Dr. Ahmet Yozgatlıgil is an associate professor at Mechanical Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University. He is also appointed as the assistant to the president at the Middle East Technical University. He conducted his PhD studies at Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics in Drexel University with emphasis on burning and sooting behavior of droplet combustion under microgravity conditions. Results of his study provided important insights on the influence of pressure, oxygen indices, and inert variation on the effective control of sooting behavior of practical biomass-derived fuels. He also performed microgravity droplet combustion research at NASA-Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio as well as experiments in the drop-tower and logged parabolas in NASA’s reduced gravity KC-135 aircraft and JAMIC (Japan Microgravity Center) drop tower in Hokkaido, Japan. His fellowship research at University of Maryland and NIST was aimed at design and manufacturing of small scale reactor for nanoparticle generation as well as conducting specialized experiments to understand the growth rate of carbon based nanoparticles. Since 2008, his research attention has turned towards analysis and characterization Turkish lignite combustion and pyrolysis using TGA-FTIR methods and investigating different approaches to improve coal combustion as well as tunnel fire studies. His research group has conducted extensive research on oxy-fuel combustion/SO2 capturing of lignite and biochar fuels using TGA and circulating fluidized bed combustion systems in recent years.
- ahmety@metu.edu.tr
- Web Page
- https://avesis.metu.edu.tr/ahmety