1994 - Devam Ediyor Professor
METU Dept.of Biology, Professor
1988 - 1994 Associate Professor (Title)
METU Dept. of Biology, Associate Professor (Title)
1988 - 1989 Research Associate
METUTexas Tech Univ.Lubbock Texas/ Plant Genetics Laboratory, Research Associate
1985 - 1988 Assistant Professor
METU Dept.of Biology, Assistant Professor
1980 - 1985 Instructor/Reader
METU, Instructor/Reader
1973 - 1980 Assistant
METU, Assistant
Biohydrogen production by immobilized purple non-sulfur bacteria
KOKU H. (Eş Danışman), YÜCEL A. M. (Eş Danışman)
Microarray analysis of the effects of light intensity on hydrogen production metabolism of Rhodobacter capsulatus
KOKU H. (Eş Danışman), YÜCEL A. M. (Eş Danışman)
Development of nucleic acid coated nanoparticle based lateral flow assay for Salmonella detection
ÖKTEM H. A. (Eş Danışman), YÜCEL A. M. (Eş Danışman)
Biochemical and genetic assessment of high value lipid production from local thermo-resistant green microalgae strain
YÜCEL A. M. (Danışman)
Using plasmid reference materials for genetically modified organisms analysis and their verification with inter-laboratory comparison test
YÜCEL A. M. (Danışman)
Tilling for TtBH-1 gene and its hybridization to Turkish durum wheat cultivars kiziltan-91 and Fuatbey-2000
YÜCEL A. M. (Danışman)
Bio-fuel production from microalgae
ÖKTEM H. A. (Eş Danışman), YÜCEL A. M. (Eş Danışman)
Development of newborn Galactosemia screening kits
ÖKTEM H. A. (Eş Danışman), YÜCEL A. M. (Eş Danışman)
S.YAĞMUR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2015 -
Effect of boron and iron stress on phytosiderophore production in barley
YÜCEL A. M. (Danışman)
Transformation of tobacco with a nac type transcription factor, TaNAC69-1 and characterization of transgenic plants via molecular and physiological techniques
YÜCEL A. M. (Eş Danışman), ÖKTEM H. A. (Eş Danışman)
Physiological, biochemical and molecular analysis of wheat cultivars under boron treatments
YÜCEL A. M. (Danışman)
Screening of the putative hexokinase genes from Rhizopus oryzae
HAMAMCI H. (Eş Danışman), YÜCEL A. M. (Eş Danışman)