Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Observation of damage accumulation under in-plane shear loading

NATO S&T specialist’s workshop (AVT-305), Athens, Yunanistan, 15 Aralık 2018

Safety of road work zones: European and the U.S. perspective

Proceedings of 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress, Praha, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 1 - 03 Haziran 2016

Explicit finite element analysis of 2024-T3/T351 aluminum material under impact loading for airplane engine containment and fragment shielding

Earth and Space Conference 2008: Proceedings of the 11th Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, Long Beach, CA, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 3 - 05 Mart 2008, cilt.323 identifier

Safety Performance Evaluation of Portable Concrete Barriers

Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 13 - 17 Ocak 2008

A generalized, three dimensional definition, description and derived limits of the triaxial failure of metals

Earth and Space Conference 2008: Proceedings of the 11th Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, Long Beach, CA, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 3 - 05 Mart 2008, cilt.323 identifier identifier

Using forefoot acceleration to predict forefoot trauma in frontal crashes

2007 World Congress, Detroit, MI, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 16 - 19 Nisan 2007 identifier

Approximate optimization method as an efficient design methodology for armors under ballistic impacts

46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Austin, TX, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 18 - 21 Nisan 2005, cilt.10, ss.6529-6538 identifier

Determination of the ballistic performance of a cold-rolled, deep-drawing sheet metal

46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Austin, TX, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 18 - 21 Nisan 2005, cilt.10, ss.6520-6528 identifier

Development of a high strain-rate dependent vehicle model

LS-Dyna Anwenderforum, Bamberg, Almanya, 20 - 21 Ekim 2005

Dynamic behaviour of a laminated balsa beam under impulsive load

9th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environment, Texas, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 7 - 10 Mart 2004, ss.526-531 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier identifier



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