attitude, and motivation toward chemistry
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The Effect of case based learning instruction on 11th grade students’ understanding of acids and bases concepts and their motivation to learn chemistry
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Timss 2011 cross country comparisons: relationship between student- and teacher-level factors and 8th grade students' science achievement and attitude toward science
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach on students' understanding of chemical bonding concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
G.EYMUR(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
The effect of field trip oriented instruction on ninth grade students' achievement in animal diversity unit, continuing and academic motivation
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Conceptual change texts oriented instruction in teaching solution concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The Effect of cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach on students’ understanding of chemical bonding concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The Effect of project based learning oriented instruction on students’ understanding of human circulatory system concepts and attitude toward biology /
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of physical modeling and computer animation implemented with social constructivist instruction on understanding of human reproductive system
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of 5E learning cycle instruction on 10th grade students' understanding of cell division and reproduction concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
H.ÖZGE(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
The Effect of 5e learning cycle instruction on 10th grade students’ understanding of cell division and reproduction concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of project based learning oriented instruction on students' understanding of human circulatory system concepts and attitude toward biology
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
G.GÜL(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
The effect of multiple intelligences based instruction on students' achievement in basic compounds of living organisms concepts and attitude toward biology
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
T.ŞAKİR(Student), Doctorate, 2013 -
The effect of context-based instruction integrated with learning cycle model on students’ achievement and retention related to states of matter subject
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The Effect of multiple intelligences based instruction on students's achievement in basic compounds of living organisms concepts and attitude toward biology
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of 5E learning cycle model on eleventh grade students’ conceptual understanding of acids and bases concepts and motivation to learn chemistry
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of metaconceptual teaching instruction on 10th grade students’ understanding of states of matter, self-efficacy toward chemistry, and the nature of metaconceptual processes
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of 5E learning cycle model on hihg school students' understanding of solubility equilibrium concept
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of 5e learning cycle model on high school students understanding of solubility equilibrium concept
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
N.AYDEMİR(Student), Doctorate, 2012 -
The effect of context based instruction on 9th grade students' understanding of cleaning materials topic and their attitude toward environment
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of guided inquiry experiments on the acquisition of science process skills, achievement and differentiation of conceptual structure
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of context based approach through 5E learning cycle model on students' understanding of chemical reactions and energy concepts and their motivation to learn chemistry
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Conceptual change oriented instruction and students’ misconceptions in chemical bonding concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The Relationship among secondary scholl students' attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy beliefs toward chemistry lessons
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The relationship among secondary school students attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy beliefs toward chemistry lessons
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Ö.FARUK(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
Contribution of some factors to eighth grade students science achievement in Turkey: TIMSS 2007
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
F.KORKMAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
The effect of 5E learning cycle model on tenth grade students' understanding in the particulate nature of matter, epistemological beliefs and views of nature of science
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
O.BEKTAŞ(Student), Doctorate, 2011 -
The effect of 5e learning cycle model on tenth grade students’ understanding in the particulate nature of matter, epistemological beliefs and views of nature of science
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of conceptual change based instruction on students’ understanding of rate of reaction concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Exploring representation of nature of science aspects in 9th grade chemistry textbooks
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
An assessment of environmental literacy of Turkish science and technology teachers
The effects of computer-based interactive conceptual change texts on 11th grade students' understanding of electrochemistry concepts and attitude toward chemistry
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
U.TAŞDELEN(Student), Doctorate, 2011 -
The effect of computer-based interactive conceptual change texts on 11th grade students’ understanding of electrochemistry concepts and attitude toward chemistry
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Using the science writing heuristic approach to promote student understanding in chemical changes and mixtures
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effects of 7E learning cycle model accompanied with computer animations on understanding of diffusion and osmosis concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
A cross-cultural comparison of the effect of human and physical resources on students’ scientific literacy skills in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effects of conceptual change oriented instruction on understanding of gases concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of constructed web-supported instruction on achievement related to educational statistics
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of case-based learning instruction on students’ understanding of solubility equilibrium concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effects of 5E learning cycle model on understanding of state of matter and solubility concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of modelling instruction on high school students’ understanding of projectile motion
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of modeling instruction on high school students' understanding of projectile motion
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
M.GÖKÇE(Student), Doctorate, 2008 -
Improving 11th grade students' understanding of acid-base concepts by using 5E learning cycle model
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effects of 5e learning cycle model based on constructivist theory on tenth grade students’ understanding of acid-base concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of cooperative learning based on conceptual change conditions on seventh grade students' understanding of classification of matter and physical and chemical changes
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of multiple intelligences based instruction on 9th graders chemistry achievement and attitudes toward science
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Facilitating conceptual chance in atom, molecule, ion and matter
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
A.ŞEKER(Student), Postgraduate, 2006 -
The effect of conceptual change approach on students' understanding of solubility equilibrium concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of conceptual change approach on students' understanding of solubility equilibrium concept
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
İ.ÖNDER(Student), Doctorate, 2006 -
The effect of explicit method of problem solving accompanied with analogies on understanding of mole concept
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of conceptual change texts accompanied with analogies on promoting conceptual change in acid and base concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of multiple intelligences based instruction on 9th grade students' chemistry achievement and attitudes toward chemistry
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
E.BİLGİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2006 -
Facilitating conceptual change in atom, molecule, ion and matter concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of conceptual change instruction accompanied with demonstrations and computer assisted concept mapping on students' understanding of matter concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Conceptual change text oriented instruction to facilitate conceptual change in atoms and molecules
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effects of 5E learning cycle model based on constructivist theory on tenth grade students' understanding of acid-base concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Y.KILAVUZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
Preservice science teachers perception of profession with metaphorical images and reasons of choosing teaching as a profession
GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor), ÇAKIROĞLU J. (Co-Advisor)
E.GÜZEL(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
Conceptual change oriented instruction and students' misconceptions in gases
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of inquiry based chemistry course on students' understanding of atom concept, learning approaches, motivation, self efficacy, and epistemological beliefs
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of instruction using conceptual change strategies on students' conceptions of chemical reactions and energy
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of peer instruction on high school students' achievement and attitudes toward physics
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of analogy-enhanced instruction accomponied with concept maps on understanding of acid-base concept
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of peer instruction on high school students' achievement ano attitudes toward physics
ERYILMAZ A. (Co-Advisor), GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor)
H.ERYILMAZ(Student), Doctorate, 2004 -
Effect of constructed web-supported instruction on achievement related to research methods
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Facilitating conceptual change in learning rate of reaction concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of conceptual change oriented instruction accompanied with cooperative group work on understanding of acid-base concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of conceptual change texts accompanied with analogies on understanding of chemical bonding concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effects of conceptual change oriented instruction accompanied with cooperative group work on understanding of acid-base concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
A.AYHAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
Effect of conceptual change oriented instruction on removing misconceptions about phase changes
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of constructivist approach on students' understanding of chemical bonding concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The roles of motivational beliefs and learning styles on tenth grade students' biology achievement
GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor), ÖZTEKİN C. (Co-Advisor)
Effect of instruction based on conceptual change activities on students' understanding of electrostatics concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
M.BAŞER(Student), Doctorate, 2003 -
The effect of the conceptual change oriented instruction through cooperative learning accompanied by concept mapping on 4th grade students' understanding of earth and sky concepts.
ERTEPINAR H. (Co-Advisor), GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor)
The role of refutational text supported with discussion web in overcoming diffuculties with electric current concepts of 6th grade students.
ERTEPINAR H. (Co-Advisor), GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor)
The Effect of the conceptual change oriented instruction through cooperative, learning accompanied by concept mapping on 4th grade students' understanding of earth and sky concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
O.ÇELİKTEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
The Effect of conceptual change text instruction on understanding respiration concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor), ÖZTEKİN C. (Co-Advisor)
C.ALPARSLAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
Effectiveness of conceptual change instruction on overcoming students' misconceptions of fluid force at 7th grade level.
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
H.YEŞİLYURT(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
The Effect of cooperative learning approach based on conceptual change conditions on students' understanding of chemical equilibrium
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
İ.BİLGİN(Student), Doctorate, 2002 -
The effect of cooperative learning approach based on conceptual change conditions on students understanding of chemical equilibrium
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
The Effect of demonstration method based on conceptual change approach on students' understanding of electrochemistry concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
E.GEDİK(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
The Effects of bridging analogies on high school students' misconceptions in mechanics
GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor), ERYILMAZ A. (Co-Advisor)
S.YILMAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Remediation of seventh grade students misconceptions related to ecological concepts through conceptual change approach
GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor), ÖZTEKİN C. (Co-Advisor)
Ö.ÖZKAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
The effects of bridging analogies on high school students misconceptions in mechanics
ERYILMAZ A. (Co-Advisor), GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Contribution of conceptuol change texts accompanned with concept mopping to students understanding of human circulotary system
ÖZTEKİN C. (Co-Advisor), GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor)
S.SUNGUR(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Effect of conceptual change text instruction on students' understanding of chemical change and conservation of mass concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
G.BAYIR(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Effectiveness of conceptual change instruction on overcowing students' misconceptions of mechanical energy at 0th grade level
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
S.YEŞİM(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
The Effects of conceptual change texts in students'achievement of atom. molecüle. matter concept
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
S.ÜNLÜ(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Effectivenes of conceptual change texts oriented instruction on understanding of electrochemical cell concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of using conceptual change oriented instruction for teaching the acid-base concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
N.ÇİL(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Effectiveness of conceptual change instruction on overcoming students' misconceptions of mechanical energy at 10 th grade level
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effectiveness of conceptual change text oriented instruction on understanding electrochemical cell concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
N.YÜRÜK(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
The effects of conceptual change text in students' achievement of atom, molecule, matter concepts
ERTEPINAR H. (Co-Advisor), GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Effect of conceptual change approach accompanied with concept mapping on understanding of solution
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effects of conceptual change texts accompanied with laboratory activities based on constructivist approach on understanding of acid-base concepts
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
A.YAVUZ(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
A Study of high-school students understanding of chemical equilibrium
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
A.ÖZDEMİR(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
Effect of conceptual change approach accompanied concept mapping on understanding of solution
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
E.UZUNTİRYAKİ(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
Effect of science process skill oriented lesson on understanding of fluid force concepts
ERTEPINAR H. (Co-Advisor), GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Effects of concept mapping and analogy instructions on understanding of mole concept
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
A.ALTAN(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
Effect of conceptual change texts accompanied with laboratory activities based on constructivist approach on understanding of acid-base concepts.
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
A study of high-school students' understanding of chemical equilibrium
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
Effects of computer assisted instruction and worksheet study on students' chemistry at high school level
GEBAN Ö. (Co-Advisor), ERTEPINAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Effects of computer asisted instruction and worksheet study on students chemistry achievement and at studes toward chemistry at high school level
GEBAN Ö. (Advisor)
S.YILDIRIM(Student), Postgraduate, 1995