2017 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Actuarial Science
2012 - 2017 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Actuarial Science
2009 - 2012 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Actuarial Science
2008 - 2009 Associate Professor
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg im Breisgau, Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, Econometrics
2003 - 2009 Assistant Professor
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg im Breisgau, Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, Econometrics
2005 - 2006 Assistant Professor
Illinois State University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
1997 - 2001 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Statistics
1985 - 1996 Research Assistant
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Statistics
2021 - Continues Rectorate Commissioner
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Actuarial Science
2020 - Continues Director of The Institution
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics
2019 - Continues Academic Performance D. Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Actuarial Science
2017 - Continues Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Financial Mathematics
2009 - Continues Erasmus Program Institutional Coordinator
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Actuarial Science
2012 - 2017 Assistant Director of the Institute
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics
2012 - 2015 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Financial Mathematics
1998 - 2001 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Statistics
1996 - 1997 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Statistics
2008 - 2009 Associate Professor (Title)
Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
2002 - 2007 Statistician
Wellness Consulting - Germany
2005 - 2006 Associate Professor (Title)
Illinois State University
2003 - 2005 Instructor/Reader
Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg
1997 - 1998 Instructor
St. John's University NY USA
Modeling Exchange Rate Volatility Using ARMA-GARCHAproach with Non-Gaussian Distribution
Kestel A. S., Türker Bayrak Ö.(Co-Advisor)
Y.GİRGİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Markov-chain modulated implied liquidity: Modeling and estimation
Eksi-Altay Z.(Co-Advisor), Kestel A. S.
Ç.YERLİ(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Classification of imbalanced credit data sets with borrower-specific cost-sensitive algorithms
Kestel A. S., Yildirak Ş. K.(Co-Advisor)
Y.YAMAN(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Clustering Influence on MTPL Premium Estimation Using Credibility Approach
Kestel A. S., Yıldırım Külekci B. (Co-Advisor)
İ.Onur(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Kestel A. S. (Advisor),
E.HASGÜL(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Determination of spot wheat prices under climate impact using copula approach
Kestel A. S., Yıldırım Külekci B. (Co-Advisor)
İ.Kayapınar(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Coupled hidden Markov model with bivariate discrete copula to study comorbidity of chronic diseases
Yozgatlıgil C., KESTEL A. S. (Co-Advisor)
Z.OFLAZ(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Modeling cash flows under IFRS17: Türk case
KESTEL A. S. (Advisor)
R.JUBEH(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Stochastic modeling of stop-loss reinsurance and exposure curves under time dependent structure
KESTEL A. S. (Advisor)
Ö.MURAT(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Bitcoin price forecasting under the influences of network metrics and other financial assets
KESTEL A. S. (Advisor)
İ.DAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Assessment of artificial neural network to improve hidden Markov model for financial data
KESTEL A. S. (Advisor)
D.AYDOĞAN(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Optimal Capacity Allocation in Electricity Industry in accordance with Renewable Energy Sources: The US Case
Kestel A. S., Yılmaz B.(Co-Advisor)
U.GÖLBAŞI(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Calculation of average glandular doses in patients undergoing mammography
KESTEL A. S. (Advisor)
A.EGE(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Risk measurement using time varying extreme value copulas
KESTEL A. S. (Advisor)
B.YILDIRIM(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Kestel S. A., Dalkır S.(Co-Advisor)
H.ESİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2020 -
Modeling problems in a regional labor market - by mars and artificial intelligence - poland case
Modelling and Forecasting Age-Segmented Mortality: Evaluation of Lee-Carter Method and Its Extensions
Kestel S. A. (Co-Advisor), Sürücü B.
R.SIDAR(Student), Postgraduate, 2019 -
Early warning model with machine learning for Turkish Insurance Sector
Kestel S. A. (Advisor)
Kestel S. A. (Advisor)
Corporate strategies for currency risk management
Utilization of outlier-adjusted lee-carter model in mortality estimation on whole life annuities
Kestel S. A. (Advisor)
Askan Gündoğan A., Kestel S. A. (Co-Advisor)
Comparison of machine learning algorithms on consumer credit classification
Kestel S. A., Uğur Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Empirical comparison of portfolio risk diversification algorithms
Efficient Simulation and Modelling of Counterparty Credit Risk
KESTEL S. A. (Co-Advisor), UĞUR Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Measuring longevity risk on second pillar pension system: Turkey case
Kestel S. A. (Advisor)
Mixture of vines for dependence modeling: Finite mixture and Cd-vine approaches with applications
KESTEL S. A. (Co-Advisor), YOZGATLIGİL C. (Co-Advisor)
The comparison of risk measures on claim distributions: Turkish motor insurance case
Reinsurance pricing using exposure curve of two dependent risks
Kestel S. A. (Advisor), De Lourdes Centena M.(Co-Advisor)
Flexibility modelling of natural gas contracts: i·stanbul case
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
C.FUAD(Student), Postgraduate, 2016 -
Flexibility modelling of natural gas contracts: i̇stanbul case
A quantitative risk assessment methodology for occupational accidents in underground coal mines:A case of Turkish Hard Coal Enterprises
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
CPPI strategy on defined contribution pension scheme under cushion option and discrete time trading setting
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
Risk premium estimation in mtpl insurance using copula:Turkey case
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
Assessment of Solvency II requirements for Turkish insurance market
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
Stochastic surplus processes with VaR and CVaR simulations in actuarial applications
KESTEL S. A. (Co-Advisor), UĞUR Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Bivariate hidden Markov model to capture the dependency in claim estimate
KESTEL S. A. (Co-Advisor), YOZGATLIGİL C. (Co-Advisor)
Hydro inflow forecasting and virtual power plant pricing in the Turkish electricity market
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
Discrete-time surplus process for takaful insurance with multiple threshold levels
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
Modeling future mortality rates using both deterministic and stochastic approaches
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
Constant proportion portfolio insurance in defined-contribution pension plan management
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
Determination of inflation rate in a hidden Markov model framework: Turkey case
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
An early warning model for Turkish insurance companies
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
Ground motion simulations based on regional input parameters and their impact on insurance premiums: Bursa case
KESTEL S. A. (Co-Advisor), ASKAN GÜNDOĞAN A. (Co-Advisor)
The estimation of adopted mortality and morbidity rates using Markov model and phase type law: Turkish case
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
The relation between crude oil prices and financial market indicators: a copula approach
Demand, supply and partial equilibrium analysis of electricity energy pricing for Turkish market
Kestel S. (Advisor)
Demand, supply and partial equilibrium analysis of Turkish electricity energy pricing
KESTEL S. A. (Advisor)
A.ÖZDEMİR(Student), Postgraduate, 2013 -
Impact of capacity level on reinsurance and cat bond markets
Kestel S. (Co-Advisor)
Survival modelling approach to time to first claim and actuarial premium calculation
Kestel S. (Advisor)
Genetic algorithm approach for the optimization of technical trading rule parameters.
Kestel S. A. (Advisor)
T.HÜLAGÜ(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Experimental design under nonnormality
Tiku M. L., Kestel S. A. (Co-Advisor)
B.ŞENOĞLU(Student), Doctorate, 2000 -
Parameter Estimation of Some Discrete Trivaiate Distributions and Applications of These Distributions
Kestel S. A. (Advisor)
Ö.Mehmet(Student), Postgraduate, 1997