2012 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Language Education
2006 - 2012 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Language Education
2000 - 2006 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Language Education
1998 - 2000 Lecturer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Language Education
2013 - 2017 Dean
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education
2012 - 2013 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Language Education
2008 - 2012 Vice Dean
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education
Efl learners’ imagined communities and investments: multiple perspectives from an intensive English language program in Turkey
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The effect of standardisation sessions conducted before english language writing exams on inter-rater and intra-rater reliability
Seferoğlu G. (Advisor)
Establishment and maintenance of the pedagogical focus in teacher led foreign language classrooms in practicum
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Exploring the effects of feedback types and wiki on efl learners' writing performance
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
A.ALTAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2018 -
Invitational leadership practices at a school of foreign languages from a gendered perspective: A case study
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Exploring the effects of feedback types and wiki on EFL learners’ writing performance
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Self-regulation strategies that Eenglish language learners in a Turkish state university use to increase their proficiency and self-efficacy
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Investigating perceived competences of English language teachers in Turkey with regard to educational background and experience
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Self-regulation strategies that English language learners in a Turkish state university use to increase their proficiency and self-efficacy
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
B.TOMAK(Student), Doctorate, 2017 -
The perceptions of pre-service EFL teachers on their professional identity formation throughout practice teaching
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
An investigation into Turkish English language teachers' perceived professional development needs, practices and challenges
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
S.KORKMAZGİL(Student), Doctorate, 2015 -
Effect of a culturalist versus an interculturalist approach in ELT on Turkish EFL teacher candidates‟ proteophilic competence
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
An Investigation into Turkish english language teachers’ perceived professional development needs, practices and challenges
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
An analysis of the pragmatic competence of pre-service English language teachers: Appropriateness of forms of address
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
English language teachers‟ perceptions about an online basic call training /
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor), KAÇAR I. G. (Co-Advisor)
An investigation of career plans (Career, professional and workplace intentions) and career choice satisfaction of senior year pre-service English teachers in Turkey
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Student and instructor perceptions on feedback to student writing
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Code-switching in EFL classrooms: A case study on discourse functions, switch types, initiation patterns, and perceptions
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
An analysis of text based cmc of advanced efl learners in second life
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The impact of call instruction on English language teachers’ use of technology in language teaching
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Beliefs of members of an online community of practice on the effects of membership on teaching and professional development
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The impact of CALL instruction on English language teachers' use of technology in language teaching
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
F.KILIÇKAYA(Student), Doctorate, 2012 -
The effect of picture vocabulary games and gender on four year-old children’s english vocabulary performance: an experimental investigation
OLGAN R. (Co-Advisor), SEFEROĞLU G. (Co-Advisor)
An investigation into the relationship between emotional intelligence skills and foreign language anxiety of students at a private university
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The effect of picture vocabulary games and gender on four year-old children's English vocabulary performance: An experimental investigation
Olgan R., Seferoğlu G. (Co-Advisor)
H.ELİF(Student), Postgraduate, 2011 -
Promoting efl pre-service teachers' self-directed learning through electronic portfolios: A case study
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
D.AYAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2010 -
Promoting efl pre-service teachers’ self-directed learning through electronic portfolios: a case study
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
An investigation of English language teachers' attitudes toward computer technology and their use of technology in language teaching
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
K.KARAKAYA(Student), Postgraduate, 2010 -
A investigation of English language teachers' attitudes toward computer technology and their use of technology in language teaching
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The role of gender and language learning strategies in learning English
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Exploring the use of mobile phones for supporting english language learners’ vocabulary acquisition
SEFEROĞLU G. (Co-Advisor), ÇAĞILTAY K. (Co-Advisor)
The effect of three different types of corrective feedback on writing performances of english language learners at university of economics and technology
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The effect of three different types of corrective feedback on writing performances of English language learners
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
S.EYLENEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
Attitudes and motivational intensity of foreign language learners at vocational high schools: A comparative study
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
An investigation of learner autonomy and strategies for coping with speaking problems in relation to success in English speaking classes
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The effect of an extended teacher wait time on the participation of students in primary elt classes
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Analysis of Turkish learners' attitudes towards English language and English speaking societies
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Analysis of Turkish learners' attitudes towards English and English speaking societies
SEFEROĞLU G. (Co-Advisor), AKAR H. (Co-Advisor)
B.ÜZÜM(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
An evaluation of the Eng 311, advanced communication skills
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
A Study of an American University master's program in TESOL: Multiple perspectives in program evaluation
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The relationship between perceptual and social learning styles and multiple intelligences and their effects on English proficiency of Turkish young adults learning English as a foreign language
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Instructors' perceptions of english 101 writing exam grading criteria used in the Faculty of Academic English Program at Bilkent University
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The effects of peer revıew on young learners writing at İhsan Doğramacı foundation Bilkent Primary School
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
E.KUTLUK(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
The effect of computer-assisted language learning on learners' achievement on the toefl exam
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Developing reading skills in English through strategy training at upper intermediate level in Bilkent University school of English Language
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The effect of computer assisted language learning on learners' achievement on the TOEFL exam
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
F.KILIÇKAYA(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
The effects of peer review on young learners' writing at İhsan Doğramacı foundation Bilkent Primary School
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Effects of guided reading on upper-intermediate level English language learners' writing outcome at the Turkish Prime Minister
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Effects of guided reading on upper-intermediate level English language learners' writing outcome at the Turkish prime ministry
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
F.ORGUN(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
A comparison of two teacher-written feedback procedures given to EFL students at the department of basic english and students' attitudes towards these feedback procedures
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
The Relationship between learning styles and language learning strategies of pre-intermediate EAP students
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
Training EFL students on listening strategies at Middle East Technical University
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
S.UZAKGÖREN(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
A Comparison of two teacher-written feedback procedures given to EFL students at the department of basic English and students attitudes towards these feedback procedures
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
U.TÜMKAYA(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Improving students active vocabulary in English through strategy awareness, recyling, and student feedback
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)
A.AKIN(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Improving students' active vocabulary in English through strategy awareness, recycling, and student feedback
SEFEROĞLU G. (Advisor)