Genetic structure of modern and ancient swordfish populations from coasts of Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Genetic diversity of gazelles (gazella marica and gazella gazella) in southeast Turkey: With a special emphasis on ongoing conservation studies of gazella marica in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Ancient dna isolation and mitochondrial dna analysis of human samples from Çemi·alo Sırtı, Batman in Southeast Anatolia
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
R.YAKA(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2015 -
A short fragment of ancient DNA and its use in determination of sheep mitochondrial dna haplogroups in Southeast Anatolia
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Revealing the history of Anatolian sheep domestication by using retrovirus integrations
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Genetic diversity of sheep breeds focusing on conservation research in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Surveillance of prion protein (PrP) gene polymorphisms in Turkish native sheep breeds
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
B.UZUN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2012 -
MtDNA based genetic diversity of native sheep breeds and Anatolian mouflon (Ovis gmelinii Anatolica) in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
S.DEMİRCİ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2012 -
Bioinformatic analyses in microsatellite-based genetic diversity of Turkish sheep breeds
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Genotyping of beta-casein, kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin genes in turkish native cattle breeds and efforts to delineate BCM-7 on human PBMC
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Reassessment of genetic diversity in native turkish sheep breeds with large numbers of microsatellite markers and mitochondrial DNA (MTDNA)
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Mitochondrial DNA (MTDNA) haplogroup composition in Turkish sheep breeds
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Camera trapping large mammals in yenice forest habitats: A feasibility study for camera trapping large mammals in Yenice forests, Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Polymorphism of prolactin (PRL), diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT-1) and bovine solute carrier family 35 member 3 (SLC35A3) genes in native cattle breeds and its implication for Turkish cattle breeding
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Comparative analyses for the central asian contribution to Anatolian gene pool with reference to Balkans
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Effect of traditional starter cultures on quality of cheese
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
An extended study on the Alu insertion polymorphisms in Anatolian human population
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
C.ŞEKERYAPAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2005 -
Mitochondrial DNA (MTDNA) sequence analyses of Kangal dogs in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Genetic diversity of native and crossbreed sheep breeds in Anatolia
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Combined effects of the 4-nonylphenol and fish kairomones on the survival, morphology and life history traits of Daphina magna straus
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
H.ELİF(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
CTTV loci in Turkish and Western Central Asian populations and their forensic values
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
G.ÇETİNKAYA(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
Database of sheep breeds in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
S.CAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
Alkylphenols in two rivers of Turkey and assessment of nonylphenol bioaccumulation leading to histological and biochemical changes in the liver of rainbow trout
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
C.UĞUZ(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2001 -
9-bp deletion, alu insertion and microsatellite polymorphisms in Anatolia and Central Asian Turks
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
S.İÇENER(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2001 -
Genetic identity of Anatolian Sheepherd Dog (ASD) population using microsatellites
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
E.KOBAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2001 -
Ros1, RAG1, RAG3' and IGF2 RFLP analysis of some hotchery rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) populations in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
C.CANER(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2001 -
Spectroscopic analysis of the livers in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to nonylphenol
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
G.ÇAKMAK(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2001 -
The status of gray wolf (Canis lupus L. 1758) brown bear (Ursus arctos L. 1758) and evrasian lynx (Lynx lynx L.1758) in Turkey and recommendation for effective convercation programs
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Ö.EMRE(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2001 -
DNA isolation and PCR amplification from sheep samples obtained by non-destructive sampling
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
C.BEKPEN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2001 -
An Archaeometric study on the iron age plant samples from Patnos (Ağrı)
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
K.ÖZDEMİR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1999 -
Genetic differentiation in Turkish broum trout (Salmo trutta L.) populations as revealed by protein polymoplusm
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
E.PLAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1999 -
A preliminary study on genetic differentation among Turkish brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) populations as revecaled by RFLP analysis of PCR amplified mitochondrial DNA segments
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
F.GEZGİN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1999 -
Alu insertion polymorphisms in Anatolia
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
F.ÖZBAŞ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1998 -
The Genetic structure of Anatolian Turkish population based on fifteen loci
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
A.ERGÜVEN(Öğrenci), Doktora, 1997 -
Morphological and genetic variability among four populations of broun trout (salma trutta L.) in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
A.ERDİNÇ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1996 -
Distribution of 6LO I genotypes among normal individuals, cancer patients and diabetic patients in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
A.YILMAZ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1996 -
A study on the structures of natural trout populations in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
A.ZEHRA(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1995 -
A Study on theredcell enzyme and blood group polymorphisms in Turkish populations
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
İ.DERELİ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1994 -
The Red cell enzyme and blood group polymorphisms in Turkey
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
A.ERGÜVEN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1993 -
Molecular events in the activation of cell cycle
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
D.DEDEOĞLU(BİLGİN)(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1992 -
Electrophoretic analysis of genetic variability in the house fly (musca domestica L.)
TOGAN İ. Z. (Danışman)
Ş.KOCABAŞ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1989