Ecologist with focus on community, aquatic and avian ecology. Current research focus on freshwater and sea interactions, seabird ecology and conservation. Assistant professor at the Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University. PhD (Denmark) on modelling community assembly and MSc (Turkey) on experimental limnology. Strong experience on scripting for ecological statistics using R and spatial analyses using ArcGIS. Led and participated in >15 months fieldwork on antarctic/arctic lakes, experimental limnology (mesocosms), ecosystem monitoring and avian communities in Turkey, Denmark, Greenland, Antarctica as weel as Mediterranean, Marmara and Black Seas. Experienced in limnological lab work (chemistry and stable isotope analyses, zooplankton identification). Supervised 3 MSc and >10 undergraduate students. Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses on aquatic ecology, statistics and GIS. Published 17 manuscripts (eight first-author/first-authored by my students) with 581 google scholar citations and eight finished manuscripts in different stages of submission. Co-authored nine scientific reports and 60 presentations. Accomplished scuba diver, birdwatcher and nature photographer.
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