Academic Titles
2012 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations
Managerial Experience
2016 - 2019 Vice Rector
Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office
2010 - 2016 University Executive Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office
2010 - 2016 Director of The Institution
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Social Sciences
2005 - 2010 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations
1997 - 1999 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations
Non Academic Experience
2005 - Continues Professor
2000 - 2005 Associate Professor (Promotion)
1999 - 2000 Associate Professor (Title)
1995 - 1999 Assistant Professor
Advising Theses
Structuring the muslim pilgrimage to Mecca: The role of monarchs revisited
Altunişik M. (Advisor)
A.MOHAMED(Student), Doctorate, 2024 -
Yemen- A fragile state and overriding international stakes
Altunışık M. (Advisor)
M.BANO(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Make Turkey great again! Neo-ottomanism: Was it really anti-West?
Altunışık M. (Advisor)
Ö.ÖZBEY(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Political economy of transformation in Saudi Arabia
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
O.AKGÜN(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Charismatic leadership in Egypt: Gamal Abdel Nasser
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
T.ALTUN(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
An analysis of Hezbollah's political pragmatism at the domestic and regional levels in the frame of liminality
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
E.İNAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
The discourses of political leaders towards Syrian refugees in Lebanon and implications for domestic politics
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
D.DAL(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
An overview of Turkey-KRG relations after the 2017 Independence Referendum initiative: From securitizaton to compartmentalization
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Z.YILDIRIM(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Turkey's fluctuating relations with Iran, 2002-2019: The regionalist perspective
Altunışık M. (Advisor)
Z.FUNDA(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Altunışık M. (Advisor)
E.OKUMUŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Dynamics of the Iranian role in the Syrian civil war
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Alternative forms of internationalization: The case of Iran
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Does trade follow the flag? Turkey’s relations with Israel and Egypt
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Does trade follow the flag? Turkey's relations with Israel and Egpyt
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
B.CAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2017 -
A historical sociology approach to İranian nationalism (1921-1979): An İR perspective
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Co-Advisor), ERGUN ÖZBOLAT A. (Co-Advisor)
Interregional relations : perspectives on the summit of South American- Arab countries ‘new’ patterns of engagement
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Discursive continuity of political nationalism as a form of opposition politics in modern Iran
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Afganistan'ın bölgesel güvenliği: Asya'nın kalbi İstanbul süreci
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Ş.YAŞAR(Student), Doctorate, 2015 -
Interregional Relations: Perspectives on the Summit of South American-Arab Countries 'New' patterns of engagement
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
M.MARİE(Student), Postgraduate, 2015 -
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Turkish-Saudi relations: from a regional perspective in the period from 2003 until 2013
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Reconsidering durability of authoritarian regime and possibilities of democratization in Tunisia
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Post-Revolutionary Iran's foreign policy toward the United States: A historical sociological analysis of state transformation and foreign policy
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
G.ŞEN(Student), Doctorate, 2013 -
The reform period in Iran: A study on the reasons of electoral failures
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Post-revolutionary Iran’s foreign policy toward the United states : a historical sociological analysis of state transformation and foreign policy
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Reasons and consequences of (non)cooperation discourses in Turkey's Iraq policy: A narrative explanation for episodes of pacts and wars
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
M.AKİF(Student), Doctorate, 2013 -
Reasons and consequences of (non)cooperation discourses in Turkey’s Iraq policy: a narrative explanation for episodes of pacts and wars a
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Co-Advisor), ÇITAK AYTÜRK Z. A. (Co-Advisor)
Conflict and cooperation: Syria ? United States relations through 1970-2011
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
F.TIĞRAK(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
Responses to international changes: A neoclassical realist analysis of Syrian foreign policy, 1990-2005
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Old game in a new world: Turkey and the United States from critical perspective
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Evolution of oil politics in Iraq from the 20th century onwards
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Foreign policy perspectives of political factions in Iran
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
The possibility and limit of liberal middle power policies: The case of Turkish foreign policy toward the Middle East during the AKP Period
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
The Lebanese-Syrian relations between 1989-2005 : the changes and continuities
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Transformation of Syrian conflicts with Turkey and Israel in the 1990s : a comparative perspective on ripeness
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
The analysis of the evolution of the relationship between the Hashemite Regime and the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Transnational dynamics of global governance in energy
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Turkey's energy strategy and development of Ceyhan as an energy hub
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Lebanon: Political dilemma from 19th century to present
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
International relations theory and the international relations of the Middle East: A state of the field study
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Turkey as a major gas transit hub country
KÖK M. V. (Co-Advisor), ALTUNIŞIK M. (Co-Advisor)
A tale of two villages: a Gramscian analysis of the hamula and the relations between the Israeli state and Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Consolidation of Jordanian national identity: “rethinking internal unrest and external challenges in shaping Jordanian identity and foreign policy”
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
The political economy of oil in Kazakhstan
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
EU energy security and the Middle East
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
G.ERGEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
EU energy security and the middle east oil
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Between dream and reality: The Iraqi Kurds
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
K.KILIÇ(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
The reform movement in Iran: discourse and deeds
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
The evolution of central Eurasia policy of the US in the post-Soviet era and the geopolitics of the Caspian oil
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Uneasy coexistence: Islamism vs. republicanism debate in the Islamic Republic of İran
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
P.ARIKAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2006 -
Uneasy coexistence: "Islamism vs. republicanism" debate in the Islamic Republic of Iran
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
The Caspian oil and gas in international energy policy: Opportunities for Turkey
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Euro-Mediterranean partnership and the intercultural dialogue
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
The Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Devolopments in northern Iraqı and Turkis-Iraqı relations 1990-2005
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
M.HUSSEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
The Palestinian refugees in Lebanon: The policies of the Lebanese State and the role of the UNRWA
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
A.NOYAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
Hybrid sovereignty in the Arab Middle East: the cases of Jordan, Iraq And Kuwait
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Bilateral relations between the US and Saudi Arabia: 1990-2003
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Developments in Northern Iraq and Turkish-Iraqi relations 1990-2005
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Changes and continuities in Israeli security policy
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Towards an international or supranational electricity market? British and Turkish cases
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
The Israeli security policy: Changes and continuities
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Z.CİVCİK(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
A.ÖMÜR(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
A comparative outlook on legislative institutionalization : legislatures of Turkey and Iran
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
American foreign policy with regard to Caspian oil and gas
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
E.DİNÇER(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
Iran at the crossroads: 1997 presidential elections
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
F.ASLI(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Hegemonic or not? inter-societal economic communication between the Israeli and Palestinian societies since 1967
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
U.KOLDAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Turkish-Israeli relations in the post-cold war era: Prospect for regional cooperation
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
I.ANIL(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Policy issues and the decision -making process in Turkish energy sector
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
H.GÜRSEL(Student), Doctorate, 2000 -
The Caspian pipeline games: A knot of geopolitics and economics
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
G.NUGMAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Algerian national identity and the state (1962-1978)
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
E.BOYAR(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
United Nations changing role in the post-cold war era
Altunışık M. (Advisor)
Turkish-Israeli relations in the post-cold war era: prospects for regional cooperation
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
U.S.-Israeli strategic cooperation in the 1990s: "From strategic alliance to strategic liability?"
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
O.ALPARSLAN(Student), Postgraduate, 1999 -
Turkish, Iranian and Russian policies regarding the Azeri oil
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
P.ARAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 1999 -
Turkish-Iranian relations in the post-cold war era: 1991-1996.
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
E.SALİM(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
Islam, opposition and state responses: Algeria and Morocco
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
E.ÖZBAYOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
Factionalism over foreigns policy in post-khomeini Iran: A case study on the clash between the forces of continuit and change over the Gulf Crisis of 1990-1991
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
M.DEMİRCAN(Student), Postgraduate, 1997 -
The Political economy of water and self-sufficiency in Syria and its implications on Turkish-Syrian relations
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Ö.TÜR(Student), Postgraduate, 1997 -
Factionalism over foreign policy in post-khomeini Iran: A Case study on the clash between the forces of continuity and change over the Gulf crisis of 1990-1991
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
Israel`s road to Oslo: The systemic and domestic context of Israeli foreign policy between 1989 and 1993
ALTUNIŞIK M. (Advisor)
İ.İLKER(Student), Postgraduate, 1997 -
The role of ideology in revolutionary Iran's foreign policy:1979-1989
Altunışık M. (Advisor)