Academic Titles
2018 - Continues Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology
2016 - 2018 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology
Supervised Theses
Investigating the role and regulation of H3K36 methylation in neuroectodermal lineage commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells
Terzi Çizmecioğlu N. (Advisor)
D.SEZGİNMERT(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
The effect of SETD3 on beta-catenin and canonical WNT signaling pathway activity in mouse embryonic stem cells
Terzi Çizmecioğlu N. (Advisor)
C.ALGANATAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2023 -
Setd3-dependent gene expression changes during endoderm differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells
Terzi Çizmecioğlu N. (Advisor)
E.BALBAŞI(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Identification of protein partners of SETD3 in mouse embryonic stem cells
Terzi Çizmecioğlu N. (Advisor)
G.GÜVEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Identification of transcription factors that interact with Arid4b protein in mouse embryonic stem cells