1973 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mining Engineering
1997 - 2000 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mining Engineering
The Influence of chemical pre-treatment on particle fracture pattern and mineral liberation
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Effect of soft fine particles on the kinetics and energetics of grinding hard coarse particles
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Polyethylene oxide-induced flocculation of dolomite/clay/borax-containing suspensions
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Effect of carbonate alkalinity on the flocculation behavior of hematite
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Investigation of the particle breakage parameters in locked-cycle ball milling
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
A comparative analysis of the recent cement grinding systems with particle-based influences on cement properties
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Flocculation behavior of two different clay samples from Kırka tincal deposit
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
A parametric comparative study of electrocoagulation and coagulation of aqueous suspensions of kaolinite and quartz powders
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
An investigation of the principles of laboratory-scale particle-bed comminution
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Determination of contact angles of powders by capillaric dewatering of filter cakes
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
A computer simulator for ball mill grinding
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Breakage characteristics of cement components
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Reactivity of limestones of different sources for flue gas desulfurization application
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
The effects of hydrogenated tallow amine acetate on rutile and ilmenite surfaces
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Floatability and adsorption characteristics of zircon with sodium oleate
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Liberation and particle shape effects in interparticle breakage
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Mathematical simulation for predicting the size distribution of pilot scale AG/SAG mill product.
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
A comparison of grindability methods for cement clinker
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Split feed flotation of Zonguldak coal fines
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Analysis of the constant pressure filtration and electrofiltration behavior of kaolin slurries
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Influence of size reduction and frothers on the flotation of Kutlular pyritic copper ore
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Flotation concentration of Çayeli complex copper-zinc ore
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Beneficiation studies on the fine iron ore tailings of Divriği concentrator
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)
Oil agglomeration benefication of Zonguldak coal fines
HOŞTEN Ç. (Advisor)