Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Design and Implementation of a Fast, Platform-Adaptive, AIS-20/31 Compliant PLL-Based True Random Number Generator on a Zynq 7020 SoC FPGA

17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems, CISIS 2024 and the 15th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education, ICEUTE 2024, Salamanca, İspanya, 8 - 10 Ekim 2024, cilt.957 LNNS, ss.45-55 identifier

Methods for Masking CRYSTALS-Kyber Against Side-Channel Attacks

2023 16th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTürkiye), Türkiye, 18 Ekim 2023 identifier

Improving Performance in Space-Hard Algorithms

7th International Symposium on Cyber Security, Cryptology, and Machine Learning, CSCML 2023, Be'er-Sheva, İsrail, 29 - 30 Haziran 2023, cilt.13914 LNCS, ss.398-410 identifier

Random Sequences in Vehicle Routing Problem

10th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications, NMA 2022, Borovets, Bulgaristan, 22 - 26 Ağustos 2022, cilt.13858 LNCS, ss.159-170 identifier

Verifiable Timed Commitments f or Fair Sealed-bid Auctions

1st IEEE International Conference on Cryptography, Informatics, and Cybersecurity, ICoCICs 2023, Hybrid, Bogor, Endonezya, 22 - 24 Ağustos 2023, ss.236-245 identifier

A General Version of Carlet’s Construction of APN Functions

ALGORITHMS IN CRYPTOGRAPHY AND BLOCKCHAIN: Special Session at the 27th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA’2022), İstanbul, Türkiye, 15 - 19 Ağustos 2022, ss.187-188

Gröbner Basis Attack on STARK-Friendly Symmetric-Key Primitives: JARVIS, MiMC and GMiMCerf

15th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptography, ISCTURKEY 2022, Ankara, Türkiye, 19 - 20 Ekim 2022, ss.1-7 identifier

On the Number of Arithmetic Operations in NTT-based Polynomial Multiplication in Kyber and Dilithium Cryptosystems

14th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN), ELECTR NETWORK, 15 - 17 Aralık 2021 identifier identifier

PSO based Blockchain Committee Member Selection

6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK 2021, Ankara, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Eylül 2021, ss.725-730 identifier

Implementation Analysis of Cryptography Toolbox in Hyperledger

14th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, ISCTURKEY 2021, Ankara, Türkiye, 2 - 03 Aralık 2021, ss.179-184 identifier

Comparison of Randomized Solutions for Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem

2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering, ICECCE 2020, İstanbul, Türkiye, 12 - 13 Haziran 2020 identifier

Three-Weight Minimal Linear Codes and Their Applications

Second International Workshop on Cryptography and itsApplications, Oran, Cezayir, 18 - 19 Haziran 2019

Ideal factorization method and its applications

3rd International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering, AMINSE 2017, Tbilisi, Gürcistan, 7 - 09 Aralık 2017, cilt.276, ss.149-160 identifier

Nearly Perfect Sequences and Cryptographic Functions

Workshop on Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Cryptography and Information Security, 08 Aralık 2017

Near Butson Hadamard Matrices with Small off diagonal Entries

3rd Istanbul Design Theory, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Workshop, 13 - 17 Haziran 2016

F11 üzerinde çok noktalı cebirsel eğriler

8. Ankara Matematik Günleri, Türkiye, 13 - 14 Haziran 2013, ss.94

Recent attacks against HFE Multi HFE MQ cryptosystems and Connection with Ore s p polynomial decomposition

6th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Türkiye, 23 - 24 Mayıs 2013

RSA Kriptosistemi Parametreleri için Güvenlik Testi Yazılımı

6th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Türkiye, 23 - 24 Mayıs 2013

Probabilistic Decoding of RS Codes with Extended BKY Algorithm

International Conference on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Ankara, Türkiye, 3 - 06 Ekim 2012

Nonexistence of certain almost p-ary perfect sequences

7th International Conference on Sequences and Their Applications, SETA 2012, Waterloo, ON, Kanada, 4 - 08 Haziran 2012, cilt.7280 LNCS, ss.13-24 identifier

Kriptografik Modüllerin Güvenlik Gereksinimleri

III. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Aralık 2008, cilt.3, ss.253-256

PKI lite A PKI system with limited resources

II. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Türkiye, 13 - 14 Aralık 2007, ss.59-62

On Algebraic Attacks Using Groebner Basis

II. Information Security and Cryptology Conference, Türkiye, 13 - 14 Aralık 2007, ss.312-318

DSA Sisteminin Çalıştırılması ve Test Edilmesi

II. Information Security and Cryptology Conference, Türkiye, 13 - 14 Aralık 2007, ss.290-297

Scalar multiplication on elliptic curves

II. National Conference on Cryptology, Türkiye, 15 - 17 Aralık 2006, ss.114-124

Ayrık Logaritma Problemini Kullanan E İmza

Ulusal Elektronik İmza Sempozyumu, Türkiye, 7 - 08 Aralık 2006, ss.381-386
Bilirkişi Raporları

Kripto varlıkların durumu

11. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi, ss.9, Gaziantep, 2022



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