WoS Research Areas:
Geosciences Multidisciplinary, Engineering Marine, Engineering Civil, Construction & Building Technology, Energy & Fuels, Engineering Geological, Engineering, Engineering Computing & Technology (Eng)
Avesis Research Areas:
Geographic Information Systems, Land Information Systems, Urban Geology, Engineering Geology foundations, earthquakes, dams, reservoirs, Renewable energy, Civil Engineering, Geotechnical, Foundation Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Deep Excavation, Ground Improvement, Renewable Energy Systems, Solar energy, Wind power, Multi-Criteria Decision Making Analysis, Engineering and Technology
Names in Publications:
Nejan Huvaj Sarihan, Nejan Huvaj-Sarihan, Huvaj Nejan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nejan
Huvaj, received B.S. degree in Civil Engineering at Middle East Technical
University (METU), Ankara, Türkiye and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Civil and
Environmental Engineering Department at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
USA, specialization in Geotechnical Engineering. She is currently a faculty member at METU in Ankara, Türkiye.
- nejan@metu.edu.tr
- Web Page
- https://avesis.metu.edu.tr/nejan
- Office Phone
- +90 312 210 5489
- Address
- ODTÜ İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, 06800, ODTÜ ANKARA