Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Türkiye’de Taşkın Riskli Alanların Belirlenmesi

40. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Kongresi (YA/EM 2021), İstanbul, Turkey, 5 - 07 July 2021, pp.32

Optimum tank size for a rainwater harvesting system: Case study for Northern Cyprus

Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE), Helsinki, Finland, 22 - 24 May 2019, vol.297 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Nehir Suyu Kalitesi Gözlem Sonuçlarının Hidrolik ve Taşınım Modelleri Yardımıyla İncelenmesi

Uluslararası Kentsel Su ve Atıksu Yönetimi Sempozyumu (UKSAY)-2018, Denizli, Turkey, 25 - 27 October 2018, vol.1, pp.1061-1068

Yenigörüce Havzası’ndaki Yağış-Akış İlişkisinin HEC-HMS Hidrolojik Modeli ile Belirlenmesi

International Symposium on Urban Water and Wastewater Management, Denizli, Turkey, 25 - 27 October 2018, vol.1, pp.200-207

Yenigörüce Havzası’ndaki Yağış-Akış İlişkisinin HEC-HMS Hidrolojik Modeli ile Belirlenmesi

Uluslararası Kentsel Su ve Atıksu Yönetimi Sempozyumu (UKSAY)-2018, Denizli, Turkey, 25 - 27 October 2018, vol.1, pp.200-207

Probabilistic tsunami risk assessment using Monte Carlo simulations

13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, İzmir, Turkey, 12 - 14 September 2018

Impact of the period of record on the performance of the map correlation method

13th International Congres on Advances in Civil Engineering, İzmir, Turkey, 12 - 14 September 2018

Impact of record on the performance of the map correlation method

13th International Congres on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21 - 14 August 2018

Probabilistic Tsunami Risk Assessment Using Monte Carlo Simulations

13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12 - 14 August 2018

Estimation of Streamflow Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rule-Based Model

13th International Hydroinformatics Conference HIC2018, 1 - 06 July 2018 Creative Commons License

Coastal Tsunami and Risk Assessment for Eastern Mediterranean Countries

2017 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, United States Of America, 11 - 15 December 2017

Effect of using extreme years in hydrologic model calibration performance

American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 Fall Meeting, New Orleans, United States Of America, 11 - 15 December 2017

Critical infrastructure management: risk, resilience and extent concepts

12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 4 - 08 October 2017

A GIS Tool to Estimate Flow at Ungaged Basins Using the Map Correlation Method

17th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA), Trieste, Italy, 3 - 06 July 2017, vol.10407, pp.377-391 Sustainable Development identifier identifier

Clustering of hydrological data: a review of methods for runoff predictions in ungauged basins

19th EGU General Assembly, EGU2017, proceedings from the conference held 23-28 April, 2017 in Vienna, Austria., p.12005, 23 - 28 April 2017

Flood Risk Mapping Using Economic Environmental and Social Dimensions

12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE), 21 - 23 September 2016

Coastal Tsunami Hazard Mapping

4th European Congress of the International Association for Hydro-environment engineering and Research, 27 - 29 July 2016 identifier

Integrated Watershed Management for Lake Mogan with the focus of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution

WEFTEC 2015, The Water Quality Event, The Water Environment Federation, September 26 – 30, 2015, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 26 - 30 September 2015 identifier

Determination of nutrient loads in Mogan watershed through modelling approach

17th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, 13–18 September, Berlin, Germany., 13 - 18 September 2015

Hydropower versus Other Renewable Energy Sources

World Water Congress XV, Edinburgh, Scotland. 25-29 May, 2015, 25 - 29 May 2015 Sustainable Development

Sustainable Stormwater Management on METU Campus Ankara Turkey

Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference, March 30-31, 2015, University of Maryland, Baltimore USA., 30 - 31 March 2015

Seepage analysis of earth fill dams having random fields

10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2010), Ankara, Turkey, 17 - 19 October 2012, pp.1-9




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