2009 - Continues Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
2002 - 2009 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
2001 - 2002 Lecturer PhD
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
1996 - 2001 Research Assistant
University of California, Davis, Mühendislik, Kimya Mühendisliği Ve Malzeme Bilimleri Bölümü
1992 - 1996 Research Assistant
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
2009 - Continues Associate Professor (Promotion)
2001 - 2009 Assistant Professor
1996 - 2001 Assistant
University of California, Davis
1992 - 1996 Assistant
Analysis of velocity profiles in concentrated solid-liquid mixtures using ultrasound doppler velocimetry
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
A.FIRAT(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Mathematical modeling and simulation of suspension droplet drying
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Modelling and simulation of thin film semiconductor metal oxide gas sensor response
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Particle size characterization of suspensions using ultrasonic method
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Mathematical and computational modelling of chemical heat pumps
KARAKAŞ G. (Co-Advisor), ULUDAĞ Y. (Co-Advisor)
Modeling effects of material properties and composition on ultrasound propagation
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Experimental and theoretical aspects of membrane based water cooling system
KALIPÇILAR H. (Co-Advisor), ULUDAĞ Y. (Co-Advisor)
Computational investigation of hydrodynamics of viscoelastic fluids flowing around square cylinder and complex fluid rheology via magnetic resonance imaging
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Ultrasound Propagation in Packed Beds
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Investigation of fluid rheology effects on ultrasound propagation
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Experimental investigation of agitation hydrodynamics and mixing-time of non-Newtonian solutions
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Mathematical modeling of adsorption/desorption systems for chemical heat pumps
KARAKAŞ G. (Co-Advisor), ULUDAĞ Y. (Co-Advisor)
Experimental and theoretical investigation of complex flows by ultrasound doppler velocimetry
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Numerical investigation of the viscoelastic fluids
ULUDAĞ Y. (Co-Advisor), KARASÖZEN B. (Co-Advisor)
Production and development of de/anti icing fluids for aircraft
Development of de-icing and anti-icing solutions for aircraft on ground and analysis of their flow instability characteristics
Experimental investigation of the agitation of complex fluids
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Modeling and numerical analysis of single droplet drying
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Obtaining durable enzyme powder via spray drying
Experimental investigation of drag reduction effects of polymer additives on turbulent pipe flow
Experimental investagation of drag reduction effects of polymer additives on turbulent pipe flow
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)
Numerical investigation of stirred tank hydrodynamics
ULUDAĞ Y. (Advisor)