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Institutional Information: Faculty Of Engineering, Department Of Mechanical Engineering




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Curriculum Vitae of Iskender GÖKALP                                                                                                                                          


Born 27 July 1951 in Istanbul; Turkish and French nationality


* METU, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey

Tel: +90 539 210 7669


* ICARE-CNRS, 45071 Orléans cedex 2, France

Tel : +33 6 89 09 76 62

Mail :


Education and professional positions

1962-1970                  Collège Saint-Joseph, Istanbul

1970-1974                  Aeronautical Engineer, Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi

1974-1981                  Master & PhD, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, Paris

1979-1981                  Assistant Professor at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris

1981-1983                 Associate Professor at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris

1983-1994                 CNRS Senior Researcher, CRCCHT/LCSR, Orléans

1994-Nov. 2016          CNRS Research Director, LCSR/ICARE, Orléans

Nov. 2016-                  CNRS Emeritus Research Director, ICARE, Orléans

Dec. 2019-                  Professor Dr. at METU Mechanical Engineering Department, Ankara, supported by the TUBITAK Outstanding researchers program    


2006                           Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques (France)

2014                           « Boris Gelfand » Medal of the Russian Academy of Science / Russian                                              Section of the Combustion Institute

2018                           Fellow of the International Combustion Institute

2019                           Fellow of the TUBITAK Outstanding International Researchers program


Research laboratories management responsibilities

1983-               Founding Leader, « Combustion & Turbulence» research group of the CRCCHT/LCSR/ICARE, CNRS, Orléans, France

1983-1990       Deputy Director, CNRS Program on Science-Technology-Society

1998-2005      Founding Director, Research Federation « Energetics, Propulsion, Space &                                    Environment - EPEE», CNRS / University of Orléans

2001-2008      Founding Director, National Technological Research Center “Propulsion of the                              Future”, French Ministry of Research

2003-2006      Director, “Combustion & Reactive Systems Laboratory –LCSR”, CNRS, Orléans

2007-2017       Founding  Director, “Institute of Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivity & Environment “- ICARE, CNRS)

2011-2017      Founding Director, French Excellency Center «Chemical Kinetics &                                           Aerothermodynamics for Clean and Safe Propulsion and Energy Systems –                               CAPRYSSES, CNRS / University of Orléans

2017-              Emeritus Research Director at ICARE-CNRS, Orléans



Research Domains: Energy, Propulsion, Environment, Science and Technology studies

Turbulent combustion, multiphase combustion, turbulence, gasification of coal and other organic materials, gasification in supercritical water, hydrothermal carbonization, metal combustion, combustion in microgravity, laser diagnostics for combustion, variable density turbulent flows, generation and combustion of hydrogen, high pressure combustion, modelling and numerical simulation of turbulent reacting flows, interdisciplinarity, impact of technology on society


Publications listed in the Web of Science core collection : 165

Sum of times cites without self citations : 3186; H Index : 33


Google scholar: All citations : 6569; indice h : 45; indice i10: 136


Teaching & Educational Responsibilities

Several teaching and management responsibilities at the University of Orléans since 1983 (list on demand). Supervisor of 70 PhD students (list on demand).

2019- Professor of Combustion at METU, Mechanical Engineering Department


International Responsabilities

Member, Board of Directors, Combustion Institute (2004-2016)

President, Federation of the European Sections of the Combustion Institute (2000-2015)

Organizer of the European Combustion Meetings (2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015)

President of the French Section of the Combustion Institute (1999-2002)


President, ILASS-Europe (2007-2014); Vice-President, ILASS-Europe (2002-2007)


Membre,  European Technology Platform « Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants »; Leader, Working

Group Technology Management du Demonstation & Implementation Task Force (2007-2014)

Membre, European Turbine Network, Fuel Flexibility Working Group Chair (2006-2014)

Voting Membre of the General Assembly of the International  Astronautical Federation –IAF (2000-2016)

French Delegate, Fondation de Recherche Internationale sur les Flammes-FRIF (2003-2015)

Membre, Conseil Scientifique du Marmara Research Institute, TUBITAK, Turkey (2003-2006)

Membre, Microgravity Advisory Committee, European Space Agency (1995-2000)

Membre,  Physical Sciences Working Group, European Space Agency (1995-2000)

Membre, Exploration Scientific Expert Group, European Space Agency (2000-2005)

Membre du Propellants and Combustion Technical Committee du American Institute of    Aeronautics and        Astronautics-AIAA (1998-)

Senior Member AIAA

Leader, Franco-Japanese (CNRS/CNES/NEDO) program on Microgravity Combustion (1995-2000)

Founding Director, Franco-Italian Research Group on the Energetics & Safety of Hydrogen (2005-2008)


Coordination of European and international research programs

EU FP7-ENERGY-2011-1 OPTIMASH Optimizing gasification of high-ash content coals for electricity generation (2011-2016)

EU FP5-projet AFTUR Alternative fuels for gas turbines 2003-2007

EU FP4-FAIR-projet ACREVO (Combustion of vegetable oils)

(also participant to the EU FP1 to FP3 Energy programs as partner)

EU Training and Mobility of Researchers Program, Project FAPS, several INTAS projects ; and several other  projects with ESA, Volkswagen, NSF, NEDO, TUBITAK, ROKETSAN, Tübitak SAGE, CNR…

Coordinator of several French R&D programs in the energy and propulsion domains (list on demand)


Editor of Scientific Journals

* Editor (with Roland Borghi) of the French Combustion Journal “Combustion”, Gordon & Breach Science                Publishers (2001-2005)

* Associate Editor, AIAA Journal (2000-2003)

* Associate Editor, Combustion Science & Technology (2003-2010)

* Membre, Editorial Board, Atomization and Sprays (2002-2010)

* Membre, Editorial Board, Aerospace (2014-)

Reviewer for

Combustion and Flame; Combustion Science and Technology; Atomization and Sprays; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; Fuel; Energy & Fuels; Flow, Turbulence and Combustion; Energies; Biofuels; Waste Management; Applied Energy; Journal of the Energy Institute; Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science; Journal of Supercritical Fluids; Journal of Fuel Processing Technology; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Heat Transfer Research; Journal of Chemistry; Tunneling and Underground Space Technology; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy; Energy and Power Engineering; Physics of Fluids…


And also for the promotion of colleagues at the University of Illinois in Chicago ; Cambridge University ; Cornell University; Pennsylvania State University; NRC, McGill University… 

And project evaluator for NASA, NSF, ASI, Canadian Space Agency…


Dr. İskender Gökalp received his Aeronautical Engineering degree from the Istanbul Technical University (1974) and a PhD on Combustion (1981) from Paris VI University (Université Pierre et Marie Curie). Between 1979 and 1983 he was assistant and associate professor at the Faculty of Mechanics of this university and he joined the French National Centre for Scientific Research in October 1983 as Senior Scientist. In 2003, he became the Director of the Laboratory of Combustion and Reactive Systems in Orleans. In 2007, he founded the Institute on Combustion, Aerothermal Sciences, Reactivity and Environment (ICARE) and was its Director until November 2016. In 2011, he founded the French Centre of Excellence on Chemical Kinetics and Aerothermodynamics of Clean and Safe Energy and Propulsion Systems (CAPRYSSES); he directed this Centre until November 2016.

His main research domains concern chemical energy conversion for energy generation and aerospace propulsion. Examples of his expertise areas are combustion systems for gaseous, liquid and solid fuels, mainly turbulent combustion, droplet and spray combustion, microgravity combustion, high pressure combustion, coal and biomass combustion and gasification, waste to energy topics (such as the disposal and valorisation of sewage sludge, food and agricultural waste, scrap tires), hydrogen generation and combustion, CO2 capture and valorisation, combustion technologies for aerospace propulsion.

He is the author of 165 publications referred in the WEB of Science core collection and has an H-Index of 33 with 3186 citations received without self citations. He supervised 70 PhDs in combustion and related domains at the University of Orléans. He had several national and international responsibilities, such as President of the Federation of the European Sections of the Combustion Institute (2001-2014). He was the Principal investigator of several French, European and International research programs on energy, combustion and propulsion topics with various academic and industrial partners. One such recent important program he coordinated was the EU funded project OPTIMASH (2011-2016) on the gasification of Indian and Turkish high ash coals. He also has continuous activities in the social studies of science and technology areas, mainly on interdisciplinarity, social studies of science & technology, dynamics of network industries, both for Turkish and international socio-economic conditions.

Presently, he is an Emeritus research director at ICARE-CNRS, Orléans. In December 2019 he started a research professorship at the Middle East Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Department, in Ankara. This position is supported by the TUBITAK International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers Program. He is also the CEO of the company IGDEAS Energy and Defence Technologies A.S. located at the Technopark of METU in Ankara

He is Recipient of the French distinction “Chevalier des Palmes Académiques (2006) and of the Boris Gelfand Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2014). He is a Fellow of the International Combustion Institute (2018).

Some recent publications

Karaca, M., Kaya D., Yozgatligil A., Gökalp, I. (2021) Modeling and numerical simulations of lignite char gasification with CO2: the effect of gasification parameters on internal transport phenomena. FUEL Volume 285, 1 February 2021. DOI:

Seray Zora Tarhan, Anıl Tevfik Koçer, Didem Özçimen, Iskender Gökalp (2021) Cultivation of green microalgae by recovering aqueous nutrients in hydrothermal carbonization process water of biomass wastes. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING. DOI:

Diakaridia Sangare, Stéphane Bostyn, Mario Moscosa-Santillan, Iskender Gökalp (2021) Hydrodynamics, heat transfer and kinetics reaction of CFD modeling of a batch stirred reactor under hydrothermal carbonization conditions. Accepted for publication in ENERGY. EGY_119635

Jayaraman, K., Kök, MV., Gökalp, I (2020) Combustion mechanism and model free kinetics of different origin coal samples: Thermal analysis approach. ENERGY Volume: 204 Article Number: 117905. DOI: 10.1016/

Seray Zora Tarhan, Anıl Tevfik Koçer, Didem Özçimen, İskender Gökalp (2020) Utilization of hydrothermal process water for microalgal growth. EURASIAN J BIO CHEM SCI 3(1): 42-47. DOI:

Iskender Gökalp (2020) Hidrojenin Enerji Vektörü olarak Güvenli Gelişimini Teşvik Etmek İçin Holistik Bir Yaklaşım. MÜHENDIS VE MAKINA GÜNCEL, Mart 2020, ss. 34-41

Rana, R., Nanda, S., Reddy, SN., Dalai, AK., Kozinski, JA., Gökalp, I. (2020) Catalytic gasification of light and heavy gas oils in supercritical water. JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE 93: 2025-2032 DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2020.04.018

Zaidaoui, H., Boushaki, T., Koched, A., Sautet, JC., Sarh, B.,Gökalp, I. (2020) Experimental Study of EGR Dilution and O2 Enrichment Effects on Turbulent Non-Premixed Swirling Flames COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2020.1786375

Sangare, D., Missaoui, A., Bostyn, S., Belandria, V., Moscosa-Santillan, M., Gökalp, I. (2020) Modeling of Agave Salmiana bagasse conversion by hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) for solid fuel combustion using surface response methodology. AIMS ENERGY 8: 538-562. DOI: 10.3934/energy.2020.4.538

Döngüsel Ekonomi Cözümleri, FORBES Ocak 2020, pp. 216-218

Enerji Sistemleri ve Hidrojen, FORBES Subat 2020, ss. 50-52

Toplumsal Kabullenebilen Risk, YENI AKTÜEL WEEKEND Mart 2020, ss. 32-33


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