2010 - Continues Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering
2004 - 2010 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering
2002 - 2004 Lecturer
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering
2021 - Continues Director of the Center
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering
2013 - 2015 Visiting Researcher
Carnegie Mellon University
2001 - 2002 Post-doctoral researcher
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
2000 - 2001 Chief Scientist
Starlab Research Laboratories
1997 - 2000 Assistant
Boston University
1991 - 1995 Assistant
Distributed nonlinear model predictive formation control of quadrotor type UAVs in cluttered and dynamic environments
Ankaralı M. M., Şahin E. (Co-Advisor)
M.SAMİ(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Distributed area partitioning for multi-robot coverage
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
B.HOCAOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Generation and analysis of breathing as an hri behavior on a cobot
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
A.NURİ(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Turgut A. E., Şahin E. (Co-Advisor)
C.BİLALOĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Trust attribution in collaborative robots: an experimental investigation of non-verbal cues in a virtual human-robot interaction setting
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
A.MERİÇ(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Strike me and get marked: the conceptual, analytical and simulation model of an add-on module to deter quadrotor strikes
Şahin E. (Advisor)
ALET (Automated Labeling of Equipment and Tools): A Dataset for Tool Detection and Human Worker Safety Detection
A grounded and contextualized web of concepts on a humanoid robot
Perception, Learning and Use of Tool Affordances on Humanoid Robots
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Y.ÇALIŞKAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2013 -
Formation of adjective, noun and verb concepts through affordances
A developmental grasp learning scheme for humanoid robots
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
A probabilistic geometric model of self-organized aggregation in swarm robotic systems
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Emergence of verb and object concepts through learning affordances
A developmental framework for learning affordances
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Action recognition through action generation
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Implementation of a closed-loop action generation system on a humanoid robot through learning by demonstration
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Function and appearance-based emergence of object concepts through affordances
To flock or not to flock: Pros and cons of flocking in long-range "migration" of mobile robot swarms
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Self-organized flocking with a mobile robot swarm
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Control of a mobile robot swarm via informed robots
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Using learned affordances for robotic behavior development
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Robot planing based on learned affordances
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Robot planning based on learned affordances
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
M.ÇAKMAK(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
Direct perception of traversibility affordance on range images through learning on a mobile robot
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Towards learning affordances: Detection of relevant features and characteristics for reachability
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
A systematic study of probabilistic aggregation strategies in swarm robotic systems
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Evolving aggregation behaviors for swarm robotic systems: A systematic case study
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
E.BAHÇECİ(Student), Postgraduate, 2005 -
Evolving aggregation behaviors for swarm robotics systems: a systematic case study
ŞAHİN E. (Advisor)
Implementation and Research Center - Directorate
Şahin E., Koku A. B., Ankaralı M. M., Akbaş E., Cinbiş R. G., Kalkan S., et al.
2021 - Continues Robotik Lisansüstü Programı
Ankaralı M. M., Şahin E., Turgut A. E., Koku A. B., Saranlı U., Saranlı A., et al.