2012 - 2015 Doctorate
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, College of Education and Human Development, Curriculum and Instruction, United States Of America
2010 - 2012 Postgraduate
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, College of Education and Human Development, Curriculum and Instruction, United States Of America
2004 - 2008 Undergraduate
Hacettepe University, Eğitim Fakültesi, Matematik Ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümü, Turkey
2015 Doctorate
Case Studies of Secondary School Teachers Designing Socioscientific Issues-Based Instruction and Their Students’ Socioscientific Reasoning
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, College of Education and Human Development
2012 Postgraduate
Constructing media artifacts in a social constructivist learning environment to enhance students’ environmental awareness and activism
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, College of Education and Human Development, Curriculum and Instruction
C2 Mastery English
2014Focus Group Interviewing
Project Management , University of Minnesota Twin Cities
2013Climate Education in an Age of Media (CAM)
Environment and Sustainability , Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS) Media Arts Studio, Cambridge, MA