2002 - Continues Assistant Professor
1997 - Continues Instructor/Reader
METU Department
1997 - 2002 Instructor/Reader
1978 - 1983 Instructor/Reader
METU Department
Making Istanbul a finance center: A hegemonic spatial project of the AKP regime
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
E.ÖNOL(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
An assessment of German fascism as a mass movement in relation to the ruling classes and its significance for the contemporary rise of right-wing populism: The process of fascisation
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
U.DEVRİM(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Statehood struggle within the context of a protracted conflict; political economy of the Turkish Cypriot case
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
N.NİLGÜN(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Economic policy preferences of Turkish Cypriot business groups in the post-2004 process in North Cyprus /
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Political economy of populism: The case of Argentina
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
An analysis of the rise of SYRIZA in the context of crisis of neoliberalism
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Financialization of state and household indebtedness: The case of Turkey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Labour markets, labour relations and the state: a comparative – historical analysis of Argentina and Turkey, 2001-2015
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Framing mega regional trade agreements within global capitalism: An analysis of the TPP, TTIP and TISA proposals
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
P.KAHYA(Student), Postgraduate, 2016 -
Framing mega regional trade agreements within global capitalism: an analysis of the TPP, TTIP and TISA proposals/
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A critical assessment of Turkey's migration regime: Securitization versus human rights?
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
K.AYDINLI(Student), Postgraduate, 2015 -
The macroprudential supervision in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis: The US example
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
O.DERVİŞLER(Student), Postgraduate, 2015 -
A Critical assessment of Turkey’s migration regime: securitization versus human rights?
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
The Macroprudential supervision in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis: the US example /
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Hedonistic consumerism:an exploratory case study of the changing consumer culture in Turkey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
State and market in the analysis of Anatolian tigers : a critical survey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Neoliberal Transformation of the State through the Establishment of Independent Regulatory Agencies : The Case of "Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority" in Turkey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Debt management and financialisation as facets of state restructuring: the case of turkey in the post-1980 period
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Internationalization of capital, globalization, and the state
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Debt management and financialisation as facets of state restructuring: The case of Turkey in the post 1980 period
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A.RIZA(Student), Doctorate, 2012 -
Neoliberal transformation of the state through the establishment of independent regulatory agencies: The case of Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Suthority in Turkey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Ö.ŞAFAK(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
Neoliberal transformation in China in the 1980s and the 1990s
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
An analysis of social assistance programmes during the Neoliberal era: Bolsa Familia programme in Brazil as a case study
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A critical analysis of the transformation of the social security system in Turkey in the context of new constitutionalism and Europeanization
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
D.ÇAMPINARI(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
A Critical analysis of the transformation of the social security system in Turkey in the context of new constitutionalism and Europeanizatiion
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
National social dialogue structures and the European employment strategy: Comparing Greece and Ireland
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
From washington consensus to global crisis
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
İ.MUTLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2010 -
From Washington consensus to global crises
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A discursive enquiry into the political economy of New Labour: İs it a rupture from or a perpetuation of neoliberal hegemony?
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Health care policies in Central and Eastern European countries and european integration: Competing approaches
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Contest in the boundaries of corporate social responsibility: Emergence of nongovernmental systems of labour regulation in the textile and apparel industry
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Social market economy: A discursive framework for European social model
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
S.ATABAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
Social policy making in the EU: contending paradigms and alternative approaches
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Social market economy: a discursive framework for European social model?
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
From globalization to empire : a critical evaluation of dominant meta-narratives
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Mechanisms for the bourgeois hold of state power and the case of Turkey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor), TOKLUOĞLU A. C. (Co-Advisor)
Future of regulation theory: Open-endedness and post-disciplinarity
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
The evalution of New Labour`s European policy: Europe as the New Jerusalem
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
H.KESER(Student), Postgraduate, 2006 -
Transformation and the "politics of conditionality" : a comparative analysis of Poland and Romania until the mid-1990s
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Transformation and the politics of conditionality: A comparative analysis of Poland and Romania until the mid-1990s
TÜRKEŞ M. (Co-Advisor), YALMAN O. G. (Co-Advisor)
S.AKŞİT(Student), Doctorate, 2006 -
State, labour and crisis: The 1989-1995 period in Turkey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
H.ARSLAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2006 -
The evolution of 'new' Labour's European Policy : Europe as the 'New Jerusalem'
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A critical overview of the East Asian development: The cases of miraculous East Asian economies and China
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
State, labor and crisis : the 1989-1995 period in Turkey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A critical evaluation of the third way and its reflections on Turkish politics
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Premises and assumptions of the Ottoman State tradition paradigma : a critical evaluation of Metin Heper's contribution
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Failed state discourse as an instrument of the US foreign policy in the post cold war era
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Premises and assumptions of the Ottoman State tradition paradigm: A critical evaluation of Metin Heper's contribution
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
S.YELDA(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
Socialist perspectives on foreign policy issues: The case of TİP in the 1960s
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A critical review of the approaches to the state in Turkey during the 1980s
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A.RIZA(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
Sosyal politika olarak yoksullukla mücadelenin bir eleştirisi: Dünya Bankası'nın Türkiye'de sosyal riski azaltma projesi
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Ö.ZEHRA(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
A critical review of the approaches to the restructuring of the state in Turkey during the 1980s
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
State tradition and business in Turkey: The case of TÜSİAD
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Political economy of labour law in Turkey : work employment and international division of labour
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Changing concepts and practices of citizenship: Experiences and perceptions of second-generation Turkish-Germans
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Market reforms and corruption in developing countries: Making sense of the relationship between the economic and the political in neoliberalism
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
In search of relational perspective: A critical inquiry into the theoretical roots and political implications of state/market duality in the context of globalization
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Z.YILMAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
The conception of development in the Turkish left in the 1960s: The case of TİP
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A critical reading of the discourses of Europeanization and multi-level governance within the European Union
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
N.ÖNER(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
Losing the sight of the whole : a critical review of three schools of international political economy on globalisation and the state
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Two versions of enlightenment state in the late Ottoman era: protectionist state versus liberal state in the works of Akyiğitzade Musa and Mehmet Cavid
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Political economy of Labour Law in Turkey: Work, employment and international division of labour
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A.MURAT(Student), Doctorate, 2004 -
A critical reading of the discourses of europeanization and multi-level
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Losing the sight of the whole: A critical rewiev of three schools of international political economy on globalisation and the state
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Z.NAZİKİOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
A Democratisation project in the age neoliberalism: The historical specificity of the TÜSİAD reports
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
N.GÜVELİOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
A democratisation project in the age of neoliberalism: the historical specificity of the Tüsiad reports
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A Comparative analysis of the debates on democratization in the 1970s and 1980s
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A critical review of the debates on populism : politics of import substitution industrialization or a hegemonic project?
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Social market economy : an inquiry into the theoretical bases of German model of capitalism
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
The Possibility of sustainable development: Environmentalism vs. developmentalism
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
E.FUNDA(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
The Case of Susurluk: How to make sense of state-civil society relations in Turkey
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
U.BOZKURT(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Mapping Özal's new right hegemonic project
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
A.ARGUN(Student), Doctorate, 2001 -
Towards a relational understanding of the state-civil society relation: Deriving insights from realist and gramsion perspectives
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
E.DENİZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Corporatism: Theory and practice the cases of fascist Italy and salazarist Portugal
YALMAN O. G. (Advisor)
Z.ÇELER(Student), Postgraduate, 2000