Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings


XXIX CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON URBAN FORM 2022 Urban Redevelopment and Revitalisation A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 6 - 08 September 2022

Three Hagia Sophias Between Official and Unofficial Practices of Heritage Preservation

24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice, Italy, 22 - 27 August 2022, vol.1, pp.19

Absent Presents: Musealisation of Hasankeyf’s Historic Monuments

Society of Architectural Historians Virtual Conference, Çevrimiçi, United States Of America, 13 April 2021

Multiple neo-Ottomanisms in the Construction of Turkey’s (Trans)national Heritage

ACHS 2020 FUTURES – Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference, Çevrimiçi, United Kingdom, 26 August 2020, pp.764-765

Three Hagia Sophias as Ideological Battlegrounds of Architectural Conservation

23rd Symposium of the Comité International Des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (CIEPO), Sofya, Bulgaria, 11 September 2018, pp.43-44

Architectural Traces of the 19th century Industrialization: Ayvalık Historic Depots Region

Architectural History Conference/ Turkey I, Ankara, Turkey, 20 October 2010, pp.419-432

Patron’s Final Manifestations: Funerary Architecture in Lycia

Spaces/Times/Peoples: Patronage and Architectural History Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, 03 December 2009, pp.25-41

Evaluating Adaptive Re-use of Historic Buildings as Museums through the Selected Cases from Ankara, Turkey

Conservation of Architecture, Urban Areas, Nature & Landscape: Towards a Sustainable Survival of Cultural Landscapes, Proceedings of Heritage 2011 Conference, Amman, Jordan, 14 March 2011, vol.2, pp.381-396

Making the Invisible Visible: Presenting urban archaeology in Tarsus

International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Viyana, Austria, 15 November 2010

The Role of Museums in Heritage Conservation in Turkey

World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Barcelona, Spain, 19 July 2010
Books & Book Chapters

Right(s) to Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia: Rethinking Heritage as “Commons”

in: A Shared Global Heritage: Architectural History, Conservation, and Preservation, Barbara Faedda, Editor, Columbia University Press, New York , New York, pp.29-43, 2023

A Brief History of Conservation and Planning Studies in Tarsus, Turkey and their Impact on Urban Stratification

in: Topluma Adanmış Bir Yaşam Prof. Dr. Ömür Bakırer Armağanı, Ali Uzay Peker,Neriman Şahin Güçhan, Editor, ODTÜ Basım İşliği, Ankara, pp.137-158, 2021

The Mutual Construction of Heritage and Emergency: Neo-Ottomanist Heritage Policies in 2010s' Turkey

in: Architectures of Emergency in Turkey: Heritage, Displacement and Catastrophe, Eray Çaylı,Pınar Aykaç,Sevcan Ercan, Editor, I.B.Tauris, London, pp.21-42, 2021

Resmî ve Resmî Olmayan Kültürel Miras Koruma Pratikleri İkilemindeki İznik ve Trabzon Ayasofyaları

in: Dünden Bugüne Bugünden Düne: Türkiye’de Kültürel Miras, Kimlik ve Bellek İnşası, Bahar Aykan, Editor, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, İstanbul, pp.3-34, 2021

Yangın Mahali’nden ‘Arkeoloji Parkı’na: Sultanahmet Bölgesi’nde Erken Bir Kentsel Arkeolojik Koruma Deneyimi (1912–1953)

in: İstanbul’dan Bizans’a Yeniden Keşfin Yolları, 1800-1955, Brigitte Pitarakis’, Editor, Pera Müzesi, İstanbul, pp.336-359, 2021

Kommagene sanatında Pers etkisi: Haydaran Kaya Mezarları ve Kaya Anıtı

in: Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı, ŞAHİN GÜÇHAN, NERİMAN, Editor, Pozitif Matbaa, Ankara, pp.250-261, 2017

Kırsalda bir Nekropol: Atmalı Kaya Mezarları

in: Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı, Şahin Güçhan, Neriman, Editor, Pozitif Matbaa, Ankara, pp.329-342, 2017

Tharse’den Turuş’a: Höyükler ve Kaya Mezarları

in: Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı, Şahin Güçhan, Neriman, Editor, Pozitif Matbaa, Ankara, pp.309-328, 2017

Design Interventions as Regenerators in Historic Towns Proposals For Ayvalik Historic Depots Region

in: The Urban Project: Architectural Intervention in Urban Areas, Leen van Duin,Roberto Cavallo,François Claessens and Hank Engel, Editor, IOS Press , Amsterdam, pp.24-33, 2008



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