Yönetilen Tezler
Milimetrik dalga gunn diyot osilatörler.
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Değişik mesfet modellerinin karşılaştırılmaları ve değerlendirilmesi
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Yüksek güçlü mikrodalğa modüllerinin çözümlenmesi ve modellenmesi
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Design of a 500-1000 MHz MMIC vector modulator.
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Extraction and scaling of TOM model parameters of GaAs mesfets
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Extraction of the circuit parameters of the mesfet small-signal equivalent circuit
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Evaluation of DC parameters of mesfet tom equivalent circuit
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Noise analysis and low noise design of feed structures for active and passive antenna arrays
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Monolithic microwave integrated circuit phase shifters
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Receiver system analysis, design and implementation for the dect system
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Design of microwave power amplifier using MMIC technology
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Analysis and modeling of nonlinear microwave circuits
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Solution of electromagnetic problems by using transmission line matrix method
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Design of microwave mixers using MMIC technology
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Wideband mmic amplifier design
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Path loss measurements at 1.2 GHz in indoor environments
The design and realization of a low noise 3 to 6 ghz microwave amplifier by use of a cad program
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Computer aided analysis and design of distributed amplifiers at micrawave freqoencies
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Evaluation of circuit performance of arbitrary connected multiterminal microwave networks
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Analysis of combline directional couplers
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Recept on of standard time-signal for the synchronization of TRT timing
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Microwave GaAs fet low noise amplifier design
TOKER C. (Danışman)
On the theory and implementation of FM simultaneous transmission
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Fin line, its characteristics and analysis methods
TOKER C. (Danışman)
The definitions and measurements of the VCO parameters
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Varactor resistance at UHF and its effect on the parametric amplifier noise temperature.
TOKER C. (Danışman)
A new model and some novel circuit configurations for the step-recovery diode.
TOKER C. (Danışman)
Unified analysis of multiwire nonuniform transmission lines.
TOKER C. (Danışman)