Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

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Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Investigating EMI University Classrooms through Conversation Analysis

FLC2023 (Free Linguistic Conference 2023), İstanbul, Türkiye, 29 Eylül - 01 Ekim 2023, ss.25-26

Investigating EMI University Classrooms Through Conversation Analysis

Free Linguistics Conference (FLC) 2023, İstanbul, Türkiye, 29 Eylül - 01 Ekim 2023, ss.25-26 Creative Commons License Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Epistemic positioning in an English-medium postgraduate advanced neuroscience module

BAAL2023 (British Association for Applied Linguistics, 56th Annual Conference), York, İngiltere, 23 - 25 Ağustos 2023 Creative Commons License

One-way trips and tours: integrating different types of knowledge in EME lecturers’ classroom talk

ICLHE (Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education) Spain Regional Meeting, Almería, İspanya, 15 - 16 Haziran 2022

Peer Involvement in Resolving Understanding Troubles in the English Medium of Instruction Classroom: A Focus on Translanguaging

VI Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en Filosofía y Ciencias del Lenguaje, Madrid, İspanya, 02 Haziran 2022

Technology enhanced language teaching development: A focus on questioning practices.

Southern Denmark Teacher Training Program Course Talks, Vejle, Danimarka, 25 Mayıs 2019 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Video enhanced observation and language teacher development: A focus on teacher questioning practices

the international conference Exploring Language Education (ELE2018), Stockholm, İsveç, 18 - 20 Haziran 2018

A Case Study on the Implementation of VEO in an English Language Education Context: A Focus on L1 Usage.

8th EMCA DoctoralNetwork Meeting: Multimodality, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Birleşik Krallık, 7 - 08 Eylül 2017

Medical Interaction

Human Research Center. Conversation Analysis Research Day, Ankara, Türkiye, 01 Mart 2017 identifier identifier identifier

A Technology Enhanced and Reflective Teacher Education Programme: Implications for Teaching L2 Interactional Competence

nteractional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOPL2), Neuchatel, İsviçre, 18 - 21 Ocak 2017

Discourse Markers in Task-Based University Lecture

GLOBELT 2016 Conference, Antalya, Türkiye, 14 - 17 Nisan 2016

Conversation Analysis Methodology in Simulated Patient-MedicalStudent Interaction

Medical Education Conference, HacettepeUniversity Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Türkiye, 15 Eylül 2015 Creative Commons License identifier identifier identifier

Displaying Prior Knowledge andEmergent Interactional Troubles in Standardized Patient‐Medical Student Interaction.

Social Interaction and Applied Linguistics Conference (SIAL2015), Ankara, Türkiye, 7 - 08 Eylül 2015

Securing patient privacy in possible cases of domestic violence in simulated patient encounters.

Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters (CACE2015), Leicester, Birleşik Krallık, 3 - 05 Temmuz 2015 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

A Closer Look at Doctoral Writing Process in an English-Medium University in Turkey

English-as the Medium of Instruction in Turkish Higher Education: Policy, Practice, Progress, Yasemin Kırkgöz, Ali Karakaş, Editör, Springer, London, ss.175-197, 2022 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

VEO-Integrated IMDAT in Pre-service Language Teacher Education: A Focus on Change in Teacher Questioning Practices

Video Enhanced Observation for Language Teaching, Prof. Dr. Paul Seedhouse, Editör, Bloomsbury Press, London, ss.97-117, 2021

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