Academic Titles
1990 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences, Deniz Bilim (Oşinogrofi) Anabilim Dalı
Managerial Experience
2015 - Continues Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences, Deniz Bilim (Oşinogrofi) Anabilim Dalı
1991 - 2016 Assistant Director of the Institute
Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences
Advising Theses
Spatial variations of particulate organic matter (POM) composition and concentrations in surface waters and sediments of the Mersin Bay
TUĞRUL S. (Advisor)
İ.AKÇAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2015 -
Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz (Mersin Körfezi) kıta sahanlığı sularında ve sedimanlarında partikül organik madde dağılımı, elemental kompozisyonu (C, N, P) ve çevresel faktörlere bağlı değişimleri
TUĞRUL S. (Advisor)
E.ERDOĞAN(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
Assessment of the trophic status of the Mersin Bay waters, Northeastern Mediterranean
TUĞRUL S. (Advisor)
Determination of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the Northeastern Mediterranean Water column
TUĞRUL S. (Advisor)
M.FATİH(Student), Postgraduate, 2010 -
Seasonal variations of particulate and dissolved fractions of phosphorus and related hydrochemical parameters in the Northeastern Mediterranean shelf zone
TUĞRUL S. (Advisor)
N.DOĞAN(Student), Doctorate, 2007 -
The Abundance and elemental composition of suspended organic matter on the Turkish Sea's
TUĞRUL S. (Advisor)
Y.ÇOBAN(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
The Abudance and elemental composition of suspended organic matter in the Turkish seas (Balck, Marmara and Eastern Mediterranean)
TUĞRUL S. (Advisor)
Nutrient and organic carbon budgets in the sea of Marmara: A progressive effort on the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
TUĞRUL S. (Advisor)
S.ÇOLPAN(Student), Doctorate, 1995