Academic Titles
2011 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
2006 - 2011 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
2001 - 2006 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
1997 - 2001 Lecturer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
1992 - 1997 Research Assistant
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
Managerial Experience
2017 - 2018 Faculty Management Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
2002 - 2017 Director of the Center
Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office
2011 - 2014 Faculty Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
2002 - 2014 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Politikası Çalışmaları (Dr)
2001 - 2002 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
1997 - 1999 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics
Non Academic Experience
1992 - Continues Öğretim Elemanı
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
Advising Theses
Impact of patent incentives on innovation performance of technology-based firms: The case of METU Technopark
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
İ.İÇİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
An assessment of localization policies in Turkey: The case of mobile telecommunication sector
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
M.ACAR(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Erdil E. (Advisor)
E.TAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
The impacts of digitalization and Covid-19 on the business model of banking: A qualitative study on Turkish banks
Erdil E. (Advisor)
A.COŞKUN(Student), Postgraduate, 2020 -
Analyzing the incidence and causes of field of study mismatch in Turkey: Evidence from TURKSTAT labor force surveys
Erdil E. (Advisor)
Erdil E. (Advisor)
Influencers of environmental technology diffusion: A case study on diffusion of landfill gas to energy technology in Turkey
Erdil E. (Advisor)
Factors for firm level learning: A case from the defense industry in Turkey
Erdil E. (Advisor)
Analysis of the relationship between defence and civil industries: Policy recommendations for Turkey
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Assessment of technology transfer in university industry collaboration: Case of Turkey
Erdil E. (Advisor)
Technological transformations: The case of industry 4.0 in Turkish pharmaceutical industry
Erdil E. (Advisor)
Analysis of knowledge and technology transfer between research infrastructures and industry in Turkey
Erdil E. (Advisor)
An effective and efficient R&D funding mechanism: An evaluation study on prioritized R&D grant program (1003) of TUBITAK
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
A policy design model for market formation of solar and wind electricity generation in Turkey
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Determinants of early performance of new technology-based firms supported by government: Turkish case
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Reits in Turkey: The impact of the deviations from the global systems
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Product diversification and profitability a case study: Vestel A.Ş.
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Firm level absorptive capacity and the success of international technology transfer: The case of aerospace industry in Turkey
DİKMEN TOKER İ. (Co-Advisor), ERDİL E. (Co-Advisor)
Turkish Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for Economic Development within the context of European Integration
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
S.Ulutaş(Student), Doctorate, 2015 -
Turkish olive and olive oil sectoral innovation system: A functional - structural analysis
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Functional-Structural Analysis of Olive and Olive Oil Sectoral Innovation System in Turkey
N.Pehlivan(Student), Doctorate, 2015 -
European Union innovativeness from the perspective of systems of innovation and complex systems
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
State-led catch-up: Chinese telecom equipment industry
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Codification of social capital: The impact of ict
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Information and communication technology in the uk voluntary sector: enabling new ways to use existing organizational resources
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
P.DÖNMEZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2013 -
Does participation in international R & D networks enhance local dynamism? Researcher level aspects from Turkey
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
The crossroads of knowledge and financialization
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Structural analysis and functional Dynamics of national innovation system in Turkey and Germany: lessons for Turkey
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Women and occupational sex segregation in Turkish labor market, 2004-2010
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Determining a strategy for favorable acquisition and utilization of complex technologies: flight simulation training devices (FSTD)
Macroeconomic effects of information and communication technologies in Turkey and other OECD member countries
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Determining a strategy for favorable acquisition and utilization of complex technologies: Flight simulation training devices
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Ö.BOZTAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
Exports and clusters: A spatial econometric analysis on Ankara and İstanbul OİZS
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Information society: National science and technology policies in Turkey and South Korea
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Controversial issues related to reproductive biotechnology: An empirical study
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Information and communication technology in the UK voluntary sector : "enabling new ways to use existing organizational resources"
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Assessing impacts of the European framework programme on Turkish participants: A case study on framework programme6 ist priority
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
H.METİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2010 -
Patents and innovation in pharmaceutical industry in Turkey: The comparison of patent system with some selected countries
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
E.TUNCER(Student), Postgraduate, 2010 -
Patents and innovation in pharmaceutical industry in Turkey : the comparision of patent system with some selected countries
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Use of ICT for energy efficiency in Turkish consumer electronics sector
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Examination of lean production with regards to occupational health and safety: A case study in an automotive plant
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
International knowledge transfer in European research and development programmes: Turkish case
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Analysis of the growth dynamics in Turkish commercial shipbuilding sector and its prospects
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Cooperation and cluster strategies within and between technology-intensive organisations: how to enhance linkages among firms in the techno-parks
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Unfair usage of trademark via internet
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
N.BERKAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
Testing additinonality effect of Tübitak’s industrial r&d projects funding programme: pilot study on software development sector in Ankara
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
The causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Unfair usage of trademarks via internet
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Testing additinonality effect of TÜBİTAK's industrial r&d projects funding programme: pilot study on software development sector in Ankara
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
H.GÖREN(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
An assesment of the effect of health and nutritional quality on worker effort and economic growth through physical and human capital: Cross-country and Turkish evidence
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
An assessment of Turkish science and technology policies, 1983-2005: A sectoral analysis
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
The liberalization of downstream oil industry in Turkey
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
The concept of behavioural additionality of public support for private R&D and a methodological proposal for an evaluation framework in Turkey
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Evaluation of an electronic medical record system: Zonguldak Karaelmas University Hospital survey
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
ICT utilization of exporter enterprises: a case study of Aegean Region exporters
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Inter-organizational relations in an organized industrial district: Ostim case
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Interfirm relations and innovative capacity in Adana Organized Industry zone: A case study on textile firms
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
ICT utilization of exporter enterprises a case study of Aegean region exporters
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
E.TAŞKIN(Student), Postgraduate, 2006 -
Vizyon 2023: Technology foresight for Turkey
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Project management and use of information techonology for project communication management in Turkish electronic sector
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Ş.TUNCER(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
Project management and use of information technology for project communication management in Turkish electronic sector
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Enterprise resource planning systems selection process
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Intellectual property management strategy in new technology-based start-up companies
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
The Determinants international competitiveness: The case of Turkish manufacturing sector
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
M.GENÇAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
The determinants of international competitiveness: the case of Turkish manufacturing sector
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Information technology, workplace organization and demand for new kinds of skill
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
Policy implications in the 'learning economy' a study on learning process model of Aselsan
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
The Analysis of research and development structure of the Turkish mining sector
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
A.ERTEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
How does technological changes affect Turkish trade unions?
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
E.BARIŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Vertical integration and profitability a case study: Arçelik A.Ş
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
B.TOPALOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
The Effects of electronic commerce and information technologies in OECD countries
ERDİL E. (Advisor)
M.GÜLENAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2001
Taught Courses And Trainings
2020 - 2020 Teknolojik İnovasyon Yönetimi
Continuing Education Center - Training