Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
A review on pre-service teachers' views on nature of science
, vol.4, no.2, pp.603-616, 2012 (SCI-Expanded)

Articles Published in Other Journals
Adaptation of Character and Values as Global Citizens AssesmentQuestionnaire Into Turkish: Validity and Reliability Study
Pamukkale Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
, vol.42, pp.74-85, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
, vol.8, pp.535-550, 2011 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
A model testing on SSI teaching self-efficacy beliefs and related factors
ECER European Conference on Educational Research, 1 - 03 September 2019
Öğretmenlerin Sosyobilimsel Konulardaki Kavram Karikatürleri İle Argümantasyon Temelli Yürüttükleri Diyalojik Tartışmaların Değerlendirilmesi
II. Uluslararası Öğretmen Eğitimi ve Akreditasyon Kongresi, Rize, Turkey, 27 - 29 October 2018
Öğretmenlerin Sosyobilimsel Konulardaki Kavram Karikatürleri ile Argümantasyon Temelli Yürüttükleri Diyalojik Tartışmaların Değerlendirilmesi
II. Uluslararası Öğretmen Eğitimi ve Akreditasyon Kongresi, Rize, Turkey, 27 - 29 October 2018, pp.126
Pre-service science teachers’ overarching conceptions of technology integration and their technology integration plans into socioscientific issues teaching
27th International Conference on Educational Sciences, 18 - 22 April 2018
Who Decide What To Buy in Toystores?
5. Uluslararası Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kongresi, 18 - 21 October 2017, pp.347-348
How books are selected for young children?: Driving forces for children and parents
26. Uluslararası Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, 20 - 23 April 2017
Öğretmen Adaylarının Fen Teknoloji Mühendislik Matematik FeTeMM Eğitimine Yönelik Niyetlerinin İncelenmesi
XII. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi, Turkey, 28 - 30 September 2016
Examining nature of science understandings and reflective judgment skills of preservice teachers revealed in socioscientific issues based inquiry laboratory course
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Budapest, Hungary, 7 - 11 September 2015
STEM Integration into a Laboratory Course A Case Study
ISER, 10 - 12 June 2015
Modelling the relationships among pre service science teachers cultural environmental bias nature relatedness and energy related behaviors
The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Chicago, United States Of America, 11 - 14 April 2015
Reflective judgment and argumentation skills of preservice teachers in a socioscientific issues based laboratory inquiry course
The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Chicago, 11 - 14 April 2015
An adaptation study of the epistemic belief inventory with Turkish pre service science teachers
The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Chicago, United States Of America, 11 - 14 April 2015
Anxiety and education.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), İstanbul, Turkey, 9 - 13 September 2013
The interaction between nature of science understanding and religious beliefs
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), İstanbul, Turkey, 9 - 13 September 2013
An exploration of pre-service science teachers' argumentation skills and their reflective judgment stages through socioscientific issues.
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), İstanbul, Turkey, 9 - 13 September 2013
Use of metacognitive prompts for young experiment in a science laboratory course..
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Berlin, Germany, 12 - 16 September 2010
Usage of metacognitive prompts in a science laboratory course
XIV IOSTE, Celje, Slovenia, 13 - 18 June 2010, pp.211-213
Moral reasoning patterns of pre-service science teachers toward local and non-local environmental problems
XIV IOSTE, Celje, Slovenia, 13 - 18 June 2010, pp.1161-1167
University students' moral reasoning patterns about environmental moral dilemmas
European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) , İstanbul, Turkey, 31 August - 04 September 2009, pp.2111-211
The impact of inquiry-based laboratory instruction and explicit reflective teaching on preservice science teachers' nature of science views
European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), İstanbul, Turkey, 31 August - 04 September 2009, pp.470
Relationships among preservice teachers' environmental attitudes and beliefs and nature relatedness
European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), İstanbul, Turkey, 31 August - 04 September 2009, pp.465
Preservice science teachers (PSTs) informal reasoning characteristics regarding socioscientific issues: The relationship between informal reasoning patterns and quality
European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) , İstanbul, Turkey, 31 August - 04 September 2009, pp.122
Preservice science teachers informal reasoning regarding socioscientific issues and the factors influencing their informal reasoning
The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), 17 - 21 April 2009
The relationships between preservice science teachers' environmental attitude and behavior and epistemological beliefs.
XIII. IOSTE Symposium, İzmir, Turkey, 21 - 26 September 2009, pp.161-170
Effect of inquiry instruction and gender on students' science process skills, epistemological beliefs, and learning approaches in Turkish context.
XIII IOSTE Syposium, İzmir, Turkey, 21 - 26 September 2008, pp.1266-1273
Pre-service teachers' perceptions and motivations toward a science laboratory course.
XIII IOSTE Symposium, İzmir, Turkey, 21 - 26 September 2008, pp.494-501
Pre-service teachers' understanding about global warming and ozone layer depletion.
XIII IOSTE Symposium, İzmir, Turkey, 21 - 26 September 2008, pp.1218-1227

Investigating pre-service teachers' learning approach and beliefs in inquiry learning environment.
ESERA, Malmö, Sweden, 21 - 25 August 2007
Metacognitive skills and students' achievement in science lessons.
ESERA, Malmö, Sweden, 21 - 25 August 2007, pp.196
Investigation the effect of inquiry method on developing prospective teachers' science process skills through word association test.
ESERA, Malmö, Sweden, 21 - 25 August 2007
Preservice science teachers beliefs about implementation of different teaching methods.
ESERA, Malmö, Sweden, 21 - 25 August 2007
Turkish High School Student s Perceptions of Constructivist Learning Environment in Chemistry Classrooms and their Attitudes towards Chemistry
National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), 3 - 06 April 2006, pp.294
Turkish high school student s perceptions of constructivist learning environment in chemistry classrooms and their attitudes toward chemistry
Annual Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), 3 - 06 April 2006
Books & Book Chapters
Disiplinlerarası bakış açısıyla yerel, ulusal ve küresel olaylar
in: Disiplinlerarası Fen Öğretimi, Hakan Şevki Ayvacı, Mustafa Ergun, Editor, Pegem Akademi, pp.50-60, 2022