General Information

Institutional Information: Faculty Of Economic And Administrative Sciences, Department Of Business Administration
WoS Research Areas: Social Sciences (Soc)
Avesis Research Areas: Social Sciences and Humanities, Behavioural Sciences, Economics, Management

Names in Publications: Ozlem Yilmaz, Ozlem Ozdemir Yilmaz, Thompson Mark A., Ozlem Ozdemir, Ozdemir O



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Özlem Özdemir Contact Address: Phone Numbers and Email: Middle East Technical University Phone: +90-312- 210 3061 Department of Business Administration Email: 06800 Ankara – TURKEY Fax: +90-312-210 7962 EDUCATION Post-doc in Economics, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Germany (2006) Ph.D. in Economics, Texas Tech University, U.S.A., (2000) M. S. in Marketing, Texas Tech University, U.S.A., (1995) B. S. in Business Administration, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, (1994) Exchange Student, Texas Tech University, College of Buss. Adm., U.S.A., (1993) AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Microeconomics, Managerial Economics, Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Entrepreneurship. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Feb. 2015-2018 Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, METU May 2015-2018 Member of the Executive Board, METU TEKNOKENT Sept 2015- Mentor, Team member of Design Factory, METU Jan. 2013-2015 Associate Dean of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, METU Sept. 2012-2015 Member of the Faculty Executive Board, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, METU Feb 2012 Received Full Professorship Title from METU Dec.2011- Member of the Executive Board, Disaster Management Implementation and Research Center, METU Feb 2011- Member of the Academic Board of Earth System Sciences, METU 12/2010-2012 Member of the Faculty Academic Board, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, METU 2010- 2013 METU SUNY-BAS Joint Diploma Program Coordinator 2009-2011 Member of the Executive Board, Center for European Studies, METU 8/2007-2012 Associate Professor, METU, Department of Business Administration 2006-7/2007 Associate Professor, Yeditepe University, Department of Economics April 2006 Received Associate Professorship Title from Turkish Council of Higher Education Aug 2005- Research Associate, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena, Germany. 2000-2006 Assistant Professor, Yeditepe University, Department of Economics, Istanbul, Turkey. 2 1996-2000 Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Texas Tech University, U.S.A. 1997-2000 Research Assistant, Wind Science and Engineering Research Center, Texas Tech University, U.S.A. HONORS, AWARDS, AND GRANTS 2017 Research Award- METU Academic Performance Reward 2015 Research Award- METU Academic Performance Reward 2014 Research Award- METU Academic Performance Reward 2013 Research Grant- METU Scientific Research Project Funding (BAP) from Presidency Office, Disaster Management Implementation and Research Center BAP-08-11-2013-049 2013 Research Grant- METU Scientific Research Project Funding (BAP) from Faculty of Business and Administrative Sciences BAP 04-02- 2013-001 2012 Research Grant- METU Scientific Research Project Funding (BAP) from Faculty of Business and Administrative Sciences BAP-04-02- 2012-002 2012 Research Grant- METU Scientific Research Project Funding from Presidency Office, Disaster Management Implementation and Research Center BAP-08-11-2012-003 2011 Research Award- METU Academic Performance Reward 2010 Research Award- METU Academic Performance Reward 2010 Research Grant - METU Scientific Research Project Funding (BAP) BAP- 04-02-2010-02 2009 Research Award-METU Academic Performance Reward 2008-2009 Research Grant - METU Scientific Research Project Funding (BAP) 2005-2006 Post-doctoral scholarship, Max Planck Institute of Economics 2004-2006 Research Grant, the Scientific and Technological Research Center of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Report/Grant no: 104K109 2003 Research Grant, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Turkey. 2000 Best Paper Award, American Marketing Association, Winter Educators’ Conference Proceedings 1999 Dissertation Research Grant, American National Institute of Standards and Structural Technology. NIST/TTU Cooperative Agreement Award 70NANB8H0059 1999 Dissertation Research Grant, Paul Whitfield Horn Fellowship. 1998 Distinguished Lecturer Award, Department of Econ., TexasTech Uni. 1996 Award for Top Graduate Paper, Student Competition, Advertising Division of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Anaheim, California. Paper: “The Portrayal of Women in TV Commercials”. 1994-95 Graduate Student Scholarship, Department of Marketing, Texas Tech University. 3 1993 Dean’s Honor List, College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University. PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles International 1. “Preferences for Risk Mitigation Mechanisms: An Experimental Evidence” with Ozge Dinc Cavlak and Burcak Basbug Erkan, 2018, Natural Hazards Review (SCI) 2. "Responses of Dissatisfied Investors: Exit, Voice or Loyalty" with Muge Tasci, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, September 2017, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp 109–118 (Emerging Sources Citation Index) 3. “An Individual's Stock Investment Decision: Rational Investment or Affective Attraction” with Naime Usul, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics March,2017 (SSCI) 10.1016/j.socec.2017.04.004 4. “Economic Growth, Energy and Environmental Kuznets Curve” with Selin Ozokcu, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, article accepted for publication Jan 2017 DOI 10.1016/j.rser.2017.01.059, (SCI) 5. “Impact of Outcome Ambiguity on Self-Insurance and Self- Protection: Experimental Evidence” Bulletin of Economic Research, Nov.2016, DOI: 10.1111/boer.12111 (SSCI) 6. “Successes and Failures of Compulsory Risk Mitigation: Re-evaluating the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool" with Burçak Başbuğ, Vol 39, No 4, Disasters, October 2015 (SCI) 7. “An Experimental Investigation of Insurance Decisions in Low Probability and High Loss Risk Situations” with Andrea Morone, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 2014, 9:53–67 DOI 10.1007/s11403-013-0112-2 (SSCI) 8. “Displaying Information about Probability: Experimental Evidence” with Andrea Morone, Bulletin of Economic Research, 2012, 64 (2): 157-171. (SSCI) 9. “Are Fertility Decisions in Turkey Affected by Infant Mortality and Income?” with Ugur Soytas, 27 (310), 39-52, Ocak, 2012, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi (SSCI) 10. Türkiye’de Siyasi Kutuplaşması Oluşturan Unsurlar: Seçmen Tercihlerinde Ekonomik Oy Verme Davranışından Toplumsal Travma Kuramına Kadar Bir Dizi Etkenin Görece Etkileri" with Cengiz Yılmaz and Oğuzhan Aydemir, 27 (311), Şubat, 2012, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi (SSCI) 4 11. "Factors affecting risk mitigation revisited: the case of earthquake in Turkey" with Cengiz Yılmaz, Journal of Risk Research, Volume 14, Issue 1 Ocak 2011 , pages 17 - 46 (SSCI) 12. “Olasılığı Düşük Risklerin Yönetimi ve Risk Algısı: Deprem Riski Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması” with Cengiz Yılmaz, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, vol 25, 295,47- 71, Ekim 2010 (SSCI) 13. “Joint and Interactive Effects of Trust and (Inter) Dependence on the Emergence of Relational Behaviors in Long-Term Channel Dyads.” with Cengiz Yilmaz and Bulent Sezen. Industrial Marketing Management, 34, 235-248, 2005 (SSCI) 14. “Credit Risk Market and the Recent Loan Profile in the Turkish Banking Sector” with Erk Hacihasanoglu, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics Issue 32, 2009 (ECONLIT, JEL, B type Journal) 15. “Entrepreneurship in Turkey and developing countries: a comparison of activities, chararacteristics, motivation and environment for entrepreneurship” with Esra Karadeniz, MIBES Transsactions International Journal, Vol.3, Issue 1, 2009 (JEL, SSRN) 16. “Transmission of World Shocks to Turkish Economy” with Nazlı Yılmaz. The Empirical Economics Letters, 6(4), Temm 2007 (ECONLIT) 17. “Market Forces and Price Ceilings: A Classroom Experiment” with Jamie Brown Kruse and Mark Thompson, International Review of Economic Education, 4 (2), 2005. (REPEC, IDEAS) 18. “Housing affordability in Turkey: A Calculation Integrating Income Inequality” with Mehmet Asici and Ali Hepsen, The Empirical Economics Letters, 10(4) 2011 (ECONLIT) 19. “Valuing of Self-Insurance and Self-Protection under Ambiguity: Experimental Evidence”, Jena Economic Research Papers, #2007-034. ISSN 1864-7057 20. Valuing Protection against Low Probability, High Loss Risks: Experimental Evidence” with Andrea Morone, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group, Discussion Paper, 2007, No. 34-2006. 21. “Measuring the Degree of Ambiguity about Probability: Experimental Evidence” with Andrea Morone, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group, Discussion Paper, No. 40-2005. 5 National 1. “Overconfidence in finance with different domains: an interdisciplinary experimental approach”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İİBF dergisi, 2014, 15(1), ss 253-268. 2. “Measuring risk tolerance in finance: Does the decision frame matter?” Kahramanmaras Sutcu İmam IIBF dergisi, 2013, 10(29, ss. 265-276. 3. “Türkiye’de Algısal Sapmalar” with Adil ORAN and Görkem TURGUT ÖZER, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 12, Sayı 2, 2011. 4. Investigating The Factors Affecting Total Entrepreneurial Activities in Turkey, with Esra Karadeniz, ODTÜ Development Journal, 38 (3), Aralık, 2011 (ECONLIT). 5. “An empirical investigation of payment performance for consumer loans in Turkey” with Levent Boran., ODTÜ Development Journal, Aralık 2008 (ECONLIT) 6. "Entrepreneurship Activities in Turkey: An International Comparison Using GEM Data", with Esra Karadeniz, Boğaziçi Journal, Vol 23, Number 1-2, 2009 7. “Rekabet, İşletme Stratejisi ve Pazarlama: Tarihsel Bakış Açısıyla Kritik Bir Değerlendirme,” with Cengiz Yilmaz Pİ: Pazarlama ve İletişim Kültürü Dergisi, 1, 1, 37-42, 2002. Book Chapters International 1. “Behavioral Economics and Energy Market” in Routledge Handbook of Energy Economics, Ugur Soytas and Ramazan Sarı (eds), ISBN: 9781138208254. August2019 2. ‘Mapping Entrepreneurial Activities and Entrepreneurial Attitudes in Turkey” with Esra Karadeniz, Routledge Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies, 2016, Routledge International Handbooks by Colin C. Williams (Editor), Anjula Gurtoo (Editor), ISBN-13: 978-1138849143,ISBN-10: 1138849146 3. “Disaster Losses in the Developing World: Evidence from the August 1999 Earthquake in Turkey," with J. B. Kruse and B. Ewing, Economic Development - Issues and Policies, N. Narayana, editor, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2004. 4. "Risk Perception and the Value of Safe Rooms as a Protective Measure for Tornadoes: A Survey Method," Chapter 8 of Economics and Wind, B. T. Ewing and J. B. Kruse, eds., Nova Science Publishing, 2005. 6 5. “Trade Competitiveness and Productivity: Case of Turkey and EU Manufacturing” with Veysel Ulusoy, International Research on Global Affairs, Gregory T. Papanikos, editor, ISBN: 960 - 88672-4-X, 510 pages, ATINER, 2005. 6. “Disaster Risk Management in Turkey” with Polat Gulkan, Sevtap Kestel, and Burcak Basbug Erkan. Improving Assessment of Disaster Risks to Strengthen Financial Resilience, G20 Publication- Government of Mexico and the World Bank, 2012. National 7. “Riskli ve Belirsiz Durumlarda Karar Verme” forthcoming, İletişim Yayınları 8. Senin Kararın Mı? Ticaret Bakanlığı eb63831.pdf 9. “Gümrük Birliği Sonrasi Türkiye Sanayi Sektöründe Eğilimler”, with İdil Uz, Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkileri Üzerine Ekonomi-Politik Tezler, Irfan Kalayci, editör, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları, Ocak 2006. Projects 1. BAP -08-11-2017-006 Afet ve Acil Durumlara Hazır ODTÜ Kampusü-ODTÜ İİBF ve ODTÜ Afet Yönetimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Ortak Projesi 2. BAP-08-11-DPT-2011K121010 “Araştırma Kapasitesi Geliştirme Projesi- Deneysel ve Davranışsal Laboratuvarı” with Muruvvet Buyukboyaci, Serkan Kucuksenel,Sinan Gonul, Nilay Yavuz, Ozgehan Senyuva, Ozge Dinc, Baris Kocaaslan, Baris Urhan, Ali Kocaaslan, Deniz Goktas, 2015-16 3. Impact of Coca-Cola System on Turkish Economy (2013) Member of project group. Estimated the macroeconomic and industry wise direct, indirect, and induced effects of Coca-Cola System in Turkey using SAM analysis, computed multipliers, and interpreted the results, and prepared the reportBAP 08-11-2013-049 “KOBİ’lerin Afetlere Karsı Hazırlıklı Olmalarını Etkıleyen Faktörlerın Incelenmesı: Bır Anket Çalısması” with Burcak Basbug and Türker Aydın 4. BAP 04-02-2013-001”Bıreylerın Fınansal Rısk Algıları Ve Sıgorta Alım Kararlarının Incelenmesı: Anket Çalısması” with Adil Oran and Serkan Şahin 5. BAP-08-11-2012-003 “Afet Riski Yönetiminde Risk Azaltıcı Mekanizmaların Karşılaştırılması:Piyasada Mevcut Sigortalar ve Bireysel Önlemler” with Burcak Basbug and Ozge Dinc ODTÜ Rektörlük Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi 7 6. BAP-04-02-2012-002 “Aşırı Güven Algı Sapmasının Menkul Kıymet Piyasalarında Fiyat Balonlarının Oluşumu Üzerindeki Etkisinin Laboratuar Deneyleri Yardımıyla İncelenmesi” with Serkan Sahin ODTÜ Dekanlık Araştırma Projesi 7. BAP- 04-02-2010-02 “Türkiye’de Günümüzün ve Geleceğin Yöneticilerinin Karar Verme Süreçlerindeki Bilişsel Sapmalarin İncelenmesi” with Adil Oran, ODTÜ Dekanlık Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri 8. International Labor Organization (ILO) project-Background Assessment of Decent Employment for Women in ANKARA, GAZİANTEP and KONYA, Project code: A28008442601 9. BAP-2008-04-02-03 “Risk Algısında Kültürel Farklılaşmalar” ODTÜ Dekanlık Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi 10. “Hanehalklarının Depremin Ekonomik ve Fiziksel Risklerine Karşı Alabilecekleri Tedbirlerin Tespiti, Ekonomik Değerlerinin Belirlenmesi ve Karar Sürecini Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesine Yönelik Bir Saha Araştırması”, The Scientific and Technological Research Center of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), 2006, Report/Grant No: 104K109. 11. “Survey on In-residence Storm Shelters in Tornado-Prone Areas”, American National Institute of Standards and Structural Technology, Report/Grant No: 70NANB8H0059 May 2000. 12. “The Subjective Value of Deforested Land: A Contingent Valuation Study of Istanbul Anatolian Side”, Turkish Ministry of Forestry, December 2003. Book Reviews Reviewer of Rejda, G.E. and M.J. McNamara,“Principles of Risk Management and Insurance” 12th ed. Pearson Education Limited.2013 Refereed Conference Proceedings and Abstracts Nov 2016 ESA North American Meeting, Effects of Overconfidence in Creating Bubbles in Financial Markets: An Experimental Study, Serkan Sahin Sept. 2016 SEEP, Investigating the Factors Affecting Willingness to Pay for Residential Photovoltaic Systems: A Survey Study in Ankara, Turkey, Eren Aslihak, May 2015 16th EBES Conference, İstanbul 'Economic Growth and Environment Nexus: Environmental Kuznets Curve' with Selin Ozokcu May 2015 The Forum for Economists International is organizing the 5th Global Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands “Relationship between Environmental Degradation and Economic Development: A Panel Data Analysis” with Selin Ozokcu Jan 2015 “Individual Decisions among the Risk Reduction Mechanisms: An Experimental Evidence” 15th EBES Conference, Lisbon, with Ozge Dinc 8 Sept 2014 “Responses of Dissatisfied Stock Market Investors: Exit, Voice or Loyalty” International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, IRC-2014, Müge Taşçı June 2014 “Business Disaster Preparedness of SMEs: A Survey Study in METU Technopark Society for Risk Analysis- Europe Annual Meeting, İstanbul, Turker Aydın June .2014 Society for Risk Analysis- Europe Annual Meeting, İstanbul. with Ozge Dinc June 2012 Society for Risk Analysis- Europe Annual Meeting, Zurich, “Investigating Risk Reduction Mechanisms in Outcome Ambiguity: Experimental Evidence” with Cengiz Yilmaz. June 2011 Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, Istanbul, “Risk Attitudes against Losses: An Application to an Emerging Market" with Adil Oran and Serkan Sahin May 2011 10. Ulusal İşletmecilik Konferansı"Algısal Sapmalar Ve Demografik Özellikler Arasındaki İlişki: Yönetici Ve Yönetici Adayları Üzerinde Bir Saha Araştırması" with Adil Oran and Görkem Özer Oct 2010 1. Ulusal Nüfusbilim Kongresi, Ankara, “Are Fertility Decisions in Turkey Affected by Infant Mortality and Income? With Ugur Soytas May 2010 Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, Istanbul, “Housing affordability in Turkey: A Calculation Integrating Income Inequality” with Mehmet Asici and Ali Hepsen. Jan 2010 Türkiye’nin Afet Yönetimi Onikinci Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı, Ankara, “İstanbul’daki Hane Halkının Deprem Riskini Nasıl Lagıladığı ve Hali Hazırda Aldığı veya Almayı Düşündüğü Tedbirler” Sept 2009 4 th European Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference, Belgium, “Differences between being Opportunity-Driven and Necessity-Driven Entrepreneur: Evidence from Turkey’s GEM Data” with Esra Karadeniz. May 2009 ECONANADOLU- Anadolu İktisat Kongresi, 2009,Eskişehir, Measuring Risk Tolerance: Does the Methodology Matter? with Serkan Şahin Sept 2008 Muhan Soysal İşletmecilik Konferansı, KKTC, “Credit Risk and Loan profile of Turkey” with Erk Hacıhasanoğlu. July 2008 MIBES 2008 conference Larissa, Greece “Entrepreneurial Activities in Turkey” with Esra Karadeniz. July 2008 Global Business and Technology Association Conference, Madrid, Spain. “Investigating Risk Management Strategies: The Case of Earthquake in Turkey” with Cengiz Yılmaz. July 2008 FUR Conference in Barcelona at IESE Business School, “The Impact of Outcome Ambiguity on the Valuation of Self-Insurance and Self-Protection”. June 2007 Economic Science Association World Meeting, “Representation of Outcome Ambiguity: Experimental Evidence” with Andrea Morone, Rome, Italy. July 2006 IAREP/SABE Conference, “Individual Responses toward Low Probability, High Loss Risks: Experimental Evidence”, Paris, France. 9 June 2005 ECOMOD, Economic Policy Modeling,” Earthquake and Risk Mitigation in Turkey: A Preliminary Survey Study,” Istanbul, Turkey. May 2005 ATINER, 3rd International Conference on European and International Political and Economic Affair “Trade Competitiveness and Productivity: Case of EU and Turkey Manufacturing” with Veysel Ulusoy, Athens, Greece. Nov 2003 Southern Economic Association Conference. San Antonio, USA. “Market Forces and Price Ceilings: A Classroom Experiment” will be presented in a sponsored session by ESA with Mark Thompson and Jamie Kruse. July 2003 EURO/INFORMS, “The Effects of Risk Perception on Individuals’ Willingness to Pay for Self-Insurance: A Survey Study Based on the Expected Earthquake in Istanbul” Istanbul, Turkey. Sept 2001 Erc/METU International Conference in Economics, Ankara, Turkey“ Examining Credit Default Risk: An Empirical Study on Consumer Credit Client” with Levent Boran, Ankara, Turkey. July 2001 Global Business and Technology Association Conference, İstanbul, Turkey. “Energy Consumption and GDP Relation in Turkey: A Cointegration and Vector Error Correction Analysis” with Uğur Soytaş and Ramazan Sarı. Sept 2000 Erc/ METU International Conference in Economics, Ankara, Turkey. “Implicit Value of Statistical Life: Literature Review and Empirical Estimation” with Cengiz Yılmaz March 2000 Southwestern Economics Association 80th Annual Meeting, Galveston, Texas. “Energy Consumption and GDP Relationship: Emerging Markets and G-7 Countries,” with Ugur Soytas and Ramazan Sari. Feb 2000 Missouri Valley Economic Association 36th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO. “Beliefs and Behaviors toward Risk Mitigation: Theory and Survey”. Feb 2000 American Marketing Association 2000 Winter Educators’ Conference Proceedings. “The Relationship Among Salesperson Performance and Job Attitudes in Commission-Based Selling: An Extended Model and Empirical Evidence,” with Cengiz Yilmaz. Nov 1999 Southern Economics Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.“Risk Perceptions and the Value of Safety: In-residence Storm Shelters in Tornadoprone Areas,” with Jamie Brown Kruse. PRESENTATIONS AT WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS 2013-2018 National Experimental and Behavioral Economics Workshops Jan. 2015 “Disaster Management in Turkey” 17th Roundtable, DMIRC Mar. 2011 Kadın Girişimcilik Konferansı, Ankara Kadın Girişimciler Derneği (ANGİKAD) “Türkiye’de Girişimcilik” Dec. 2009 ILO- İŞKUR Ortak Konferansı, “Konya İlinde Kadın İstihdamı ve Girişimcilik”, Konya 10 Sept. 2009 Çalıştay, Rekabet Kurumu, “Tıp Cihazları ve Yedek Parçaları Sektörü’nde Rekabet” Aug. 2009 Experimental Economics Summer School, Koc University, Istanbul. Jan. 2005 Max Planck Institute Economics, Jena, Germany.” Market Forces and Price Ceilings: A Classroom Experiment” Nov. 2004 Project Market of European Commision-6 th Framework, Ege Univesity.“Earthquake Mitigation in Istanbul Region”,İzmir. June 2002 Mannheim Empirical Research Summer School on Experimental Economics and Econometrics, Mannheim, Germany. ”Beliefs and Behaviors in LowProbability, High-Consequence Risk Situations: A Laboratory Experiment” May 1999 Presenter at “The Age of Transnationalism” Conference, Texas Tech University, International Cultural Center. Paper: “Relationship between Energy Consumption and Income: Re-examining for US Data,” WORKING PAPERS 1) “Business Disaster Preparedness of SMEs: A Survey Study in METU Technopark” Turker Aydin, Burcak Basbug 2) “Group decision making under uncertainty” Andrea Morone 3) “Solar Energy Demand in Ankara, Turkey” Eren Aslihak 4) “ Overconfidence and Bubbles in Stock Market: Experimental Evidence” Serkan Sahin 5) “Testing the Strong Form Efficient Market Hypothesis in Turkey: An Experimental Approach” with Sibel Ulusoy, Berkant Yılmazer, and Serkan Sahin 6) “The Environment for Entrepreneurship in Turkey” with Esra Karadeniz 7) “Are Self-protection, Self-insurance, and Market Insurance Substitutes or Complements: An Experimental Investigation” with Ozge Dinc and Burcak Basbug 8) “Reexamining the Risk-taking Behavior: Does Culture Matter? “with Adil Oran and Serkan Sahin. COURSES TAUGHT Undergraduate Courses Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization, Environmental and Natural Resources Economics, Economics for Engineers, Intermediate Microeconomics, Managerial Economics, Research Methods, Business Statistics, Turkish Business Environment, Strategic Behavior and Experiments Graduate Courses (Both Masters and PhD) Microeconomic Theory, Research Methods, Business Economics, Business Statistics, Experimental Design and Analysis, Decision Theory 11 THESIS SUPERVISION PhD Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor  Gündoğdu, H. K., “The Twin deficit and Turkish Case”, Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Economics, completed in 2004. CO-ADVISOR  Şahin, S “Overconfidence and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets” completed 2013,CO-ADVISOR  Usul, Naime “Affect-based Motivation in Investment Decisions”, completed in 2017 CO-ADVISOR  Dinç, Özge “Empirical Investigation on the Determinants of Organic Food Purchasing Behavior”, Completed in 2018, ADVISOR.  Ozokcu, Selin “Investigating Food Waste Behavior” not completed yet. Master’s Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor  Çağlar E. “An Integrative Model for Justice Perceptions, Employee Positive Mood States and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, METU-MBA completed in 2011. COMMITTEE MEMBER  Munzur, A. “Female Labor Force Participation in Economic Development Process: The Case of Turkey, METU-MASTER IN ECONOMICS completed in 2011. COMMITTEE MEMBER  Arıkan, E. “Organization Commitment and Leadership”, METU-MBA completed in 2011. ADVISOR  Özer, G. “Cognitive Biases of to be Managers versus Managers” METU-MBA completed in 2011. CO-ADVISOR  Dinç, Ö. “Investigating Online shopping and Risk Attitude Relationship” METUMBA completed in 2012. ADVISOR  Taştepe, Z. “Elasticity and Buying Intentions for Safety Products”, METU-MBA will be completed in 2012. ADVISOR  Balkanlı, A. “The Risk management Strategies of Insurance Companies Operating in Turkey” METU-MBA,2010 completed. ADVISOR  Çobandağ, M. “Mortgage System and the Adaptation of Mortgage system in Turkey” METU-MBA, 2011 completed. ADVISOR  Boran, L., “Investigation on Consumer Credit: Relationship between Credit Risk and Client Characteristics”, Yeditepe University, 2001, completed. ADVISOR  Karasu, A., “The Role of China in the World Economy”, Yeditepe University, 2004, completed. ADVISOR  Aydın, T. “Business Disaster Preparedness of SMEs: A Survey Study in METU Technopark” completed 2014 ADVISOR  Ozokcu, S.” Economic Growth and Environment Nexus: Environmental Kuznets Curve” completed 2014 ADVISOR  Aslıhak, E.” Investigating Preferences of Households for Residential Photovoltaic Systems: A Survey Study in Ankara, Turkey” completed 2016 ADVISOR  Aykut Aydın “Investigating the Relationship Between the Recent Investments on Construction Sector and Some Economic Indicators of Turkey” completed 2016 ADVISOR 12 Thesis Awards SPL Thesis Award 2013- Çobandağ, M. “Mortgage System and the Adaptation of Mortgage system in Turkey” METU-MBA SERVICE TO PROFESSION  Reviewer of a book, 2013: “Principles of Risk Management and Insurance” G.E. Rejda and M.J. McNamara, 12th ed., Pearson Ed. Lmt.  Reviewer of Energy Economics Journal  Reviewer of Technological Forecasting & Social Change  Editorial Board Member of SGK Dergisi  Reviewer of Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development (JAED)  Reviewer of METU Studies in Development  Reviewer of Applied Economics  Reviewer of Bulletin of Economic Research  Editorial Board Member of Eastern Journal of Applied Economics  Editorial Board Member of Middle Eastern Economics and Finance Journal  Reviewer for International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education  Reviewer of the Experimental Economics Journal  Reviewer of İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi  Reviewer of Ankara University Siyasal Bilgiler Journal  Reviewer of Anadolu University İİBF Journal  Reviewer of Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi İkt. ve İdari Bilimler Fak. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştirmalar Dergisi  Reviewer of Atilim University Social Sciences Journal  Conference Organizing Committee, 2010 METU-BA Muhan Soysal İşletmecilik Konferansı, Ankara, Turkey  Conference Organizing Committee, 2008 METU-BA Muhan Soysal İşletmecilik Konferansı, KKTC ODTU Kampusü, KKTC.  TUBA- Açık Ders Malzemeleri- Çeviri Ders Hazırlama- MIT Opencourse15.010 / 15.011 Economic Analysis for Business Decisions,2011 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS  American Economics Association, member.1997-  Economic Science Association, member.2