SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Freshwater salinisation: a research agenda for a saltier world
Cunillera-Montcusí D., BEKLİOĞLU M., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Jeppesen E., Ptacnik R., Amorim C., et al.
, cilt.37, sa.5, ss.440-453, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

PlumX Metrics

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- Citation Indexes: 132
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- Readers: 193
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- Shares, Likes & Comments: 37
Increased Water Abstraction and Climate Change Have Substantial Effect on Morphometry, Salinity, and Biotic Communities in Lakes: Examples from the Semi-Arid Burdur Basin (Turkey)
, cilt.14, sa.8, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

PlumX Metrics

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- Citation Indexes: 17
- Policy Citations: 2
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- Readers: 37
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Brian Moss: the wizard of shallow lakes INTRODUCTION
The future depends on what we do today - Projecting Europe's surface water quality into three different future scenarios
, cilt.668, ss.470-484, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)

PlumX Metrics

- Citations
- Citation Indexes: 32
- Captures
- Readers: 173
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- Blog Mentions: 1
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- Shares, Likes & Comments: 112
Effects of trophic status, water level, and temperature on shallow lake metabolism and metabolic balance: A standardized pan-European mesocosm experiment
Scharfenberger U., Jeppesen E., BEKLİOĞLU M., Sondergaard M., Angeler D. G., Cakiroglu A. I., et al.
Snapshot Surveys for Lake Monitoring, More Than a Shot in the Dark
Restoration of Eutrophic Lakes with Fluctuating Water Levels: A 20-Year Monitoring Study of Two Inter-Connected Lakes
Impact of alternating wet and dry periods on long-term seasonal phosphorus and nitrogen budgets of two shallow Mediterranean lakes
The influence of nutrient loading, climate and water depth on nitrogen and phosphorus loss in shallow lakes: a pan-European mesocosm experiment
Preface: Shallow lakes in a fast changing world
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar
Interactive Effects of Salinity, Heatwaves and Nutrients on Phytoplankton biomass: a Mesocosm-based Experiment. (poster presentation, abstract no. 28, page 36)
3rd International Symposium on Aquatic Mesocosm-Based Research, 2023. Antalya, Türkiye, Türkiye, 01 Ocak 2024
Multi-stressor effects of salinity and heatwaves on zooplankton grazing in a synchronized mesocosm experiment.
ASLO 2023, Palma de Mallorca (oral presentation, abstract no. 6332), Türkiye, 01 Ocak 2024
Interactive Effects of Salinity, Heatwaves and Nutrients on Phytoplankton biomass: a Mesocosmbased Experiment
3rd International Symposium on Aquatic Mesocosm-Based Research, 7 - 10 Kasım 2023
Periphyton in a changing world: unravelling the effects of global change stressors on freshwater periphyton in shallow lake mesocosms
3rd International Symposium on Aquatic Mesocosm-Based Research, 07 Kasım 2023
Effects of Rising Salinity on Phytoplankton Community Structure and Diversity: A Gradient Mesocosm Experiment
3rd International Symposium on Aquatic Mesocosm-Based Research, 7 - 10 Kasım 2023
Responses from organisms to ecosystems: Impact of Land Use and Climate Change in Lakes
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, 11 - 13 Temmuz 2017

Response of phytoplankton and zooplankton communities to ex- treme temperature and nutrient stress- ors: a mesocosm experiment
Symposium For European Freshwater Science, 2 - 07 Temmuz 2017
Assessment of changes in metabolism of Lake Eymir with environmental variables using automated high frequency data
SEFS Symposium for European Freshwater Science, 2 - 07 Temmuz 2017
Do changes in climate and land use pose a risk to the future water availability of Mediterranean Lakes
AGU FALL MEETING, San-Francisco, Kostarika, 12 - 16 Aralık 2016

Investigation of zooplankton community and size structure in different nutrient and water level among latitudinal gradient a mesocosm experiment
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Turkey, 2016, 31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016
Modelling Future Ecosystem Services of Lake Beyşehir
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Turkey, 2016, 31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016
Inferring conductivity and eutrophication in Turkish shallow lakes by using subfossil Diatoms
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Turkey, 2016, 31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016
How phytoplankton community response to extreme temperature and nutrient stressors using a heated mesocosm experiment
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Turkey, 2016, 31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016
Restorationofeutrophicationindroughtstrickenlakesinmediterraneanclimaticregion a system of heavily eutrophic and relatively control lakes
SIL 2016 Science for sustainable freshwater use, 31 Temmuz - 05 Ağustos 2016
Contributionofnon nativespeciestofishcommunitiesin1940europeanlakes geographical distribution predictors of occurrence and proportions in community abundance and biomass
SIL 2016, Torino, İtalya, 31 Temmuz - 05 Ağustos 2016
Impact of extreme climatic events on metabolism of Lake Eymir using real time automatic lake observation station
SIL 2016: Science for sustainable freshwater use, TORİNO, İtalya, 31 Temmuz - 05 Ağustos 2016
How the phytoplankton community in shallowlakes with contrasting temperatures and nutrient level respond to a heatwave a mesocosm experiment
SIL 2016, 31 Temmuz - 05 Ağustos 2016
Impactofheatwavesalongwithnutrientenrichmentonzooplanktoncommunitystructure mesocosms approach
SIL 2016, Torino, İtalya, 31 Temmuz - 05 Ağustos 2016
How does climate change affect the response of cyanobacteria to nutrients
SIL 2016 Science for sustainable freshwater use, Torino, İtalya, 31 Temmuz - 05 Ağustos 2016

Comparison of recent past and present states of Turkish shallow lakes by using Cladocera sub fossil remainings
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Turkey, 2016, 31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016
Determinants of phytoplankton size structure in warm shallow lakes
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Turkey, 2016, 31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016
Assesing the impact of environmental variables together with a short extreme wind event on metabolism Lake Eymir using high frequency data
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Turkey, 2016, 31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016
Zooplankton community structure under the impact of heat waves and nutrient enrichment A mesocosms approach
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Turkey, 2016, 31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016
Roles of climate through hydrology and nutrient enrichment on Ecology of Mediterranean Shallow lakes of Turkey using multiple approaches
9th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 2015, Geneva, 5 - 10 Temmuz 2015

Impact of climate change on the hydrological and nutrient balance of a shallow Mediterranean lake using catchment and lake modelling approaches
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Nikaragua, 22 - 27 Şubat 2015

Temperature drives the relationship between species and size diversity in lake fish communities
ASLO 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting: AquaticSciences:Globa lAnd Regional Perspectives—North Meets South, Granada, Nikaragua, 22 - 27 Şubat 2015
A Novel Approach to Aquatic Ecotoxicology Applications of FTIR Spectroscopy
FT-IR Meeting in Berlin 2013: FT-IR Spectroscopy in Microbiological and Medical Diagnostics, 24 - 25 Ekim 2013
Ülkemiz sulakalanlarında insan kullanımı kaynaklı ötrofikasyon ve iklim değişiminin etkileri ve koruma önlemleri.
3. Ulusal Sulakalanlar Kongresi, Turkey, 23 Ekim 2013
İklim Değişiminin Sığ Göllerin Yapı ve İşlevleri Üzerindeki Etkileri Zaman Yerine Mekan Yaklaşımı
5. Ulusal Limnoloji Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 27 - 29 Ağustos 2012
İklim değişiminin siğ göllerin yapı ve işlevleri u ̆zerindeki etkileri: zaman yerine mekan yaklaşımı.
V National Limnology Meeting, Turkey, 26 - 29 Ağustos 2012
Toward a protein profile of the zooplankton Daphnia pulex exposed to the pesticide cypermethrin using ATR FTIR spectroscopy as a novel method
12th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins (ICAAP 2011), 1 - 05 Ağustos 2011
Non native Fish Species in 30 Shallow Lakes Located from North to South of Turkey
New approaches for assesing the impacts of non-native freshwater fishes in the Mediterranean Region, 26 - 29 Ekim 2010
Preliminary Study on Native & Non-native Fish Species Community in Shallow Lakes of Turkey.
International workshop on new approaches for assessing the impacts of non-native freshwater fishes in the Mediterranean region, Turkey, 01 Ocak 2010
Role of nutrients and climate on functioning of Turkish shallow lakes.
The 6th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Romania, 17 Ağustos 2009
Hamam Gölü, Poyrazlar Gölü, Abant Gölü ve Yedigöller Büyük Göl balıklarının sindirim sistemi içeriği üzerine bir çalışma.
15. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 01 Temmuz 2009
Enlemsel değişimde Türkiye’deki sığ göllerin ekolojik yapı ve işlevleri: zaman yerine mekan yaklaşımı
2. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Türkiye, 01 Ocak 2009
Ülkemiz sığ göllerinin ekolojik yapısında besin tuzu ve iklimin etkisinin zaman yerine mekan yaklaşımıyla belirlenmesi.
9. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi,Türkiye, 01 Ocak 2009
The response of periphyton and submerged macrophyte development to increasing nitrogen availability at two moderate phosphorus loadings in a mesocosm experiment.
VI. Shallow Lakes Conference, Uruguay, 23 Kasım 2008
Role of nutrients and climate on functioning of the Turkish shallow lakes using space for time substitute approach
VI. Shallow Lakes Conference, Uruguay, 23 Kasım 2008
Sığ ve derin göllerde besin ağının karbon ve azot kalıcı izotopları kullanarak belirlenmesi.
3. Ulusal Limnoloji Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 27 - 29 Ağustos 2008
Tuzluluğun ve balık avlanma baskısının Daphnia pulex in hayatta kalma oranı ve yaşam döngüsü parametreleri üzerindeki etkileri
III. Ulusal Limnoloji Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 27 - 29 Ağustos 2008

Orta ve yüksek miktarlardaki fosfor yoğunluğunda artan azot yoğunluğunun suiçi bitki gelişimindeki rolünün mezokozm deneyi ile belirlenmesi
3. Ulusal Limnoloji Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 27 Ağustos 2008
Ülkemiz sığ göllerin ekolojik yapısında ötrofikasyon ve iklim değişiminin olası rolleri.
3. Ulusal Limnoloji Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 27 Ağustos 2008
Past to present and to future: Ecology of Turkish Shallow lakes.
International Paleoclimatology Workshop, Türkiye, 01 Ocak 2008
Effects of salinity and fish predation on Daphnia pulex life history traits
5th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 5), 8 - 13 Temmuz 2007
Impact of pesticide Cypermethrin and fish kairomone on the life history traits of Daphnia pulex
5th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 5), 8 - 13 Temmuz 2007
Sipermetrin ve balık sinyalinin Daphnia pulex in morfolojik ve populasyon parametreleri üzerindeki etkileri
XVIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Türkiye, 26 - 30 Haziran 2006
Impact of pesticide and fish kairomone on the life history traits of Daphnia using molecular and ecological approaches
VII. International Symposium on Cladocera (Cladocera-2005), 3 - 09 Eylül 2005
Balık sinyalinin Fourier Transform Infrared spektroskopi tekniği ile araştırılması
XVI. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Eylül 2002