Sistemsel düşünme becerisi modülünün enerji bağlamında uygulanması.

Tezin Türü: Doktora

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2020

Öğrenci: Hediye Can



The aim of this dissertation is to explore how pre-service science teachers develop their systems thinking skills in the context of energy. Qualitative methodology is followed through the research. The study conducted in stages that consist of development of systems thinking module for implementation, development of tools to collect data, implementation of the module, and data collection procedure before, during and after the implementation and data analysis. Nine preservice science teachers at the faculty of education from a state university in Turkey are participated the study. Data were collected with real life scenario, interviews and audio and video recordings during the sessions. Content analysis was held to make sense of data. Results of the study indicated that overall, the developmental trajectory of pre-service science teachers changed with their individual interest and motivation towards the implementation, their knowledge level about the issues, the complexity level of the systems or events depicted during the implementation. Specifically, systems thinking skills regarding mindset domain developed in the case of energy issues. Pre-service science teachers’ skills development regarding content, structure and behavior domains stayed limited. In the content domain they have difficulties with maintaining boundaries skill. Pre-service science teachers harbor some doubt in recognizing complex interactive relationships and feedback mechanisms between the events in structure domain and describing and predicting system behavior in behavior domain. The results of the study supported the Arnold and Wade (2017)’s domain approach as means of identifying structure of systems thinking skills.