The National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), California, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 17 - 21 Nisan 2009, ss.281
The aim of this study was to explore Preservice Science Teachers’ (PSTs) informal reasoning and the factors influencing their informal
reasoning. Constant comparative method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) and seven socioscientific issues (SSI) were used to explore informal
reasoning and influencing factors. Three SSI dealt with gene therapy and the other three issues dealt with cloning. The last issue dealt
with global warming. Two interview protocols were used in the present study. Informal Reasoning Interview protocol focused on the
exploration of informal reasoning, and Moral Decision-Making Interview protocol was used to explore the factors influencing informal
reasoning. Totally, 39 PSTs voluntarily participated in the study. Senior elementary PSTs from a large public university, in city, a country
were the intended sample for this study. Emergent informal reasoning categories from the present study were: rationalistic, emotive, and
intuitive informal reasoning patterns. In addition, main factors influencing participants’ informal reasoning were accumulated under four
main categories; personal experiences, social considerations, moral-ethical considerations, and technological concerns. Furthermore, the
social considerations category consists of three sub-categories; economic, educational, and religious considerations