2012 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
2010 - 2012 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
1998 - 2010 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
1991 - 1998 Lecturer PhD
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
2010 - 2011 Associate Professor (Promotion)
1998 - 2000 Assistant Professor
1991 - 1998 Öğretim Görevlisi
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
1987 - 1991 Uzman Yardımcısı
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
1985 - 1985 INSTRUCTOR
Chicago State Uni.
1976 - 1977 Uzman Yardımcısı
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
The effect of job and personal resources on employee wellbeing: A conservation of resources perspective
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
F.SİNEM(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Effects of perceived transformational leadership on organizational outcomes: The mediating role of leader's emotional intelligence and the moderating role of follower's personality
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
B.KİŞİSEL(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
The crossover of work engagement: understanding leader related dynamics
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Leader-member exchange and turnover intention of white-collar employees: a moderated mediation model
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Antecedents of better performing teams: test of perceived team job crafting model
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Self determination theory and work-family conflict
A.Yalçın(Student), Doctorate, 2017 -
An examination of work-family conflict from the self-determination theory perspective
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
A.YALÇIN(Student), Doctorate, 2017 -
An Examination of work-family conflict from the selfdetermination theory perspective
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Job demands and resources as the antecedents of mobbing and its consequences
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
S.YELDAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2015 -
Reactions to feedback: Effects of feedback sign, self-esteem, and task centrality
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
E.GÜNGÖR(Student), Postgraduate, 2015 -
Job demands and job resources as the antecedents of mobbing and the consequences
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Reactions to feedback: effects of feedback sign, selfesteem, and task centrality
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
The effect of coping strategies: Mediating role of work attachment styles on the relation between coping and personal and organizational outcome perception
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Bidirectional nature of work family conflict: The antecedents and outcomes of work to family conflict and family to work conflict
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
A comparison of telecommuting and workplace employees in terms of situational strength, personality, work attitudes and performance
Effects of authentic leadership on performance through the mediating roles of trust in leader and work engagement
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
The antecedents and consequences of burnout, work engagement and workaholism
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Antecedents and consequences of organizational commitment
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Emotional labor: Dispositional antecedents and the role of affective events
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Factors influencing applicant attraction to job openings
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Correlates of organizational commitment: A special emphasis on organizational communication
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Investigating the role of personality and justice perceptions on social loafing
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Does enriched mode of communication make a difference in performance feedback for the rater and the ratee? : comparing written feedback with written plus verbal feedback
BİLGİÇ R. (Co-Advisor), SÜMER H. C. (Co-Advisor)
The applicability of the Turkish Armed Forces̕ personality test battery to the selection of the Turkish Air Force Cadets
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
The applicability of the Turkish Armed Forces' Personality test battery to the selection of the Turkish Air Force cadets
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
E.KOÇARSLAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
The effcets of person-organization fit on employee jo satisfaction, performance and organizational commitment in a Turkish Public Organization
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
An integrative perspective on mergers and acquisitions: Social identity, acculturation, organizational support, rewards, and organizational commitment
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
R.IŞIL(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
The job attitude differences among public and private school teachers in Albania
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
The effects of person-organization fit on employee job satisfaction, performance and organizational commitment in a Turkish public organization
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
M.KARAKURUM(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
An integrative perspective on mergers and acquisitions: social identity, acculturation, organizational supports, rewards, and organizational commitment
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Predicting psychological well-being of the Turkish unemployed: the role of self-esteem, negative mood, and job search motivation
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
Predicting psychological well-being of the Turkish unemployed: The role of self-esteem, negative mood and job search motivation
BİLGİÇ R. (Advisor)
N.YILMAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2002