2006 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
2000 - 2006 Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
1998 - 2000 Lecturer
Ankara University, Faculty Of Engıneerıng, Department Of Chemıstry Engıneerıng
1995 - 1998 Research Assistant
Ankara University, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü
1993 - 1994 Expert
Ankara University, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Department Of Pharmaceutıcal Technology
2018 - 2024 Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty Of Engineering, Department Of Chemical Engineering
2006 - Continues Professor
2002 - Continues Associate Professor (Promotion)
1999 - Continues Associate Professor (Title)
2000 - 2002 Assistant Professor
2000 - 2000 Assistant Professor
2000 - 2000 Associate Professor (Title)
Methodologies for prediction of transcription factors in transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in biocatalysis of reactions in yeast central pathways
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
O.ULAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Effects of metabolic engineering of ethanol utilization pathway in Pichia pastoris on recombinant protein production and transcription levels in central metabolism
Çalık P. (Advisor)
İ.DAYANKAÇ(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Analysis and characterization of the Pichia pastoris secretome for pharmaceutical protein production
Design and construction of double promoter systems andtheir use in pharmaceutical protein production inP. pastoris
Çalık P. (Advisor)
Transcriptional engineering of Pichia pastoris Alcohol dehydrogenase 2 and Alcohol oxidase 1 promoters for recombinant protein production
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Therapeutic protein production and its separation by zeolitic imidazolate framework–8 adsorbent
Kalıpçılar H. (Co-Advisor), Çalık P.
Metabolic engineering with a novel promoter in Pichia pastoris for recombinant human growth hormone production: Effects of oxygen transfer conditions
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Recombinant human growth hormone production under double promoters by Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Effect of signal sequences and promoters in recombinant extracellular protein production by Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Separation and purification of recombinant proteins by using ultrafiltration memranes
ÇULFAZ EMECEN P. Z. (Co-Advisor), ÇALIK P. (Co-Advisor)
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor analog production by recombinant Escherichia coli
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Separation and purification of recombinant proteins by using ultrafiltration membranes
ÇALIK P. (Co-Advisor), ÇULFAZ EMECEN P. Z. (Co-Advisor)
B.AKCAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2017 -
Enhanced recombinant human growth hormone production by synchronous populations of two different strains of Pichia pastoris under GAP promoter
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Defined and complex medium based feeding strategy development for recombinant human growth hormone production by P. pastoris under gap promoter
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
The effect of oxygen transfer conditions on recombinant glucose isomerase production by Pichia pastoris under glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
A comparative study for the production of recombinant intracellular glucose isomerase by Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Glucose-based feeding strategy development in recombinant human growth hormone production by Pichia pastoris for semi-batch bioreactor operation
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
A.KESKİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
Investigation of thermostable recombinant glucose isomerase production by sucrose utilizing Escherichia coli
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Effects of co-carbon sources in recombinant human erythropoitein production by pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Effects of CO-carbon sources in recombinant human erythropoietin production by pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Ş.MELDA(Student), Postgraduate, 2013 -
Human growth hormone production by metabolically engineered B. subtilis: Feeding strategy development
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Comparison of human growth hormone production performance of two different metabolically engineered Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Feeding strategy development for human growth hormone production by Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
B.BOZKURT(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
Physiological and biochemical screening of different Turkish lentil cultivars under salt stress conditions
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Comparison of human growth hormone production performances of two different metabolically engineered Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
H.GÜL(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
Metabological engineering of Pichia Pastoris for extracellular thermostable glucose isomerase production
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Metabolical engineering of Pichia pastoris for extracellular thermostable glucose isomerase production
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Ö.ATA(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
Recombinant transglutaminase production by metabolically engineered Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Extracellular recombinant human growth hormone production by pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Bioprocess development for thermostable glucose isomerase production
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Recombinant Pyrococcus furiosus extracellular alpha-amylase expression in Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
E.BOY(Student), Postgraduate, 2011 -
Enzyme enhanced ultrafiltration for the resolution of racemic mandelic acid
Effect of pH on erythropoietin production by recombinant Pichia pastoris in fed-batch operation
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Regulatory Gene Effects on Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Production by Bacillus subtilis
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Recombinant human growth hormone production by Pichia pastoris and determination of its interaction with peptide ligands
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Exponential feeding strategy development for benzaldehyde lyase production by recombinant "Escherichia coli"
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Novel bioconversion reactions for the syntheses of a-hydroxy ketones
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Effects of carbon sources and feeding strategies on human growth hormone production by metabolically engineered Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Effects of pH on human growth hormone production by Pichia pastoris considering the expression levels of regulatory genes
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Feeding strategy development for benzaldehyde lyase production by recombinant Escherichia coli BL21
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Affinity chromatographic purification of recombinant human growth hormone
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Bioprocess development for therapeutical protein production
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Recombinant therapeutic protease production by Bacillus sp.
ÇALIK P. (Co-Advisor), KOCABIYIK S. (Co-Advisor)
N.KORKMAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
Extracellular recombinant human growth hormone production by Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
M.ALİ(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
Investigation of bioprocess parameters for glucose isomerase production by Bacillus thermoantarcticus
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Influence of oxygen transfer on benzaldehyde lyase production by recombinant Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) pLySs
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Serin alkali proteaz sentezini kontrol eden aspartik asit grubu amino asitlerin proteaz üretimine etkisinin araştırılması
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
B.TOSUN(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
Chiral separations by enzyme enhanced ultrafiltration: Fractionation of racemic benzoin
Cloning and expression of benzaldehyde lyase gene from pseudomonas fluorescens biovar i in Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
A.BÜYÜKSUNGUR(Student), Postgraduate, 2006 -
Comparison of benzaldehyde lyase production capacity in recombinant Escherichia coli and recombinant bacillus species
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Cloning and expression ofbenzaldehydelyase from Pseudomonas fluorescens Biovar I in Pichia pastoris
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Obtaining durable enzyme powder via spray drying
Effects of pH and feeding strategy on metabolite profiling of beta-lactamase producing Bacillus licheniformis
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Aromatic amino acid synthesis performance of Bacillus acidocaldarius
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Determination of metabolic bottlenecks using reaction engineering principles in serine alkaline protease production by recombinant Bacillus sp.
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Effects of bioreactor operation parameters on intracellular reaction rate distribution in beta-lactamase production by Bacillus species
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Bioprocess operation parameters for recombinant benzaldehyde lyase production
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
P.YILGÖR(Student), Postgraduate, 2004 -
Comparative analysis of product and by-product distributions in defined and complex media in serine alkaline protease production by recombinant Bacillus subtilis
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
C.OKTAR(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Bioprocess desing parameters for beta-lactamase production by Bacillus species
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
E.ÇELİK(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Comparative analysis of product and by-product distributions in defined and complex media in serine alkaline protease production by recombinant Basillus subtilis
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Fed-batch strategy development for serine alkaline protease production
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
A.SİNEM(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Bioprocess design parameters for beta-lactamase production by Bacillus species
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
Investigation of bioreactor operation conditions for serine alkaline protease production by Bacillus subtilis
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
E.ÖZDEMİR(Student), Postgraduate, 2003 -
Rekombinant proteaz üretiminde biyoreaktör işletim parametrelerinin hücreiçi tepkime hızlarına ve verime etkisi
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
E.BİLİR(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
Rekombinant bacillus türleri ile serin alkali proteaz üretimi için kompleks ortamda oksijen aktarımı etkilerinin araştırılması
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
N.PEHLİVAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Serin alkali proteaz geni SubC bacillus plasmidlerine klonlanarak rekombinant biyokatalizör ile alkali proteaz üretimi
ÇALIK P. (Advisor)
N.KALENDER(Student), Postgraduate, 2000