1989 - 1995 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
2019 - Continues Department Academic Incentive Evaluation Commission Member
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
2017 - 2020 Institute Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
1995 - Continues Professor
METU Chemical Engineering
1989 - 1995 Associate Professor (Promotion)
METU Chemical Engineering
1992 - 1992 Research Associate
University of Illinois at C-U Chemical Engineering
1987 - 1989 Assistant Professor
METU Chemical Engineering
1987 - 1987 Coordinating Teaching Assistant
University of Illinois at C-U Chemical Engineering
1984 - 1986 Research Assistant
University of Illinois at C-U Chemical Engineering
1982 - 1984 Teaching Assistant
University of Illinois at C-U Chemical Engineering
1980 - 1982 Assistant
METU Chemical Engineering
1979 - 1980 Assistant
METU Chemistry
Gas permeation and sorption properties of ZIF-8 filled polymeric membranes prepared by infrared and incandescent light induced liquid and vapor phase inversion
Kalıpçılar H., Yılmaz L. (Co-Advisor)
Preparation of ZIF-8 loaded PVA and PES mixed matrix membranes for dehydration of ethanol solutions
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Polymer blend based mixed matrix gas separation membranes
KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor), YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor)
Synthesis of ethyl citrate by membrane reactors and reactive adsorption
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
F.OZANIRK(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
Synthesis of ethyl citrate by membrane reactors & reactive adsorption
KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor), YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor)
Effect of the particle size of ZIF-8 on the separation performance of ZIF-8/pNA/PES membranes
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Development of PBI based membranes for H₂/CO₂ separation
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Development of PBI based membranes for H2/CO2 separation
KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor), YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor)
M.BAŞDEMİR(Student), Postgraduate, 2013 -
Production and performance evaluation of ZIF-8 based binary and ternary mixed matrix gas separation membranes
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Boron removal from aqueous solutions via polymer enhanced ultrafiltration using novel imino-bis-propane diol functional polymers
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
Dehydration of aqueous aprotic solvent mixtures by pervaporation
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Enzyme enhanced ultrafiltration for the resolution of racemic mandelic acid
Effect of operating parameters on performance of additive/zeolite/polymer mixed matrix membrane
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
E.EDA(Student), Postgraduate, 2011 -
Effect of operating parameters on performance of additive/ zeolite/ polymer mixed matrix membranes
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Dehydration of alcohol solutions obtained from a solvent recovery process by pervaporation
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Effect of preparation and operation parameters on performance of polyethersulfone based mixed matrix gas separation membranes
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Natural gas purification by zeolite filled polyethersulfone based mixed matrix membranes
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Polycarbonate based zeolite 4A filled mixed matrix membranes: Preparation, characterization and gas separation performances
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Recovery and reuse of indigo dyeing wastewater using membrane technology
Chiral separations by enzyme enhanced ultrafiltration: Fractionation of racemic benzoin
Effect of ionic strength on the performance of polymer enhanced ultrafiltration in heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
Chiral seperations by enzyme enhanced ultrafiltration : fractionation ofracemic benzoin
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
Development of a membrane based treatment scheme for water recovery from textile effluents
Screening and characterization of catalytic composite membranes for ethyllactate production
KARAKAŞ G. (Co-Advisor), YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor)
Gas permeation properties of poly (arlyene ether ketone) and its mixed matrix membranes with polypyrrole
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), TOPPARE L. K. (Co-Advisor)
G.MERGEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Gas permeation properties of poly(arylene ether ketone) and its mixed matrix membanes with polypyrrole
TOPPARE L. K. (Co-Advisor), YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor)
Development and evaluation of performance of new ligands for removal of boron by polymer enhanced ultrafiltration
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), ÖZBELGE H. Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Effect of compatibilizers on the gas separation performance of polycarbonate membranes
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor)
Development and evaluation on performance of new ligands for removal of boron by polymer enhanced ultrafiltration
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
A.YÜRÜM(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Ethyl lactate production by hybrid processes: Determination of phase diagrams and evaluation of performance of organophilic pervaporation membranes
KARAKAŞ G. (Co-Advisor), YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor)
M.İNAL(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters by means of hybrid precipitation and polymer enhanced ultrafiltration
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
S.İSLAMOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
Separation and identification of aroma compounds from thyme by using steam distillation and supercritical fluid extraction.
Removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewaters by means of hybrid precipitation and polymer enhanced ultrafiltration process.
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
Aqueous two-phase separation of xylanases produced by a bacillus sp.
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
S.BİRAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
The Effect of the support and solvent type on the performance of composite membranes
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
T.ŞENER(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Removal of boron from aqueous solutions by continuous polymer enhanced ultrafiltration with polyvinyl alcohol
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
Ç.DİLEK(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Effect of preparation parameters on performance of dense homogeneous polycarbonate and polypyrrole-polycarbonate mixed matrix membranes
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), TOPPARE L. K. (Co-Advisor)
P.HACARLIOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Ethyl lactate production by hybrid processes: Evaluation of performance of hydrophilic pervaporation membranes for ethyl lactate-water-ethanol mixtures
KARAKAŞ G. (Co-Advisor), YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor)
S.KORKUT(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
The effect of support and solvent type on the performance of composite membranes
Analysis and prediction of filter cake washing
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
Y.GÜÇBİLMEZ(Student), Postgraduate, 1999 -
Effect of preparation parameters on performance of conductive composite gas separation membranes
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
D.GÜLŞEN(Student), Postgraduate, 1999 -
Decobrization of wastewater of a bakers yeast plant by membrane processes
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
S.MUTLU(Student), Postgraduate, 1999 -
Decolorization of the wastewater of a Baker's yeast plant by membrane processes
Development of pan based composite membranes for pervaporation
Thermal characterization of GAP and GAP based binders
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
K.SELİM(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
Application of polymer enhanced ultrafiltration to multicomponent systems
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
J.MÜSLEHİDDİNOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 1997 -
Study for the intertase partitioning in polyethylene glycol-potassium phosphate-water aqueous two-phase system
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), HAMAMCI H. (Co-Advisor)
Study for the invertase partitioning in polyethylene glycil-potassium phosphate water aqueous two phase system
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
N.COŞKUN(Student), Postgraduate, 1997 -
Waste minimization by reverse osmosis treatment of bleed stream for continious alcohol fermentation process
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
N.AYDOĞAN(Student), Postgraduate, 1996 -
Effect of temperature on gas permeation properties of polymeric membranes
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
S.AÇIKALIN(Student), Postgraduate, 1996 -
Removal and recovery of heavy metals from waste streams via polymer fankonced ultrafiltrasion
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
Y.ULUDAĞ(Student), Postgraduate, 1995 -
Tertiary recovery of polythyleneterephthalate
YILMAZ L. (Co-Advisor), YILMAZER Ü. (Co-Advisor)
Development of a novel mixed matrix membrane for pervaporation of ethanol-water mixtures
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
K.CİCİOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 1993 -
Tertiary recovery polyethyleneterephthalate
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
M.AGHDAMPOUR(Student), Postgraduate, 1993 -
Gelation studies in ternary polymer solutions
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
M.H.(Student), Postgraduate, 1992 -
Liquid-liquid equilibrium studies for hydrocarbon-alcohol-water systems
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
Liquid-liguid equilibrium studies for hydrocarbon-alcohol-water systems
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
B.ABDULGHANİ(Student), Postgraduate, 1991 -
Separation of ethanol-water mixtures by pervaporation
Modelling of mass transfer aspects of asymmetric membrane formation
YILMAZ L. (Advisor)
E.AKSOY(Student), Postgraduate, 1990