1986 - Continues Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1984 - 1985 Assistant Professor
Michigan State University, Graduate School Of Engineering, Electrical Eng. And Systems Science Department
2002 - 2008 Erasmus Program Institutional Coordinator
Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office
2000 - 2008 Rector's Advisor
Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office
2016 - Continues Mütevelli Heyet Üyesi
ODTÜ Prof.Dr.Mustafa.N.Parlar Eğitim ve Araştırma Vakfı
1996 - Continues Prof.
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
2017 - 2018 TEYDEB ELOTEG Yürütme Komitesi üyesi
2011 - 2012 Uzman, Hakem
European Commission, Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture, Lifelong Learning Programme,
2004 - 2008 Yönetim Kurulu üyeliği
TÜBİTAK- UZAY Araştırma Enstitüsü
2004 - 2008 Bologna Uzmanı (Türkiye ekip üyesi)
2000 - 2008 Üniversitelerarası Kurul üyeliği
Üniversitelerarası Kurul
2000 - 2008 Araştırmacı ve Grup Koordinatörü
TÜBİTAK- BİLTEN Araştırma Enstitüsü
1986 - 1996 Y. Doçent ve Doçent
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
1984 - 1985 Y. Doçent
Michigan State University
1981 - 1984 Asistan
Ohio State University
1979 - 1979 Asistan
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
Optimal Placement and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Battery Energy Storage Systems
Güven A. N. (Advisor)
Optimum placement and cost-benefit analysis of battery energy storage systems
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
İ.HARUN(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
GIS based modelling and analysis of unbalanced LV distribution networks with distributed energy resources
Güven A. N. (Advisor)
Newton-Raphson based load flow analysis of AC/DC distribution systems with distributed generation
Güven A. N. (Advisor)
Monte Carlo based control algorithm for economic feasibility of v2G applications
Güven A. N. (Advisor)
Assessment of impacts of electric vehicles on low voltage distribution networks in Turkey
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Optimization of location and number of lightning arresters in 420 kV substations in turkish high voltage electricity system
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Technical evaluation of synchronous interconnection between Mashriq Countries /
GÜVEN A. N. (Co-Advisor), Güven A.(Co-Advisor)
Transmission system security study for Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Optimal determination and allocation of secondary frequency control reserve in a market environment considering ACE criteria /
GÜVEN A. N. (Co-Advisor), Güven A.(Co-Advisor)
Optimal determination and allocation of secondary frequency control reserve in a market environment considering ace criteria
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
A.GEREN(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
Optimal bidding strategies for day ahead electricity market by risk constrained stochastic price based unit commitment
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Technical evaluation of synchronous interconnection between Mashriq countries
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
G.YASİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
Determination of optimum values for voltage setpoints of power stations in Turkey
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Determination of wind power potential and optimal wind power plant locations in Turkey
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Design of a special protection scheme and supplementary controls regarding HVDC back to back interconnection between Turkey and Georgia
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Stochastic wind-thermal generation coordination for Turkish day-ahead electricity market /
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Price based unit commitment with reserve considerations
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Distribution network reconfiguration for loss reduction by multi branch exchange method
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Short term electricity price forecasting in Turkish electricity market
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Assessment of the effect of hydroelectric power plants' governor settings on low frequency inter area oscillations
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Modeling and investigation of fault ride through capability of variable speed wind turbines
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Congestion-driven transmission planning considering incentives for generator investments
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Subsynchronous resonance analysis for Elbistan-2 Thermal Power Plant
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
U.KARAAĞAÇ(Student), Postgraduate, 2002 -
An Object oriented approach to geographical information system applications for electric distribution systems
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
S.YÜREKLİ(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Evaluation of wheeling based on optimum power flow
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
A.KARADEMİR(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Switching overvoltages on the new interconnection between Turkey and Bulgaria
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
O.BÜLENT(Student), Postgraduate, 2001 -
Determination of real-time external system equivalents for power system contingency analysis
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
T.ÖZDEN(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Self-excitation of induction motors compensated by permanently connected capacitors
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Z.ÇAKIR(Student), Postgraduate, 2000 -
Implementation of linear programing based optimum power plan
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
İ.ALPAY(Student), Postgraduate, 1999 -
Object oriented graphical editor based power system analysis package implementation
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
O.ONAY(Student), Postgraduate, 1998 -
Computer simulation of substation grounding grid performance
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
T.ERTUĞRUL(Student), Postgraduate, 1997 -
Implementation of a communication system for distribution automation based on telephone network
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
H.ALTINOLUK(Student), Postgraduate, 1996 -
Design of an autometed mapping and facilites management system for electric distribution utilitis in Turkey
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
N.TUNCER(Student), Postgraduate, 1996 -
Trouble call analysis based on automated mapping and facilities management system
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
A.TÜMAY(Student), Postgraduate, 1996 -
An Object oriented graphical user interface for power system modeling
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Ö.YAZAR(Student), Postgraduate, 1995 -
Accurate determination of neutral conductor current distribution along low voltage feeders
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
A.AKSU(Student), Postgraduate, 1994 -
Feeder reconfiguration for loss reduction in distribution systems
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
A.DOUSTDAR(Student), Postgraduate, 1994 -
Design and implementation of a communication controller for supervisory control and data acquisition applications
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
İ.BIYIK(Student), Postgraduate, 1993 -
Overvoltages in elektric substations and protection with metal oxide surge arresters
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
Ü.HIZIROĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 1993 -
Vector computer implementation of fast decoupled load flow
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
S.HIZIROĞLU(Student), Postgraduate, 1991 -
Analysis of transient recovery voltages across high voltage circuit breakers
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
T.CAN(Student), Postgraduate, 1991 -
Fault analysis based on sparse vector methods
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
J.BADRAN(Student), Postgraduate, 1991 -
Short-term thermal unit commitment by dynamic programming approach
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
E.GÖKÇAY(Student), Postgraduate, 1991 -
Distribution substation control and monitoring based on an industrial MS-DOS computer
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
İ.BATUR(Student), Postgraduate, 1991 -
Insulation coordination study for Hilal/İzmir gas insulated substation
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
S.ŞERİFEKEN(Student), Postgraduate, 1990 -
Short-term on-line load forecasting algorithms in power systems
GÜVEN A. N. (Advisor)
İ.BESLEME(Student), Postgraduate, 1988