General Information

Institutional Information: Faculty Of Economic And Administrative Sciences, Department Of International Relations
WoS Research Areas: Social Sciences (Soc), Social Sciences General, Arts & Humanities (Ahci)
Avesis Research Areas: Social Sciences and Humanities



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Thesis Advisory


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UN Sustainable Development Goals
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Kale is a member of the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, METU. She was the Chair of European Studies Programme between September 2020-March 2023 and she was also the Erasmus Coordinator for the Department of International Relations. Her research interests include the transformative power of the EU, EU-Turkey accession, politics of international migration, and Turkey’s foreign policy.


She has extended experience in interdisciplinary projects focusing on European integration, migration studies and Turkey-EU relations. Most recently, she was the Jean Monnet Module Coordinator for METU for MEDIATE (Mending the Gap in Turkey-European Union Relations in the Post-Pandemic Era) (February 2022-February 2025) funded by the European Commission through Marie Curie Actions. Previously, she has completed the GMF Alumni Leadership Action Project on “Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Bringing Together Refugee, Migrant and Host Communities” in collaboration with METUMIR, TOBB and EntreComp Europe, which was funded by the German Marshall Fund of the US. She was the consultant for the report on “Identifying Elements of Programming on Gender Based Violence in Refugee Communities in Turkey” with the DC based NGO HasNa.  She was also recently responsible for the research design, implementation and preparation of the part on ‘Mapping the Organization Structure of Turkey’s International Protection System’ in the ‘Turkey’s International Protection System Report’ lead by ICMDP. Earlier she acted as the team leader for the Migration and Mobility WP of the Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios (FEUTURE), a HORIZON2020 project ( a HORIZON2020 project. She also has experience in the following projects: EU FP6 Clandestino: Counting the Uncountable: Data and Trends Across in Europe; The EU and Sub-Regional Multilateralism in Europe’s Sea Basins: Neighbourhood, Enlargement and Multilateral Co-operation (EU4SEAS); Power and Regions in a Multipolar Order (PRIMO) (ITN); and Migration in the Mediterranean co-funded by the Cordoba University and the Spanish government. She 


She has consulted and presented her research at various international organizations including UNHCR, Council of Europe, OSCE and the UN. She was awarded various fellowships including the Turkey Europe Future Forum, Mercator-TÜSİAD-ECFR Fellowship, “Migration and Refugee Policies within the Framework of EU-Turkey Relations”, (2016), the European Marshall Memorial Fellows (EMMF) of the German Marshall Fund of the US in 2011.


She was a visiting faculty in different academic institutions including Harvard University (2016), University of Berkeley (2014), Boğaziçi University (2013), and Hitotshubashi University, Japan (2011) and held affiliated positions at the Migration Research Excellence Cluster and the Institute of European Studies, University of British Columbia (UBC); the Center for Sustainable Development, Simon Fraser University, Canada.


Her academic degrees include DPhil Politics (Oxford), PhD International Relations (METU), MSc European Studies (LSE) and BSc Political Science and Public Administration (METU).

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