2023 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations
2014 - 2023 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations
2006 - 2014 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations
2023 - Continues Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations
2017 - 2020 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, European Integration
2017 - 2020 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, European Studies
2011 - 2012 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations
2010 - Continues Assistant Professor
2007 - 2010 Instructor/Reader
1999 - 2007 Assistant
The impact of far-right presence on the roll-call voting behavior of members of Parliament: Evidence from the German Bundestag
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
B.ÖZBİLGİÇ(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
The making of European hegemonic order: Hegemonic struggles through football
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
C.IRGALI(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Discursive strategies in the Brexit debate: The economy
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
Y.LALİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
The effect of the 2015 refugee crisis on the political atmosphere- party and public level analysis of the European Union and immigration issues: the case of Germany
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
G.YİĞİT(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Radical right-wing populism and climate action in Europe: the case of the alternative for Germany (AfD)
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
Understanding the localization of international norms: women’s human rights norms in Turkey
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
Understanding the localization of international norms: Women's human rights norms in Turkey
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
B.ÖZDEMİR(Student), Doctorate, 2018 -
Video games as a propaganda tool: Representation of the USA
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
Debating the differentiated integration: The case of Kosovo
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
Party-level euroscepticism of the radical populist political parties in the European union member states: The cases of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and the coalition of the radical left (Syriza)
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
European Union and the Turkish footwear industry: A case of top-down Europeanization?
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
F.DENİZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2013 -
European Union and Turkish footwear industry : a case of top-down Europeanization?
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
How education and training policy of the European Union operates on education in Turkey - case of sub-programme Comenius - mıultilateral projects
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
How education and training policy of the European Union operates on education in Turkey -case of sub-programme-Comenius-Multilateral projects
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
F.YAĞMURLU(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
Justice and development party and the EU: an inquiry on the debates of Euroscepticism in Turkey
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
Representation of Turkey in the Italian media: Between Islam and Europe
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
Civil society as a driving force for Turkey’s accession to the european union
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
Civil society as a driving force for Turkey's accession to the European Union
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
M.ORHAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2011 -
Impact of europeanization of Turkish energy policies on Turkey-EU relations
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
From Aznar to Zapatero; discontinuity in the Spanish foreign policy
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)
M.FATİH(Student), Postgraduate, 2009 -
From Aznar to Zapatero: discontiniuty in the Spanish foreign policy
ŞENYUVA Ö. (Advisor)