2011 - 2017 Faculty Management Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
2013 - 2016 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, İlköğretim Bölümü
2013 - 2016 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education
2013 - 2016 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, İlköğretim Bölümü
1998 - 2004 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Matematik Ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümü
Predictive power of values, beliefs, norms and inclusion of nature in self on young students' water consumption behavior
Öztekin C. (Advisor)
B.ALPAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Science teachers' topic specific pedagogical content knowledge related to human body systems
Öztekin C. (Advisor)
E.KINIK(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Investigation of science teachers' topic-specific pedagogical content knowledge regarding climate, weather and seasons: from the dual perspective
Öztekin C. (Advisor)
K.SAĞBİLGE(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Investigating the effectiveness of argument-based inquiryon 6th grade students' scientific literacy and portrayingtheir argumentation schemes and engagement inargumentation process
Sungur S., Öztekin C. (Co-Advisor)
M.ŞEN(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Implementation of systems thinking skills module for the context of energy
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Öztekin C. (Advisor)
İ.TIRAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2019 -
Experienced science teachers’ subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge regarding biogeochemical cycles in the context of education for sustainable development
Öztekin C., Şahin E. (Co-Advisor)
Analysis of pre-service science teachers’ systems thinking skills in the context of carbon cycle
Öztekin C. (Advisor)
A Conceptual model of relationships among ecological worldview, fundamental values, personal norm and selfidentity
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Exploring experienced science teachers’ topic-specific pedagogical content knowledge in teaching ecosystems
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Early childhood teachers’ science teaching intentions and behaviours: an application of the theory of planned behaviour
ÖZTEKİN C. (Co-Advisor), ÇAKIROĞLU J. (Co-Advisor)
An Analysis of science teachers’ genetics literacy and related decision making process
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
A Study on science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and content knowledge regarding cell division
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Identifying determinants of pro-environmental behaviours : a case for climate change
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
The Effect of 7E learning cycle instruction on 6th grade students‘ conceptual understanding of human body systems, self-regulation, scientific epistemological beliefs, and science process skills
SUNGUR S. (Co-Advisor), ÖZTEKİN C. (Co-Advisor)
A cross-age study on elementary students’ value orientations, environmental optimism levels and environmental concern
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Evaluating eighth grade students' environmental literacy
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Investigating students' epistemological beliefs through gender, grade level, and fields of study
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Investigating elementary students’ motivation towards science learning: a cross age study
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
The contribution of learning motivation, reasoning ability and learning orientation to ninth grade international baccalaurate and national program students' understanding of mitosis and meiosis
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Exploring relationship among students' prior knowledge, meaningful learning orientation, reasoning ability, mode of instruction and understanding of photosynthesis and respiration in plants
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
Relative influence of cognitive and motivational variables on genetic concepts in traditional and learning cycle classroms
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
A study on student's environmental knowledge and attitudes : the effect of grade level and gender
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)
An implementation of problem based learning in high school biology courses
ÖZTEKİN C. (Advisor)