I received my PhD in December 2008 from the Department of Central Eurasian Studies at Indiana University. I teach at the International Relations Department of Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. I was a visiting scholar at the Davis Center, Harvard University in 2016-17 Academic Year. I was a British Academy Newton Fellow in 2016-2021. My research interests cover the former Soviet region (FSU), nation-building, peace and conflict studies, migration and diaspora studies. I have published in journals such as International Political Science Review, International Migration, Central Asian Survey, Nationalities Papers and Bilig (Journal of the Social Sciences of the Turkic World).
Selected Publications
Kazakistan’da Ulus ve Devlet İnşasını Güçlendirici Bir Dinamik olarak Tarih Yazımı ve Tarih Bilincini Güçlendirme Çabaları, in Cengiz Buyar (ed.) Kazakistan: Tarih, Toplum, Ekonomi, Siyaset (Bişkek: BYR Yayınları, 2021), 85-103.
Internally Displaced Persons and the Cyprus Peace Process (2020) International Political Science Review, 41:1, 1-17, with Charis Psaltis, Hüseyin Çakal and Neophythos Loizides.
Constructing the Uyghur Diaspora: Identity Politics and the Transnational Uyghur Community (2018) Kurmangaliyeva Ercilasun G., Ercilasun K. (eds) The Uyghur Community. Politics and History in Central Asia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 85-103.
Changing Perception of Homeland for the Kazakh Diaspora (2016) Nationalities Papers, 44:3, 380-396.
Normative Power Europe in Central Asia: The Case of Kazakhstan (2014) Yearbook of Politics and International Relations, Vol.6, 127-154.
The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and the Homeland Cause (2014) Bilig: Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol.69, Spring, 143-160.
The Public Debate Surrounding the Ethnic Return Migration Policy in Kazakhstan (2014) International Migration, 52: 2, 178-197.
The Origins of Uyghur Long Distance Nationalism: The First Generation Uyghur Diaspora in Turkey (2013) Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Araştırmaları (OAKA) Dergisi, 8:16, 73-94.
The Egyptian American Diaspora during and in the Aftermath of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 (2012) Ortadoğu Etüdleri, 4: 1, 121-142.
Constructing the Homeland: Kazakhstan`s Discourse and Policies surrounding its Ethnic Return Migration Policy (2012) Central Asian Survey, 31: 1, 31-44.
- E-posta
- kuscu@metu.edu.tr
- Web Sayfası
- https://avesis.metu.edu.tr/kuscu
- İş Telefonu
- +90 312 210 2040
- Posta Adresi
- ODTÜ, İİBF Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü 06800 Çankaya/Ankara