Academic Titles
2002 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences
1998 - 2002 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences
1990 - 1998 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences
1986 - 1990 Research Assistant
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences
1985 - 1986 Occupational Expert
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences
1984 - 1985 Research Assistant
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences
Managerial Experience
2012 - 2015 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences
Non Academic Experience
2002 - 2011 Prof. Dr.
1998 - 2002 Doç. Dr.
1990 - 1998 Y. Doç. Dr.
1986 - 1990 Araştırma Görevlisi
1985 - 1986 Klinik Psikolog
1984 - 1985 Okul Psikologu-İngilizce Öğretmeni
Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı
1979 - 1981 Psikoloji Bölümü
Advising Theses
Self-esteem and fear of negative evaluation as predictors of self-handicapping among university students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
M.BOZKURT(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Examining individual, relational and environmental dynamics of adolescent internet use: A mixed methods study
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
S.AYAS(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
The moderator role of career decision making self-efficacy on the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and resilience of university students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
A.AYDIN(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Examining the predictors of psychological wellbeing among not in employment, education or training university graduates
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
B.ATAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
A qualitative investigation of binge-watching among university students: Before and after the covid-19 pandemic
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
A.DEMİRKOL(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Shyness and fear of negative evaluation as predictors of assertiveness
Demir A. G. (Advisor)
The investigation of meaning in life in terms of self-construal,self-concept clarity and gratitude among university students
Demir A. G. (Advisor)
Differentiation of self: Examination of the concept in the interplay of stress, life satisfaction, and marital satisfaction
Demir A. G. (Advisor)
The role of child abuse and gender on loneliness among university students
Demir A. G. (Advisor)
Academic procrastination and academic perfectionism as predictors of self-forgiveness
Demir A. G. (Advisor)
Interplay of parental involvement, school belonging, peer social support, and self-esteem in resilience of adolescents from low socioeconomic districts
Demir A. G. (Advisor)
The mediator role of emotion focused coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional eating
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The relation of family boundary violation to subjective well-being and trait anxiety among adolescents
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Online vs. face-to-face self-disclosure and interpersonal competence: The role of shyness and loneliness
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
S.MISIR(Student), Postgraduate, 2017 -
Online vs. face to face self-disclosure and interpersonal competence: the role of shyness and loneliness
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
A model towards subjective well-being: The roles of dispositional and state hope, cognitive flexibility, and coping strategies
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Predictors of burnout among foreign language instructors
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral group program on constraining beliefs about mate selection and romantic beliefs of graduate students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The relationship of academic procrastination and decision making styles among university students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Loneliness with regard to maternal and paternal acceptance-rejection and sibling relationship quality in high school students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Self-handicapping among university students: the role of gender, procrastination, test anxiety, and selfcompassion
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Burnout as a predictor of senior students' mindfulness
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Self-handicapping among university students: The role of gender, self-esteem, procrastination, test anxiety, and self-compassion
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
F.BARUTÇU(Student), Doctorate, 2015 -
The structural relationships of parenting styles, attacment dimensions, loneliness and hope
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
A.DEMİRLİ(Student), Doctorate, 2013 -
The Structural relationships of parenting styles, attachment dimensions, loneliness and hope
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Perceived social support, academic self-efficacy and demographic characteristics as predictors of perceived stress among Turkish graduate students in the USA
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The Role of gender, self-esteem, self-consciousness, and social self-efficacy on adolescent shyness
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The relationship among self construal, family functioning and sibling number in terms of gender in high school students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Predictors of body image among university students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The investigation of counseling self-efficacy levels of counselor trainees
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The relationship between vocational maturity and hopelessness among female and male twelfth grade students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
A path analytic model of procrastination: testing cognitive, affective, and behavioral components
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Investigation of social-cognitive, emotional and behavioral variables as predictors of self-forgiveness
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Effects of thinking styles and gender on psychological well-being
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Adjustment to breakup of romantic relationships: initiator status, certainity about the reasons of breakup, current relationship status and perceived social support
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
University students’ attitudes toward seeking psychological help : effects of perceived social support, psychological distress, prior help-seeking experience and gender
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The relationship between parenting style, gender and academic achievement with optimism among adolescents
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The role of gender, attachment dimensions, and family environment in loneliness
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Predictors of shyness among university students : testing a self-presentational model
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The effects of stress management training program on perceived stress, self-efficacy and coping styles of university students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The effect of a reminiscence group counseling program on the life satisfaction of older adults
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Academic procrastination: prevalence, self-reported reasons, gender difference and it's relation with academic achievement
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Personel meanings of death and religiosity as predictors of death anxiety and death fear of university students
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Psychological adaptation and acculturation of the Turkish students in the United States
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The effect of Structured Peer Consultation Program on different dimensions of school counselor burnout
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
Self-esteem and stressful life events of university
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)
The effect of the ''program for young negotiators'' on preservice elementary school teachers' conflict resolution strategies
DEMİR A. G. (Advisor)