2008 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
2002 - 2008 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
1999 - 2002 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
1996 - 1999 Lecturer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
1992 - 1996 Research Assistant
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
1991 - 1992 Lecturer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
2008 - Continues Professor
2002 - Continues Associate Professor (Promotion)
1999 - Continues Assistant Professor
2002 - 2008 Associate Professor (Title)
2002 - 2002 Associate Professor (Title)
Romantic break-ups in young adulthood: The connotations, predictors, and common reasons
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
H.TERZİ(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Multidimensional approach to link between trust and health before and after covid-19: Nationwide investigations based on social capital theory
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
A.FURKAN(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Social representations of food and healthy eating during COVID-19 pandemic
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
E.KÖSEGİL(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Does self-compassion involve non-avoidance? testing a revised self-compassion scale
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
G.KISA(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Investigating relationship maintenance from the investment model and socio-ecological perspectives among dating young adults
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
E.GÜNGÖR(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Mediating role of coping with stress styles in relation between mindfulness and basic psychological needs satisfaction
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Differences between trolling and cyberbullying and examination of trolling from self-determination theory perspective
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Effect of social network sites on romantic relationships
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Dishonesty in close relationships: the effect of the dark triad personality traits and adult attachment styles on the perceptions of infidelity
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
A Sociocultural approach to relationship flourishing: the role of relational mobility
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Complexity as a feature of interior design and place attachment
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
The Role of contact in locals` attitudes towards refugees in Turkey
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Attitudes toward disabled people in the social context of dating, marriage and work: religiosity, religious orientation, conservatism and ambivalent sexism
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Gratitude interventions to reduce negative effects of extrinsic goals on psychological well-being
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
The moderating role of gender role attitudes on the relationship between self-compassion and body dissatisfaction
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
The Mediating effect of justice perception on the relationship between revenge behavior and basic psychological need satisfaction
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
"What i need is more than a job": A Self-Determination Theory based profile of disconnected and working youth in Turkey
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Ö.KANTAŞ(Student), Doctorate, 2018 -
“What I need is more than a job”: a self-determination theory based profile of disconnected and working youth in Turkey
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Self on Facebook: A social psychological investigation within uses and gratifications framework
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Aggression and video games: The effect of justification of violence and presence of a stereotyped target
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Justification of domestic violence against teenage girls in Turkey
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Social representations of psychology of gender and women in Turkish novels
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Türkçe romanlarda toplumsal cinsiyet ve kadın psikolojisinin sosyal temsilleri
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
F.YILMAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
A preliminary analysis of non-material beliefs in Turkish sample with the predictability of locus of control, system justification, religious/spiritual coping and religiosity
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Conscientious objection in Turkey: A study of social representations
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Contents of Turkish identity,national-social identifications, and inter-group relations in Turkey
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Personality traits and individual differences as the predictors of attitude toward motor insurance in Turkey
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Disability salience as an indicator of loss anxiety: An alternative explanation for the fundamental fear of human beings
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Collective action and group attachment: interplay of free-riding behaviour and patriotism
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
The effects of self-control and social influence on academic dishonesty: an experimental and correlational investigation
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Strategic national/ethnic identity construction: The case of Northern Cyprus
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
S.ARSLAN(Student), Doctorate, 2008 -
Strategic constructions of national/ethnic identities: the case of Northern Cyprus
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Behavioral consequences of the third-person effect on Turkish voters
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Social representations of European Union
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
E.SANDAL(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
Social representation of European Union
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
The effects of intergroup perceptions and ingroup identifications on the political participation of the second-generation Turkish migrants in the Netherlands
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Institutional environment and place attachment as determinants of elder's life satisfaction
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Predictors of parasocial interaction with the favorite and the least desirable characters portrayed in TV serials
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Perceived parental attitudes of Turkish college students towards dating and premarital sexual behaviors : the role of students' gender & parental marital status
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Secure exploration: Conceptualization, types and relationships with secure attachment, self-construals and other self-related variables
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
S.İMAMOĞLU(Student), Doctorate, 2005 -
Perceived parental attitudes of Turkish college students towards dating and premarital sexual behaviours: The role of students' gender and parental marital status
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
B.ŞAHİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
Transmission of good news as an impression management tactic
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
Trust and self-disclosure in the context of computer mediated communication
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
The effectiveness of superimposed advertisements vs. traditional commercials
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
The Effect of psychological preparation on preoperative and postoperative anxiety, and coping strategies in children and adolescents undergoing surgery
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)
E.SELMA(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
The effect of psychological preparation on preoperative and postoperative anxiety, and coping strategies in children and adolescents undergoing
ÖNER ÖZKAN B. (Advisor)