2016 - Devam Ediyor Prof. Dr.
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü
1992 - 2008 Professor
METU, Professor
Evaluation of reservoir quality of the Derdere formation within the sequence stratigraphic framework in Diyarbakir region, se Turkey
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
S.MÜGE(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2021 -
Foraminiferal and calpionellid biostratigraphy, microfacies analyses and tectonic implications of the upper jurassic-lower cretaceous carbonate platform to slope successions in Sivrihisar region (Eskişehir, NW Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
S.GÖRKEM(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2017 -
Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, KB Türkiye) bölgesi üst jura – alt kretase karbonat platformu ve yamaç istiflerinde foraminifer ve kalpionellid biyostratigrafisi, mikrofasiyes analizleri ve tektonik çıkarımlar.
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Planktonic foraminiferal diversity and abundance changes across cretaceous-paleogene boundary beds in the haymana basin and new observations on the extinction horizon
Altıner S., Altıner D. (Eş Danışman)
Palynostratigraphic and palynofacies investigations of the miocene units in the Adana basin (Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
A.TUĞBA(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2017 -
Üst jura – alt kretase inalti formasyonu’nun mikropaleontolojik ve stratigrafik analizi (Bürnük, orta pontidler, Türkiye) : fasiyes evrimi üzerine notlar.
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Micropaleontological and stratigraphic analyses of the upper jurassic-lower cretaceous Inalti formation (Bürnük, Central pontides): Remarks on the facies evolution
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
M.YÜCEL(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2014 -
Stage boundaries in the mississipian of Taurides based on conodont data: Statistical analysis taxonomy and biostratigraphy
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Foraminiferal paleontology and sequence stratigraphy in the upper visean-serpukhovian deposits (Aladağ Unit, Eastern Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Foraminiferal paleontology, biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic boundary beds of the Bolkar Daği Unit (Central Taurides, turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Micropalentological analysis and sequence stratigraphy through upper tournaisian substage in Aladağ unit (Central Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
A sequence stratigraphic approach to the depositional history analysis of the upper eocene sedimentary succession, Northwest of the Thrace basin, Turkey
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Cretaceous/paleogene boundary in the Haymana basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Micropaleontological, mineralogical and sequence stratigraphic approach
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis of Upper Miocene-Recent Submarine Fan and Channel-Levee Complexes, and Their Evolution in a Tectonically Active Setting, Eastern Black Sea Basin
KARAHANOĞLU N. (Eş Danışman), ALTINER D. (Eş Danışman)
N.ÖZGÜR(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2008 -
Sedimentary cyclicity and micropaleontological investigations in the upper triassic shallow marine carbonate successions (Central and Western Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Meter scale cycles in the eocene Cayraz formation (Haymana basin) and response of foraminifers to cyclicity
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Depositional stacking patterns and cycles of garzan formation in the Garzan-Germik oil field: An approach to cycle to log correlation
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and foraminiferal response to sedimentary cyclicity in the upper cretaceous-paleocene of the Haymana basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Sedimentary cyclicity in the upper cretaceous successions of the Haymana basin (Turkey): Depositional sequences as response to relative sea-level changes
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
A.HÜSEYNOV(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2007 -
Haymana Havzası'nın (Türkiye) üst kretase istiflerinde sedimanter devirsellik : göreceli deniz seviyesi değişimlerini kayıtlayan çökel sekanslar
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Lower-middle carboniferous boundary in Central Taurides, Turkey (hadim area): Paleontological and sequence stratigraphic approach
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Kars-Erzurum-Muş havzaları (Doğu Anadolu) oligosen-miyosen birimlerinin palinostratigrafisi ve palinofasiyes özellikleri.
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Aladağ biriminin turneziyen-vizeyen sınırı boyunca mikropakeontolojik analizi ve fasiyes evrimi (Orta Toroslar, Türkiye)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Palynostratigraphic and palynofacies investigation of the Oigocene-Mocene units in the Kars-Erzurum-Muş sub-basins (Estern Anatolia)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
R.HAYRETTİN(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2005 -
Micropaleontological analysis and facies evolution across the tournaisian-viean boundary in Aladağ unit (Central Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
A.AHMET(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2005 -
Applications of cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy in determination of the hierarchy in peritidal and pelagic successions (NW, SW and WNW of Turkey) by using sedimentology and sedimentary geochemistry (stable isotopes)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Meter-scale subtidal cycles in the middle carboniferous carbonates of Central Taurides Southern Turkey and response of fusulinacean foraminifers to sedimentary cyclicity
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
A.ŞEN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
Cyclic sedimentation along the Permian-Triassic boundary (Central Taurides, Hadim, Southwestern Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
E.ÜNAL(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
Applications of cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy in determination of the hierarchy in peritidial and pelagic successions (NW, SW and WNW of Turkey) by using sedimentology and sedimentary geochemistry (stable isotopes)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
İ.ÖMER(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2002 -
Meter-scale shallowing upword cycles in the midian (upper permian) strata (Central Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
E.PÖTÜRGELİ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
A Sequence stratigraphical approach from microfacies analysis to the Aptian-Albian peritidal carbonates of Polat Limestone (Seydişehir)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
A Sequence stratigraphical approach from microfacies analyses to the aption-albion peritidal carbonates of polat cimestone (Seydişehir)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Z.ELİF(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1999 -
Lower and Middle Carboniferous micropaleontology and biostratigraphy of eastern part of pre-caspian depression, western Kazakhstan
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Depositional sequences of the Yenimuhacir group clastics in the Değirmenköy gas field, based on sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy concepts
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Lower and middle carboniferous microplace ontology and biostratigraphy of eastern part of Pre-Caspian depression western Kazakistan
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
R.ÖZKAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1999 -
Meter-scale cyclic deposits in the lover certaceous peridital carbonates of the Üzümlü area (Western Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
N.AKÇAR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1998 -
Short distance sequence stratigraphic correlation in a carbonate succession of Fele area (north of Beyşehir Lake, western Tauridos, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
M.BAYAZITOĞLU(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1998 -
Meter-scale cyclic deposits in the lower cretaceous peritidal carbonates of the Üzümlü Area (Western Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Short distance sequence stratigraphic correlation in a carbonate succession of Fele area (North of Beyşehir Lake, Western Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Sequence stratigraphy and dasyclad algal taxonomy in the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)-Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) peritidal carbonates of the Fele (Yassıbel) area (Central Taurides, Turkey)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Sequence stratigraphy and dasyelad algal taxonomy in the upper jurassic (Kimmeridgian) upper (Retaceous cenomanian) peritidal carbonates of the Fele area central taurides, Turkey
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
İ.ÖMER(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1997 -
Micropaleontologic data from Damlaağaçderesi sedimentary melange in Alacaatlı region ( Ankara ) I reconstruction of Jurassi-cretaceous sedimentary successions
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
S.BERRİN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1995 -
Micropaleontologic data from Damlaağaçderesi Sedimentary Melange in Alacaatlı Region(Ankara): reconstruction of Jurassi-cretaceous sedimentary successions
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Stratigraphy and foraminiferal micropaleontology of the upper cretaceous sedimentary succession in ne Kahta (Adıyaman) region : A Biometric approach to orbitoidal foraminifera
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
E.ÖZCAN(Öğrenci), Doktora, 1994 -
An attempt to reconstruct the jurassic-cretaceous successions of the Damlaağaçderesi Sedimentary Melange: Stratigraphic and micropaleontologic analyses
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
An Attempt to reconstruct the jurassic-cretaceous successions of the Damlaağaç Deresi sedimantary malange: Stratigraphic and micropaleontologic analyses
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
A.FİGEN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1994 -
Miocene (aquitanian-langhian) formaniferal taxonomy and biostratigraphy in the Western Taurides.(SW Anatolia)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Miocene formaniferal taxonomy and biostratigraphy in the western taurides
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
S.ERK(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1994 -
Late companian-early paleocene planktic foraminiferal taxonomy and biostratigraphy in the Adıyaman region (SE Anatolia)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
H.YAKAR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1993 -
Late campanian-early paleocene planktic foraminiferal taxonomy and biostratigraphy in the Adıyaman region(Se Anatolia).
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
Paleocene planktonic foraminiferal taxonomy and biostratigraphy in the Adıyaman region (SE Anatolia)
ALTINER D. (Danışman)
A.GÜRGEY(TEKİN)(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1991 -
Stratigraphic and micropaleontologic investigation of the Alakır-ı well (Finike), western taurids, Turkey
ALTINER D. (Danışman)