Advising Theses
Investigation of haptic manipulators with linear equations of motion
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Dynamic analysis, design and practical applications of an overconstrained mechanical force generator
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Theoretical and experimental dynamic performance optimization of planar mechanisms using adjustment systems and mechanical generators
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Biomechanical modelling of a horse rider
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Kınematıc analysıs of a slıder crank mechanısm vıa a pre-calıbrated vısıon system developed by usıng two commercıal cameras
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
M.HİLMİ(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
Kinematic analysis of a slider crank mechanism via a pre–calibrated vision system developed by using two commercial cameras
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Locomotion and control of a modular snake like robot
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Development of a two-fingered and a four-fingered robotic gripper
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Development of a 3-camera vision system and the saddle motion analysis of horses via this system
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
An algorithm to resolve the optimal locomotion problem of modular robots
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Dynamic stability analysis of modular, self-reconfigurable robotic systems
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Dynamic performances of kinematically and dynamically adjustable planar mechanisms
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Trajectory planning algorithms for cooperating robots
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
E.SELVİ(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Inertial parameter desing of spatial mechanisms
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
F.CEMAL(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Inertial parameter design of spatial mechanisms
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Optimal shope design of two dimensional rigid bodies with constraints on their kinematic and inertial parameters
DARENDELİLER H. (Co-Advisor), SOYLU R. (Co-Advisor)
S.GÜREL(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Inertial parameter design of planar mechanisms
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
M.TURSUN(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Suboptimal control of dynamic systems using polynomial parameterization and symbolic manipulation.
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Suboptimal control of dynamic systems using polynominal parameterization symbolic manipulation
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
E.YILMAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 1997 -
A new methodology for the kinematic synthesis of planar mechanisms
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
A New methodology for the kinamatic synthesis of planar mechanisms
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
G.BIÇAKÇI(Student), Postgraduate, 1996 -
Motion modelling and time-optimal trajectory planning for an industrial robot
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
H.ÜTÜKLERLİ(Student), Postgraduate, 1995 -
Visual simulation of an industrial robot
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
S.DİNÇER(Student), Postgraduate, 1995 -
Formulation of dynamics and lineerization of hybrid robots
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
M.ÇETİN(Student), Postgraduate, 1994 -
Efficientmethods for the kinematic analysis of spatial mechanisms and robots
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
M.BURAK(Student), Postgraduate, 1994 -
Formulation of dynamics and linearization of hybrid robots
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
Computer aided generation and linearization of the equations of motion of serial robot manipulators
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
A.SARRAFİ(Student), Postgraduate, 1993 -
Kinematic nad dynamic performance of spherical wrist and planar wrist manipulators
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
E.BÜYÜKLİMANLI(Student), Postgraduate, 1992 -
Crank-rotatibility synthesis and automatic generation of the input-output equations of mechanisms
SOYLU R. (Advisor)
A.KUNTER(Student), Postgraduate, 1991