Having completed his
doctoral degree on urbanism at TU Delft, the Netherlands in 2013, he has been
lecturing at METU Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional
Planning and coordinating the Master of Urban Design Studio as
assistant professor. His
publications involve the book, Urban
Compactness (VDM, 2009), guest editorial for the journal of Built Environment (2011), and several
articles, including those in the Journal of
Urban Design (2010/15), and Journal
of Architectural and Planning Research (2011), Urban Design International (2012) and Urban Morphology (2017).
His main research interests are physical planning and design, urban morphology,
urban design theory and methodology, and visualisation in urbanism. Within the
design team composed by Özer\Ürger Architects and Şemsettin Tugay, Olgu
Çalışkan received the first price at Antalya
Konyaaltı Waterfront Design Competition in 2015. In the body of TEPAV (The
Economic Research Foundation of Turkey), he consulted for the strategic vision
project for Gaza urban strip which was proposed both to the Israeli and
Palestinian authorities in January 2016. Since his return to Turkey in 2014, he
has been a jury member in a series of national and international design
- olgu@metu.edu.tr
- Web Page
- https://metu.academia.edu/OlguCaliskan
- Office Phone
- +90 312 210 4230
- Office
- ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi R-52B