2015 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
2010 - 2015 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
2005 - 2010 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
2004 - 2005 Lecturer PhD
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
2014 - Continues Diploma Denklik Komisyonu (Eğitim Alt Komsiyonu) Üyeliği
Relationships among pre-service mathematics teachers' self-efficacy towards mathematical modeling, epistemological beliefs, and metacognitive awareness
Erbaş A. K. (Advisor)
B.ÇALIŞKAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Junior cycle students' understanding of graphing and functions: A case study
, Erbaş A. K. (Advisor)
Ü.GÜLSÜM(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Diagnosing students' mastery profile of algebraic thinking ability: An application of mixed hierarchically structured cognitive diagnostic models
Erbaş A. K. (Advisor)
M.ERDOĞAN(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Factors affecting teachers' technology acceptance and usage for teaching mathematics
Erbaş A. K., Çakıroğlu E.(Co-Advisor)
E.SOYDAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Opportunities to learn algebraic thinking afforded by the tasks in mathematics textbooks for grades 3 to 5 in Turkey
Erbaş A. K. (Advisor)
G.AKTÜRK(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Fifth-grade students' learning of multiplication of fractions based on realistic mathematics education
, Erbaş A. K. (Advisor)
N.OCTAVARULIA(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Çakıroğlu E., Erbaş A. K. (Co-Advisor)
Secondary mathematics teachers' subject matter knowledge of quadratic functions and its contribution to student learning outcomes
Erbaş A. K. (Advisor)
G.KARACI(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Erbaş A. K. (Advisor)
İ.YILDIZEL(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Fostering prospective mathematics teachers' conceptions of definite integral in the context of engineering design activities
Erbaş A. K. (Co-Advisor), Çakiroğlu E.
Sixth and seventh-grade students' strategies in solving proportional problems supported with interactive simulations
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
A.CANOĞULLARI(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Fostering prospective mathematics teachers' conceptions of definite integral in the context of engineering design activities: A design experiment
Ü.CANSU(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Problem-solving processes of mathematically gifted and non-gifted students
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Y.SİPAHİ(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Towards defining biology teacher educator competencies: A delphi study
Erbaş A. K., ÇETİNKAYA B. (Co-Advisor)
F.KOYUNCU(Student), Doctorate, 2020 -
Prospective teachers’ interpretation of multiplicative situations with fractions
An analysis of the opportunities to learn afforded by the tasks in a ninth grade Turkish mathematics textbook
Exploring secondary mathematics teachers’ conceptions of mathematical literacy
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Mathematics in context: An ethnographic study with middle school students working as street-marketers, barbers, and bakers
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Cognitive analysis of students' learning of trigonometry in dynamic geometry environment: A teaching experiment
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Z.ŞAHİN(Student), Doctorate, 2015 -
Cognitive analysis of students’ learning of trigonometry in dynamic geometry environment : a teaching experiment
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
An Investigation of teachers’ noticing of students’ mathematical thinking in the context of a professional development program
ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor), ÇETİNKAYA B. (Co-Advisor)
Pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ understanding of derivative through a model development unit
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
An Investigation of pre-service mathematics teachers’ mathematizing during a mathematical modeling task
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
An Investigation of prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ thinking about mathematical modeling and pedagogy of modeling throughout a modeling course
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
An investigation of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers' knowledge of students' thinking through analyzing student work
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
M.GÖZDE(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
An Investigation of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ knowledge of students’ thinking through analyzing student work
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Students’ intuitively-based misconceptions in probability: teachers’ awarenesses and teaching practices in middle and high schools
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
An investigation of pre-service mathematics teachers' mathematizing during a mathematical modeling task
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
M.KOL(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
Students' intuitively-based misconceptions in probability: Teachers' awarenesses and teaching practices in middle and high schools
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
M.FATİH(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
An investigation of prospective secondary mathematics teachers' thinking about mathematical modeling and pedagogy of modeling throughout a modeling course
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
H.KORKMAZ(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
Teachers' knowledge of content and students about the function concept and its interrelation with student learning outcomes in vocational high schools
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
V.HATISARU(Student), Doctorate, 2013 -
An Investigation of prospective teachers’ mathematical modelling processes and their views about factors affecting these processes
ÇETİNKAYA B. (Co-Advisor), ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor)
Assessment of preservice mathematics teachers’ knowledge for teaching statistics
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Teacher learning in and from practice : the case of a secondary mathematics teacher
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Teacher learning in and from practice : A case of a secondary mathematics teacher
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
E.GÜL(Student), Doctorate, 2013 -
An investigation of prospective teachers' mathematical modelling processes and their views about factors affecting these processes
ÇETİNKAYA B. (Co-Advisor), ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor)
A.ŞEN(Student), Doctorate, 2013 -
Teachers’ knowledge of content and students about the functıon concept and ıts ınterrelatıon wıth student learnıng outcomes ın vocatıonal hıgh schools
ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor), KORKMAZ B. (Co-Advisor)
An investigation of teachers' noticing of students' mathematical thinking in the context of a professional development program
ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor), ÇETİNKAYA B. (Co-Advisor)
S.BAŞ(Student), Doctorate, 2013 -
The Contribution of personality, motivation, academic risk-taking, and metacognition to the creative ability in mathematics
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Middle school mathematics teachers' use of textbooks and integration of textbook tasks into practice: a mixed methods study
ÇAKIROĞLU E. (Co-Advisor), ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor)
The contribution of personality, motivation, academic risk-taking and metacognition to the creative ability in mathematics
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
S.BAŞ(Student), Doctorate, 2012 -
An Investigation of in-service secondary mathematics teachers’ evolving knowledge through professional development activities based on modeling perspective
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Physics teachers beliefs related to Turkish high school physics curriculum: A multiple case study
ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor), YILDIRIM U. (Co-Advisor)
S.KAPUCU(Student), Doctorate, 2012 -
Physics teachers' beliefs related to Turkish high school physics curriculum: a multiple case study
ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor), YILDIRIM U. (Co-Advisor)
An investigation of in-service secondary mathematics teachers evolving knowledge through professional development activities based on modeling perspective
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
A.AYDOĞAN(Student), Doctorate, 2012 -
Pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ views about using graphing calculators in elementary school algebra: the case of using Classpad
ÇETİNKAYA B. (Co-Advisor), ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor)
Pre-service elementary mathematics teachers' views about using graphing calculators in elementary school algebra: The case of using classpad
ERBAŞ A. K. (Co-Advisor), ÇETİNKAYA B. (Co-Advisor)
M.KAPLAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2010 -
A comparative analysis of perimeter, area and volume topics in the selected sixth, seventh and eighth grades mathematics textbooks from Turkey, Singapore and The United States
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Students’ strategies, episodes and metacognitions in the context of pisa 2003 mathematical literacy items
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Effects of graphing calculators on eighth grade students' achievement in graphs of linear equations and concept of slope
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Students’ learning of quadratic equations through use of interactive whiteboard and graphing software
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Using technology in preventing and remedying seventh grade students' misconceptions in forming and solving linear equations
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
The effects of computer based instruction on seventh grade students’ spatial ability, attitudes toward geometry, mathematics and technology
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
Students' strategies, episodes and metacognitions in the context of Pisa 2003 mathematical literacy items
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
S.OKUR(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
The effect of dynamic geometry use together with open-ended explorations in sixth grade students’ performances in polygons and similarity and congruency of polygons /
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)
A survey of teachers’ implementations of new elementary school mathematics curriculum in sixth grade
ERBAŞ A. K. (Advisor)