1993 - Devam Ediyor Professor
1987 - 1993 Associate Professor (Promotion)
1986 - 1987 Assistant Professor
Quantum mechanical study of propylene epoxidation on various metal oxide surfaces
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Theoretical and experimental investigation of water-gas shift reaction over supported copper/iron oxide catalysts
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Quantum mechanical investigation of CO oxidation conducted on automotive exhaust emission catalysts containing La and Pd/La on ceria-zirconia
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Development of three way catalytic converters for elimination of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitric oxide in automotive exhaust
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Propilen epoksidasyonunun bakir oksit ve lityum içeren bakir oksit katalizörleri üzerinde yoğunluk fonksiyoneli teorisi ile incelenmesi.
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Propylene epoxidation on CuO and Li promoted cuo catalysts: A density functional theory study
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
M.GEZER(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2014 -
Removal of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitric oxides in automotive exhaust with three way catalytic converter
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Exhaust gas cleaning by three way catalytic converters
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Z.KARAKOÇ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2013 -
Egzoz gazlarının üç yollu katalitik konvertörler ile temizlenmesi.
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Catalytic reaction of propylene to propylene oxide on various catalysts
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Application of density functional theory to propylene to propylene oxide catalytic reaction
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
A study of catalytic nanocarbon synthesis by means of quantum mechanical methods
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Epoxidation reactions of small alkenes on catalytic surfaces
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Computational study of ethylene epoxidation
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Development of sol-gel catalysts by use of fast combinatorial synthesis and high throughput testing techniques for catalytic oxidation of propylene to propylene oxide
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
A quantum chemical study of water and ammonia adsorption mechanisms on titanium dioxide surfaces
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Quantum mechanical treatment of fullerene-based systems doped with various metal and non-metal elements as prospective spin-qubits
Development of a three way catalytic converter for elimination of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitric oxide in automotive exhaust
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
A DFT study of ethylene adsorption and hydrogenation mechanisms on nickel
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Catalytic partial oxidation of propylene on metal surfaces by means of quantum chemical methods
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
A density functional theory study of catalytic epoxidation of ethylene and propylene
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Quantum mechanical calculation of nitrous oxide decomposition on transition metals
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Quantum chemical simulation of nitric oxide reduction by ammonia (SCR reaction) on V2O5/TiO2 catalyst surface
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Quantum mechanical calculation of ethylene hydrogenation on nickel 111 single crystal surface and nickel nanoclusters
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Quantum chemical simulation of NO reduction by ammonia (SCR reaction) on V2O5 catalyst surface
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
A.UZUN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2003 -
Computational quantum chemical study of oxidative dehydrogenation propane to propylene
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Catalytic partial oxidation of methane to formaldehyde
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
B.AKBULUT(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2000 -
Computational quantum chemical study of oxidative dehydrogenation of propone to propylene
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
N.UZMAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2000 -
Catalytic partial oxidation of methane
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Ş.ÖZTÜRK(Öğrenci), Doktora, 1998 -
An Investigation on the production of sialon ceramics by sol-gel method
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
C.AKSEL(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1996 -
Oxidative coupling of methane using superconductor and semiconductor type catalytic materials
The Use of natural zeolite as catalyst in the production of ethylbenzene
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Ö.ESEN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1994 -
Efficient catalysts for oxidative coupling of methane
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
O.ALTIN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1992 -
Production of sialon ceramics via sol-gel process
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
M.NİLGÜN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1992 -
Transient modeling of diffusivity for monolithic catalyst by using pilse testing technique
Transient modeling of diffusivity for monolithic catalyst by using pulse testing technique
ÖNAL I. (Danışman)
Z.KHEDR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1991 -
Mathematical modelign of the behavior of atmospheric fluidized bed combustors. (AFBC's)