2013 - Continues Associate Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy
2005 - 2013 Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy
2002 - 2005 Lecturer PhD
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy
1995 - 2001 Research Assistant
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy
2004 - Continues Erasmus Program Institutional Coordinator
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy
2013 - 2015 Faculty Management Board Member
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy
2007 - 2008 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy
2003 - 2004 Deputy Head of Department
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy
2005 - Continues Assistant Professor
2002 - 2005 Instructor/Reader
1995 - 2001 Assistant
On the beautiful as the symbol of the morally good in Kant's aesthetics
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
D.TANIK(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
Duration, temporality, and freedom: Self-creation in Bergson and Sartre
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
R.YILMAZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2022 -
The development of Hegel's immanent approach: Ancient scepticism and the method of phenomenology of spirit
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
B.ENGİN(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
The philosophical significance of death: a reconstructive interpretation of Hegel and Heidegger
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
A Critical analysis of Kant’s discursivity principle
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
The Embodiment of the individual self: a conceptualization of body in hegel’s phenomenology of spirit
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
The embodiment of the individual self: A conceptualization of body in Hegel's phenomenology of spirit
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
S.EMEK(Student), Postgraduate, 2018 -
Nature and the human standpoint in Kant’s critical philosophy
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Hegel and Kierkegaard on the relation between truth, selfhood and authorship
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Revealing the fact: The inseparable relation between the self and time
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
The dissolution of the frame problem from the perspective of embodied and enactive intertwinement of affect and cognition
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Thinking without the subject: Nietzsche‘s critique of Cartesian and Kantian subjectivity
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Antinomies and the problem of ontology in Hegel’s Science of logic
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Bergson's method of intuition: Towards a philosophy of life
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Z.KOÇKAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
Bergson’s method of intuition: towards a philosophy of life /
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Antinomies and the problem of ontology in Hegel's science of logic
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Ö.CENGİZ(Student), Doctorate, 2014 -
The relation between conciousness and the ego: the question of ethics in Sartre‘s early philosophy /
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
The relation between consciousness and the ego: The question of ethics in sartre's early philosophy
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
M.FUNDA(Student), Postgraduate, 2014 -
A Problem of self-consciousness and recognition in Hegel's phenomenology of spirit
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
The problem of self-consciousness and recognition in Hegel's phenomenology of spirit
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
S.GÜNAY(Student), Postgraduate, 2012 -
An inquiry into the disputable position of imagination in Kant’s philosophy
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Reconsidering the kantian concept of genius through the questions of nature, freedom and creativity
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
A step towards reconciliation: Hegel's Antigone and ethical life
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Spanning the gap: Heidegger's solution to the problem of transcendence and his critique of modern subjectivity
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
The significance of time in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
The problem of self-knowledge in Kant's critique of pure reason
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Dualities in Bergson revisited: Towards a reconciliation
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
G.KARAHAN(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
Dualities in bergson revisited: towards a reconciliation?
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
The relevancy of art and time in Heidegger's philosophy
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
Ending the exile of desire in Spinoza and Hegel
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)
How does consciousness exist?: a comparative inquiry on classical empiricism and William James
ÇIRAKMAN E. (Advisor)