2012 - Continues Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences
2018 - 2021 University Executive Board Member
Middle East Technical University
2016 - 2021 Vice Dean
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education
2013 - 2021 Faculty Management Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education
2015 - 2016 Deputy Head of Department
Decision-making of school principals during COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative exploration
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
S.SARIHAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Caring practices and leadership in schools during the pandemic: A case study
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
B.DENİZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
An examination of educators perceptions on the professional teaching law: A qualitative study
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
Z.OCAK(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
D.ÇABUK(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Structuring research universities in Turkey: A phenomenological case study
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
N.CÜRE(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
The relationship between pre-service teachers' academic engagement and their commitment to teaching as a career choice
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
S.HOSSEIN(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Decision-making processes of university administrators in a crisis: a qualitative exploratory case study
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
The relationship between parents' perceptions of school climate and their involvement in early childhood education.
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
An examination of social gender equality and social gender roles in fifth grade mathematics textbook and social sciences textbook
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
The relationship between perceived ethical climate and teacher burnout
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
A Case study: exploring the experiences of educational stakeholders in relation to refugee education at a public school in Mamak
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
The relationship between teachers' learning organization perceptions and their attitudes towards change
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
The role of personal and organizational factors on student attrition from graduate education: Do or die?
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
H.YÜCEL(Student), Doctorate, 2018 -
The Role of personal and organizational factors on student attrition from graduate education: "do or die?"
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
Experimental exploration of attitude change: A path model of cognitive dissonance, resilience, and readiness for organizational change among prospective teachers
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
Hiding in the shadow of centralised education system: An exploratory analysis of instructional leadership with respect to socioeconomic status
School culture as predictor of teachers’ attitudes towards professional development: mediating role of organizational trust
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
Experiences of education policy actors in relation to the role of the national education council in the process of policy-making
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
School culture as predictor of teachers' attitudes towards professional development: Mediating role of organizational trust
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
H.ERGİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2016 -
The Relationship between parents’ perceptions of school climate and their involvement in school
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
The perceptions of education inspectors about the current inspection system and expectations of education inspectors from a new inspection system: A case study
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
The relationship between parents' perceptions of school climate and their involvement in school
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)
H.YÜCEL(Student), Postgraduate, 2015 -
Relationship between the organizational climate and occupational stress experienced by english instructors in the preparatory schools of five universities in Ankara
GÖKALP G. (Advisor)