2024 - Continues Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office, NÖROM
2017 - Continues Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Informatics, Medical Informatics
2010 - 2017 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Informatics, Medical Informatics
2009 - 2010 Lecturer PhD
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Informatics, Medical Informatics
2023 - Continues Applied Research Center Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office, NÖROM
2012 - Continues Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Informatics, Medical Informatics
2010 - 2012 Institute Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Informatics, Medical Informatics
2010 - 2012 Program Coordinator
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Informatics, Medical Informatics
2007 - 2009 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte,CA
2000 - 2006 Assistant
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
1998 - 1999 Intern Dr.
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Aydin Son Y., Tunçbağ N. (Co-Advisor)
B.RUKEN(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Aydin Son Y. (Advisor)
A.TOMBULOĞLU(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
A conceptual design for genetic information exchange coding standards in Türkiye
Aydin Son Y., Aydinoğlu A. U. (Co-Advisor)
Comparative analysis of brain cell cultures and tissues in alzheimer's disease based on differential expression and gene set enrichment
Aydin Son Y. (Advisor)
H.CAHİT(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Quantification of bradykinesia in parkinson's disease by using facial images and emg recordings
Aydin Son Y., Gökçay D. (Co-Advisor)
S.CAN(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Integration of machine learning and entropy methods for post-genome-wide association studies analysis
Aydın Son Y. (Advisor)
A technical framework for group studies of diffusion tensor imaging
Aydin Son Y., Gökçay D. (Co-Advisor)
M.ÖZER(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Utility of resequencing and reanalysis for unsolved rare diseases
Aydin Son Y., Ezgü F. S.(Co-Advisor)
Ö.FARUK(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Fluorescent labeling of SPOCK1 and localization studies in live neural cell lines
Aydin Son Y. (Co-Advisor), Son Ç. D.
Z.EDA(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
MFDM: MRI free decision model for diagnosis and treatment selection in patients with low back and neck pain
Aydin Son Y. (Advisor)
B.MİMAROĞLU(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Comparison of Entropy and Ensemble-based feature selection through network analysis of Alzheimers disease-associated variants
Aydın Son Y. (Advisor)
S.RAFATOV(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Artificial learning-based analysis of molecular, clinical trials and patent data for improved drug development
Aydin Son Y., Doğan T.(Co-Advisor)
F.ÇIRAY(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Implementation of krona into QIIME 2
Aydin Son Y. (Advisor)
K.BÜYÜKALTAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Implementation of A patient empowerment platform for ıntegrated care
Aydin Son Y., Laleci Ertürkmen G. B. (Co-Advisor)
B.SARIGÜL(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Predicting multiple types of biological relationships with integrative non-negative matrix factorization
Aydin Son Y. (Advisor)
O.SAVAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Integrative predictive modeling of metastasis in melanoma cancer
Aydın Son Y. (Advisor)
A.KUTLAY(Student), Doctorate, 2022 -
Identification of cellular stress related biomolecules for eventual use in targeted therapies of hepatocellular carcinoma
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
D.GÖZEN(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Systems biology analysis of kinase inhibitors in liver cancer cells using next generation sequencing data
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
K.NARCI(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Aydin Son Y. (Advisor)
G.KARADUMAN(Student), Doctorate, 2020 -
Identification and investigation of metastasis specific miRNAs in breast cancer cells for miRNA replacement therapy
Ergene E., Aydin Son Y. (Co-Advisor)
E.EKENEL(Student), Doctorate, 2019 -
Essential design components of genetic data enabled mobile personal health record systems
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor), AYDINOĞLU A. U. (Co-Advisor)
Optimization of weights and features in use of ahp for SNP prioritization
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Investigation of the in vitro cytotoxic effects of boron on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HepG2
GÜRAY N. T. (Co-Advisor), AYDIN SON Y. (Co-Advisor)
Genomic modelling of bipolar disorders: Comparison of multifactor dimension reduction and classification-based data mining methods
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Investigating the role of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) in explaining differential gene expression in cancer
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Reconstruction of the temporal signaling network in salmonella infected human cells
AYDIN SON Y. (Co-Advisor), TUNÇBAĞ N. (Co-Advisor)
Modeling the combined effect of RNA-binding proteins and micrornas in post-transcriptional regulation
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
A multi-layered graphical model of the relation among SNPs, genes, and pathways based on subgraph search
CAN T. (Co-Advisor), AYDIN SON Y. (Co-Advisor)
Investigation of structural properties of methylated human promoter regions in terms of DNA helical rise
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Cytokine polymorphism catalog (CytoCAT) for the analysis of phenotype associations
AYDIN SON Y. (Co-Advisor), ACAR A. C. (Co-Advisor)
A predictive model for type 2 diabetes mellitus based on genomic and phenotypic risk factors
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data integrated electronic health record (EHR) for personalized medicine
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
T.BEYAN(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
Single nucletide polymorphism (SNP) data integrated electronic health record (EHR) for personalized medicine
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Integration of metu-snp databases via rdf for pi-snp web service
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
C.GEDİKOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
A Method to improve the communication between information technology and healthcare professionals during mobile healthcare application development
AYDIN SON Y. (Co-Advisor), Son Y.(Co-Advisor)
A framework for gene co-expression network analysis of lung cancer
CAN T. (Co-Advisor), AYDIN SON Y. (Co-Advisor)
A hybrid feature selection model for genome wide association studies
AYDIN SON Y. (Co-Advisor), BAYKAL N. (Co-Advisor)
Investigation of schizophrenia related genes and pathways through genome wide association studies
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Investigation of human promoter CpG content and methylation profiles at different conservation levels
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Predicting the disease of alzheimer (AD) with SNP biomarkers and clinical data based decision support system using data mining classification approaches
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
Determination of performance parameters for AHP based single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) prioritization approach on alzheimers's disease data
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)
O.KADIOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2011 -
An integrative approach to structured SNP prioritization and representative snp selection for genome-wide association studies
AYDIN SON Y. (Advisor)