General Information

Institutional Information: Faculty Of Economic And Administrative Sciences, Department Of Business Administration
WoS Research Areas: Social Sciences (Soc), Social Sciences General, Sociology
Avesis Research Areas: Social Sciences and Humanities, Sociology, General Sociology and Methodology

Open Access


Deniz Demircioğlu is a PhD student at the Department of Sociology, METU. She completed her MBA thesis under the supervision of Assoc. Dr. Eminegül Karababa at METU. Her research areas are consumer culture theory and consumer behavior; she has worked on art products consumption and sustainable consumption contexts. During her MBA education, she took part in the Shape Energy Project, a European research platform for social sciences and humanities, and worked as an organizer in two workshops. She also has two publications within this project. She had her Bachelor of Science Degree from the Department of Mining Engineering, METU.