Zeynep Kalaylioglu obtained her Ph.D. degree in the Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University in 2002, advised by Profs Sastry Pantula and Sujit K. Ghosh. Her thesis title was Frequentist and Bayesian Unit Root Tests in Stochastic Volatility Models. In her thesis, she developed novel unit root tests to investigate stationarity of the time dependent volatility of financial series such as stock returns and exchange rates. She also holds graduate minor in Computational Engineering and Sciences at North Carolina State University. She worked as biostatistical data scientist for the Biostatistics Branch of Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics of US National Cancer Institute developing risk prediction models for important types of cancer and creating computer codes. She has been with Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi since 2007 enjoying to teach fundamental courses on theory of statistical sciences and computational courses. Her research focus is developing dynamic models for important health, environmental and ecological phenomena. Her specific research is circular statistics and Bayesian statistics. She has been involved as researcher in numerous US government projects, TUBITAK supported projects, ans H2020 projects throughout her career.
- kzeynep@metu.edu.tr
- Web Page
- https://avesis.metu.edu.tr/kzeynep
- Office Phone
- +90 312 210 5305