Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

An Adaptive Converter for Current Neural Stimulators Achieving up to 79% Power Dissipation Reduction

IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE ISCAS), Daegu, Güney Kore, 22 - 28 Mayıs 2021 identifier identifier

13.56 MHz Mixed Mode Rectifier Circuit for Implantable Medical Devices

19th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (Power MEMS), Krakow, Polonya, 2 - 06 Aralık 2019 identifier

A Pulse-Width Modulated Cochlear Implant Interface Electronics with 513 μW Power Consumption

2019 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, ISLPED 2019, Lausanne, İsviçre, 29 - 31 Temmuz 2019, cilt.2019-July identifier

Charge Balance Circuit for Constant Current Neural Stimulation with Less than 8 nC Residual Charge

IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE ISCAS), Sapporo, Japonya, 26 - 29 Mayıs 2019 Creative Commons License identifier identifier

A Pulse-Width Modulated Cochlear Implant Interface Electronics with 513 mu W Power Consumption

IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), Lausanne, İsviçre, 29 - 31 Temmuz 2019 identifier

An Autonomous Interface Circuit Based on Self-Investing Synchronous Energy Extraction for Low Power Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters

18th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, Florida, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 4 - 07 Aralık 2018, cilt.1407 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier identifier

WirelessEnergySim: A Discrete Event Simulator for an Energy-Neutral Operation of IoT Nodes

IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), Batumi, Gürcistan, 4 - 07 Haziran 2018, ss.122-126 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier identifier

Triple Hybrid Energy Harvesting Interface Electronics

16th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Technology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), Paris, Fransa, 6 - 09 Aralık 2016, cilt.773 identifier identifier

A Self-Powered Hybrid Energy Scavenging System Utilizing RF and Vibration Based Electromagnetic Harvesters

15th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), Massachusetts, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 1 - 04 Aralık 2015, cilt.660 identifier identifier

Optimized Electromagnetic Harvester with a Non-Magnetic Inertial Mass

Conference on EUROSENSORS, Freiburg, Almanya, 6 - 09 Eylül 2015, cilt.120, ss.337-340 identifier identifier

Stage Optimization in Regulated Step-Up for Low Voltage Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters

5th International Conference on Energy Aware Computing Systems & Applications (ICEAC), Cairo, Mısır, 24 - 26 Mart 2015 identifier identifier

A self-powered and efficient rectifier for electromagnetic energy harvesters

13th IEEE SENSORS Conference, SENSORS 2014, Valencia, İspanya, 2 - 05 Kasım 2014, cilt.2014-December, ss.182-185 Creative Commons License identifier

A 180 nm Self-Powered Rectifier Circuit for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters

4th Annual International Conference on Energy Aware Computing Systems and Applications (ICEAC), İstanbul, Türkiye, 16 - 18 Aralık 2013, ss.29-33 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier identifier

An efficient integrated interface electronics for electromagnetic energy harvesting from low voltage sources

2013 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS 2013, Barcelona, İspanya, 16 - 20 Haziran 2013, ss.450-453 identifier

An Efficient Integrated Interface Electronics for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting from Low Voltage Source

International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems, Transducers, BARSELONA, İspanya, 16 - 20 Temmuz 2013

Towards a vibration energy harvesting WSN demonstration testbed

2013 24th Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications - Green Information and Communications Technology, TIWDC 2013, Genoa, İtalya, 23 - 25 Eylül 2013 identifier



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